NOC 0811 天然資源生產和漁業經理 (Managers In Natural Resources Production And Fishing)


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes managers who plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of establishments in forestry and logging, mining and quarrying, oil and gas drilling, production and servicing operations, and commercial fishing.

Progression to senior management positions in the respective industries is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 監督和分析林業,伐木,採礦,採石,或石油和天然氣業務的經營或伐木,採礦,石油和天然氣行業的服務,或商業捕魚等的運營情況。
  • Oversee and analyze operations in forestry, logging, mining, quarrying, or oil and gas operations or in services to logging, mining and oil and gas industries, or in commercial fishing
  • 必要時向高級管理人員推薦操作更換,確保滿足生產配額和程序。
  • Recommend operational changes to senior management when necessary to ensure that production quotas and procedures are met
  • 準備生產報告,以備高級管理人員進行審查,
  • Prepare production reports for review by senior management
  • 賦予與其他經理設置生產配額,計劃開採場地和製定政策的去除原料
  • Confer with other managers to set production quotas, to plan extraction sites and to develop policies for the removal of raw materials
  • 評估生產基地效率,以確定人員,設備和技術的充足,並在必要時更改工作時間表或設備
  • Evaluate efficiency of production sites to determine adequacy of personnel, equipment and technologies used, and make changes to work schedule or equipment when necessary
  • 確保遵守安全法規
  • Ensure adherence to safety regulations
  • 僱用人員和監督人員的培訓需求
  • Hire personnel and oversee training needs of staff
  • 可指示外圍活動,如構建施工便道或臨時宿舍。
  • May direct peripheral activities such as the construction of access roads or temporary living quarters.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

0811 天然資源生產和漁業經理任職要求 Employment requirements

  • 林業管理者通常需要林業科學或森林工程的學士學位。
  • Forestry managers usually require a bachelor’s degree in forestry science or forest engineering.
  • 採礦及採石業管理者通常需要採礦工程或地球科學的學士學位。
  • Mining and quarrying managers usually require a bachelor’s degree in mining engineering or earth sciences.
  • 石油和天然氣的經理通常需要地質學,地球科學或石油工程的學士學位。
  • Oil and gas managers usually require a bachelor’s degree in geology, earth sciences or petroleum engineering.
  • 通常需要多年特定行業主管經驗,並可能取代正規教育的要求。
  • Several years of experience in a supervisory occupation in the particular industry are usually required and may substitute for formal education requirements.

運輸貨運量經理 Managers in transportation freight traffic

  • 必需完成中學學業。 Completion of secondary school is required.
  • 可能需業務或運輸管理大專文憑或大學學位。 A college diploma or university degree in business or transportation administration may be required.
  • 必需具備多年的貨運相關的文書,業務或行政經驗。 Several years of clerical, operational or administrative experience related to freight traffic are required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 採礦總監 director of mining
  • 採礦業務總監 director of mining operations
  • 鑽井業務經理 drilling operations manager
  • 捕撈作業經理 fi​​shing operations manager
  • 林業和伐木經理 forestry and logging manager
  • 林業業務經理 forestry operations manager
  • 氣場業務經理 gas field operations manager
  • 測井生產經理 logging production manager
  • 採礦業務經理 manager of mining operations
  • 經理,鑽井作業 manager, drilling operations
  • 經理,捕撈作業; manager, fishing operations
  • 經理,林業和伐木 manager, forestry and logging
  • 林業業務經理, manager, forestry operations
  • 經理,氣場操作 manager, gas field operations
  • 經理,生產記錄 manager, logging production
  • 經理,礦山 manager, mine
  • 經理,石油鑽井 manager, oil well drilling
  • 經理,油井維修 manager, oil well servicing
  • 經理,泥炭沼澤 manager, peat bog
  • 經理,生產 – 煤炭開採 manager, production – coal mining
  • 經理,採石場 ​​manager, quarry
  • 管理者,原材料生產 manager, raw materials production
  • 經理,林地 manager, woodlands
  • 礦長 mine manager
  • 礦監 mine superintendent
  • 採礦業務主管 mining operations director
  • 採礦業務經理 mining operations manager
  • 石油和天然氣鑽探總督 oil and gas drilling superintendent
  • 石油和天然氣田的生產經理 oil and gas fields production manager
  • 油井鑽探經理 oil well drilling manager
  • 油井服務經理 oil well servicing manager
  • 泥炭沼澤經理 peat bog manager
  • 生產經理 – 煤炭開採 production manager – coal mining
  • 生產部經理,石油和天然氣田 production manager, oil and gas fields
  • 礦場經理 quarry manager
  • 採石經理 quarrying manager
  • 採石業務經理 quarrying operations manager
  • 原料生產經理 raw materials production manager
  • 岸邊的隊長 – 釣魚 shore captain – fishing
  • 管理者,礦山 superintendent, mine
  • 院長,石油和天然氣鑽探 superintendent, oil and gas drilling
  • 管理者,煤礦井下 superintendent, underground mine
  • 管理者,樹林 superintendent, woods
  • 地下礦山管理者 underground mine superintendent
  • 地下開採監督 underground mining superintendent
  • 林地經理 woodlands manager
  • 樹林主管 woods superintendent

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 承包商和主管,石油和天然氣鑽探和服務 Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling and services 8222
  • 董事,第一產業的研究(建築和科學管理) Directors of research in primary industry (in 0212 Architecture and science managers )
  • 漁船船長和高級船員 Fishing masters and officers 8261
  • 農業經理人 Managers in agriculture 0821
  • 高級管理人員 – 建築,交通運輸,生產和公用事業 Senior managers – construction, transportation, production and utilities 0016
  • 主管,伐木和林業 Supervisors, logging and forestry8211
  • 主管,採礦和採石業 Supervisors, mining and quarrying 8221




項目類別 線上申請
58 天
109 天
超級簽證 89 天
10 週
12 週
境內學簽續簽 89 天
畢業工簽境外申請 14 週
畢業工簽境內申請 119 天
119 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
7 个月
25 天
72 天




