NOC 0213 計算機和信息系統經理 (Computer And Information Systems Managers)


簡介 Intro


Architecture and science managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of an architecture, landscape architecture, scientific or statistical department, service or firm. They are employed by a wide range of private sector and government establishments as well as by architectural firms and scientific research companies.

Progression to senior management positions in the respective fields is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 計劃,組織,指導,控制和評估信息系統和電子數據處理(EDP)部門和公司的運作
  • Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of information systems and electronic data processing (EDP) departments and companies
  • 制定和實施電子數據處理和計算機系統開發和運營的政策和程序
  • Develop and implement policies and procedures for electronic data processing and computer systems development and operations
  • 約見客戶,討論系統的要求,規格,成本和時間表
  • Meet with clients to discuss system requirements, specifications, costs and timelines
  • 組織和管理信息系統的人員隊伍,設計,開發,實施,運營和管理計算機和通訊軟件,網絡和信息系統
  • Assemble and manage teams of information systems personnel to design, develop, implement, operate and administer computer and telecommunications software, networks and information systems
  • 控制部門,公司或項目的預算和支出
  • Control the budget and expenditures of the department, company or project
  • 招聘並指導計算機分析師,工程師,程序員,技術人員和其他人員,並監督他們的專業發展和培訓。
  • Recruit and supervise computer analysts, engineers, programmers, technicians and other personnel and oversee their professional development and training.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 計算機科學,工商管理,電子商務或工程大學本科或碩士學位
  • A bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science, business administration, commerce or engineering is usually required.
  • 系統分析,數據管理,軟件工程,網絡設計或計算機編程的多年經驗,包括監管經驗
  • Several years of experience in systems analysis, data administration, software engineering, network design or computer programming, including supervisory experience, are required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 通信系統設計經理 communication systems design manager
  • 計算機及相關服務經理 computer and related services manager
  • 計算機應用經理 computer applications manager
  • 計算機部門統籌 computer department co-ordinator
  • 計算機開發部門主管 computer development division head
  • 計算機設施經理 computer facility manager
  • 計算機經理 computer manager
  • 計算機網絡經理 computer networks manager
  • 計算機程序經理 computer programs manager
  • 計算機項目經理 computer projects manager
  • 計算機軟件設計經理 computer software design manager
  • 計算機系統運營經理 computer system operations manager
  • 計算機系統開發經理 computer systems development manager
  • 計算機系統經理 computer systems manager
  • 計算機化的信息系統經理 computerized information systems manager
  • 計算機化的技術信息管理 computerized technical information manager
  • 數據中心經理 data centre manager
  • 數據處理與系統分析經理 data processing and systems analysis manager
  • 數據處理主任 data processing director
  • 數據處理經理 data processing manager
  • 數據處理規劃經理 data processing planning manager
  • 技術管理總監 director of technology management
  • 主任,數據處理 director, data processing
  • 董事,信息系統的開發 director, information systems development
  • 董事,信息系統操作 director, information systems operations
  • 主任,軟件工程 director, software engineering
  • EDP​​​​(電子數據處理)經理 EDP (electronic data processing) manager
  • 電子數據處理(EDP)經理 electronic data processing (EDP) manager
  • 信息系統經理 information systems manager
  • 信息技術(IT)發展經理 information technology (IT) development manager
  • 信息技術(IT)整合經理 information technology (IT) integration manager
  • 互聯網系統管理員 Internet systems administrator
  • IT(信息技術)的開發經理 IT (information technology) development manager
  • IT(信息技術)整合經理 IT (information technology) integration manager
  • 管理信息系統(MIS)經理 management information system (MIS) manager
  • 經理,計算機及相關服務 manager, computer and related services
  • 經理,計算機應用開發 manager, computer application development
  • 經理,計算機應用 manager, computer applications
  • 經理,計算機設施 manager, computer facility
  • 經理,計算機遺留系統 manager, computer legacy systems
  • 經理,計算機系統操作 manager, computer system operations
  • 經理,計算機系統 manager, computer systems
  • 經理,計算機系統開發 manager, computer systems development
  • 經理,計算機信息系統 manager, computerized information systems
  • 經理,數據中心 manager, data centre
  • 管理者,數據處理 manager, data processing
  • 管理者,數據處理和系統的分析 manager, data processing and systems analysis
  • 經理,數據處理規劃 manager, data processing planning
  • 經理,EDP(電子數據處理) manager, EDP (electronic data processing)
  • 經理,電子數據處理(EDP) manager, electronic data processing (EDP)
  • 經理,信息系統 manager, information systems
  • 經理,信息技術(IT)實現 manager, information technology (IT) implementation
  • 經理,信息技術(IT)整合 manager, information technology (IT) integration
  • 經理,IT(信息技術)實現 manager, IT (information technology) implementation
  • 經理,IT(信息技術)集成 manager, IT (information technology) integration
  • 經理,管理信息系統(MIS) manager, management information system (MIS)
  • 經理,MIS(管理信息系統) manager, MIS (management information system)
  • 經理,網絡設計 manager, network design
  • 經理,軟件工程 manager, software engineering
  • 經理,系統 – 計算機系統 manager, systems – computer systems
  • 經理,系統開發 – 計算機系統 manager, systems development – computer systems
  • MIS(管理信息系統)經理 MIS (management information system) manager
  • 軟件開發經理 software development manager
  • 系統開發經理 systems development manager
  • 系統開發經理 – 計算機系統 systems development manager – computer systems
  • 系統實施經理 – 計算機系統 systems implementation manager – computer systems
  • 系統集成經理 – 計算機系統 systems integration manager – computer systems
  • 系統經理 – 計算機系統 systems manager – computer systems
  • 系統業務經理 – 計算機系統 systems operations manager – computer systems

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 計算機和信息系統主管(計算機和信息系統專業) Computer and information systems supervisors (in [217] Computer and information systems professionals)
  • 電腦工程師(軟件工程師和設計師除外) Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) [2147]
  • 計算機程序員和互動媒體開發者 Computer programmers and interactive media developers [2174]
  • 計算機服務公司總裁(高級經理 – 金融,通信和其他商業服務) Computer services company presidents (in [0013] Senior managers – financial, communications and other business services )
  • 數據庫分析師和數據管理員 Database analysts and data administrators [2172]
  • 信息系統分析師和顧問 Information systems analysts and consultants [2171]
  • LAN管理者(計算機網絡技術人員) LAN managers (in [2281] Computer network technicians )
  • 軟件工程師和設計師 Software engineers and designers [2173]




項目類別 線上申請
58 天
109 天
超級簽證 89 天
10 週
12 週
境內學簽續簽 89 天
畢業工簽境外申請 14 週
畢業工簽境內申請 119 天
119 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
7 个月
25 天
72 天




