NOC 1225 採購代理和人員 Purchasing Agents And Officers


簡介 Intro


Purchasing agents and officers purchase general and specialized equipment, materials, land or access rights and business services for use or for further processing by their establishment. They are employed throughout the public and private sectors.

Progression to managerial positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 購買公司要用的活進一步加工的通用和專用設備,材料,土地或訪問權限,或業務服務。
  • Purchase general and specialized equipment, materials, land or access rights, or business services for use or for further processing by their establishment
  • 評估公司需求,制定要購買設備,材料和用品的說明
  • Assess requirements of an establishment and develop specifications for equipment, materials and supplies to be purchased
  • 邀請招標,與供應商諮詢報價並評估報價
  • Invite tenders, consult with suppliers and review quotations
  • 確定或協商合同條款和條件,向供應商提供合同或推薦合同裁定書
  • Determine or negotiate contract terms and conditions, award supplier contracts or recommend contract awards
  • 協商徵地或公共或私人用途的訪問權限,並指導進行實地調查
  • Negotiate land acquisition or access rights for public or private use, and may conduct field investigations of properties
  • 可以聘請,培訓或監督採購文員。
  • May hire, train or supervise purchasing clerks.
  • 採購代理和人員可以專注於特定的材料或業務服務,如家具或辦公設備購置。
  • Purchasing agents and officers may specialize in the purchase of particular materials or business services such as furniture or office equipment.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要商業管理,商業或經濟學大學本科學歷或大專文憑。
  • A bachelor’s degree or college diploma in business administration, commerce or economics is usually required.
  • 採購代理和購買專用材料或業務服務的人員可能需要相關大學學位或大專文憑。例如,工業產品採購員可能需要工程學士學位或大專文憑。
  • Purchasing agents and officers purchasing specialized materials or business services may require a related university degree or college diploma. For example, a bachelor’s degree or college diploma in engineering may be required for purchasers of industrial products.
  • 可能需要加拿大採購管理協會(PMAC)的採購從業證書。
  • A certificate in purchasing from the Purchasing Management Association of Canada (PMAC) may be required.
  • 可能需要採購文員或作為行政職員的以往經驗。
  • Previous experience as a purchasing clerk or as an administrative clerk may be required.
  • 可能需要國際權利方法協會(IRWA)的認證。
  • Certification from the International Right of Way Association (IRWA) may be required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 廣告買家 advertising buyer
  • 代理,路權即優先行駛權 agent, right-of-way
  • 分析師,採購合同 analyst, purchasing contracts
  • 業務服務的採購人員 business services purchasing officer
  • 買家 – 生產及加工 buyer – manufacturing and processing
  • 買方 – 採購 buyer – purchasing
  • 買家,廣告 buyer, advertising
  • 買家,媒體的時間和空間 buyer, media time and space
  • 合同索賠考官 contract claims examiner
  • 合同管理人員 contract management officer
  • 合同的談判 contract negotiator
  • 合同幹事 contracts officer
  • 能源資產的合資企業代表 energy asset joint venture representative
  • 能源資產的表面土地分析師 energy asset surface land analyst
  • 媒體估計師 estimator, media
  • 家具和陳設買主 furniture and furnishings purchaser
  • 政府補給幹事 government supply officer
  • 穀物買家 grain buyer
  • 酒店採購代理 hotel purchasing agent
  • 酒店採購人員 hotel purchasing officer
  • 土地代理 land agent
  • 土地談判代表 land negotiator
  • 石油承租人/男/女 – 石油和天然氣 landman/woman – oil and gas
  • 材料管理人員 material management officer
  • 物資採購人員 material purchasing officer
  • 材料統籌 materials co-ordinator
  • 媒體買家 media buyer
  • 媒體評估人 media estimator
  • 媒體時間和空間的買家 media time and space buyer
  • 礦產土地承包分析師 mineral land contracts analyst
  • 談判代表,採購合同 negotiator, purchasing contracts
  • 辦公設備採購人員 office equipment purchasing officer
  • 合同管理人員, officer, contract management
  • 鐵礦石買家 ore buyer
  • 客運和貨運率分析師 passenger and freight rates analyst
  • 石油土地管理員 petroleum land administrator
  • 採購人員 procurement officer
  • 產品管理員 products administrator
  • 紙漿用木材買家 pulpwood buyer
  • 購買者 purchaser
  • 買方,家具裝飾 purchaser, furniture and furnishings
  • 採購代理 purchasing agent
  • 採購合同管理員 purchasing contracts administrator
  • 分析師採購合同 purchasing contracts analyst
  • 採購合同管理人員 purchasing contracts management officer
  • 採購合同的談判 purchasing contracts negotiator
  • 採購合同官 purchasing contracts officer
  • 採購人員 purchasing officer
  • 採購主管 purchasing supervisor
  • 採購服務合同的談判 purchasing-services contracts negotiator
  • 無線電時間買家 radio time buyer
  • 餐廳採購代理 restaurant purchasing agent
  • 餐廳的採購人員 restaurant purchasing officer
  • 偏右的方式代理 right-of-way agent
  • 資深買家 – 採購 senior buyer – purchasing
  • 服務合同的談判 services contracts negotiator
  • 管理工作人員 stewardship officer
  • 儲存設備的採購統籌 storage purchasing co-ordinator
  • 主管,採購 supervisor, purchasing
  • 供應鏈專家 – 採購 supply chain specialist – procurement
  • 供應官,政府 supply officer, government
  • 電視的時間買家 television time buyer
  • 以及設施資產分析師 well and facilities asset analyst

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 採購和庫存控制人員 Purchasing and inventory control workers 1524
  • 採購經理人 Purchasing managers 0113
  • 零售及批發買家 Retail and wholesale buyers 6222




項目類別 線上申請
58 天
109 天
超級簽證 89 天
10 週
12 週
境內學簽續簽 89 天
畢業工簽境外申請 14 週
畢業工簽境內申請 119 天
119 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
7 个月
25 天
72 天




