NOC 2133 電氣和電子工程師 (Electrical And Electronics Engineers)


簡介 Intro


Electrical and electronics engineers design, plan, research, evaluate and test electrical and electronic equipment and systems. They are employed by electrical utilities, communications companies, manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment, consulting firms, and by a wide range of manufacturing, processing and transportation industries and government.

Supervisory and senior positions in this unit group require experience.

Engineers often work in a multidisciplinary environment and acquire knowledge and skills through work experience that may allow them to practise in associated areas of science, engineering, sales, marketing or management.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 對發電和配電網絡,電氣機械及零部件和電子通訊,儀器儀表和控制系統,設備和部件的可行性,設計,運行和性能進行研究
  • Conduct research into the feasibility, design, operation and performance of electrical generation and distribution networks, electrical machinery and components and electronic communications, instrumentation and control systems, equipment, and components
  • 對電氣和電子系統和設備,準備材料成本和時序估計,報告和設計規範
  • Prepare material cost and timing estimates, reports and design specifications for electrical and electronic systems and equipment
  • 電氣和電子電路,元件,系統和設備的設計
  • Design electrical and electronic circuits, components, systems and equipment
  • 在新的電子設備和產品的發展過程中,進行微型或納米器件模擬,表徵,流程建模和集成
  • Conduct micro or nanodevices simulations, characterization, process modeling and integration in the development of new electronic devices and products
  • 監督檢查電氣和電子系統和設備的安裝,改裝,測試和運行
  • Supervise and inspect the installation, modification, testing and operation of electrical and electronic systems and equipment
  • 制定電氣和電子系統和設備的維護和運行標準
  • Develop maintenance and operating standards for electrical and electronic systems and equipment
  • 電氣或電子故障調查
  • Investigate electrical or electronic failures
  • 準備合同文件和評估建設或維護招標
  • Prepare contract documents and evaluate tenders for construction or maintenance
  • 監督技工,技師,程序員,分析師和其他工程師。
  • Supervise technicians, technologists, programmers, analysts and other engineers.
  • 電氣和電子工程師可能專注在某些領域,包括住宅,商業或工業裝置,電力發電和輸變電,儀器儀表和控制系統的電氣設計。
  • Electrical and electronics engineers may specialize in a number of areas including electrical design for residential, commercial or industrial installations, electrical power generation and transmission, and instrumentation and control systems.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 必須具備電氣或電子工程或相關工程學科的大學本科學歷。
  • A bachelor’s degree in electrical or electronics engineering or in an appropriate related engineering discipline is required.
  • 可能需要相關工程學科碩士或博士學位。
  • A master’s or doctoral degree in a related engineering discipline may be required.
  • 需要獲得省級或地方的專業工程師協會的許可,才可以批准工程圖紙和報告,並作為一個專業工程師(專業工程師)實習。
  • Licensing by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is required to approve engineering drawings and reports and to practise as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.).
  • 從認可的教育方案畢業,並且同時具備三年或四年後的監督工程工作經驗,並通過專業實踐檢驗,才可以獲得工程師註冊資格。
  • Engineers are eligible for registration following graduation from an accredited educational program, and after three or four years of supervised work experience in engineering and passing a professional practice examination.
  • 有些雇主可能要求具備由加拿大綠色建築委員會提供的領先能源與環境設計(LEED)認證。
  • Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification is offered by the Canada Green Building Council and may be required by some employers.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 模擬放大器設計工程師 analogue amplifier design engineer
  • 天線工程師 antenna engineer
  • 音頻工程師 – 電力和電子 audio engineer – electricity and electronics
  • 航空電子工程師 avionics engineer
  • 播音專業工程師 broadcasting professional engineer
  • 首席電氣工程師 chief electrical engineer
  • 公司首席電子工程師 chief electronics engineer
  • 總工程師 – 電力 chief engineer – electric power
  • 總工程師 – 廣播電視 chief engineer – radio and television broadcasting
  • 電路設計工程師 circuit design engineer
  • 控制系統工程師 control systems engineer
  • 設計和開發工程師,電氣和電子系統 design and development engineer, electrical and electronic systems
  • 設計工程師,電氣 design engineer, electrical
  • 設計工程師,電力系統 design engineer, electrical power systems
  • 設計工程師,無線電和電視廣播系統 design engineer, radio and television broadcasting systems
  • 數字電路設計工程師 digital circuit design engineer
  • 顯示和控制設計工程師 displays and controls design engineer
  • 配電網規劃工程師,電氣 distribution planning engineer, electrical
  • 電氣和電子研發工程師 electrical and electronics research engineer
  • 電氣設計工程師 electrical design engineer
  • 配電工程師 electrical distribution engineer
  • 電能傳輸工程師 electrical energy transmission engineer
  • 電能傳輸規劃工程師 electrical energy transmission planning engineer
  • 電氣工程師 electrical engineer
  • 電氣工程師,過程控制 electrical engineer, process control
  • 電氣設備工程師 electrical equipment engineer
  • 電網絡工程師 electrical network engineer
  • 電力調度工程師 electrical power scheduling engineer
  • 電力系統設計工程師 electrical power systems design engineer
  • 電氣研發工程師 electrical research engineer
  • 電力系統規劃工程師 electrical systems planning engineer
  • 電子工程師 electronics engineer
  • 電子研發工程師 electronics research engineer
  • 電子測試工程師 electronics test engineer
  • 工程師,航空電子設備 engineer, avionics
  • 工程師,電氣佈局規劃 engineer, electrical distribution planning
  • 工程師,電氣能量傳輸 engineer, electrical energy transmission
  • 工程師,電氣能源輸電規劃 engineer, electrical energy transmission planning
  • 工程師,電子 engineer, electronics
  • 工程師,儀器儀表 engineer, instrumentation
  • 工程師,儀器儀表和控制 engineer, instrumentation and control
  • 儀表和控制工程師 instrumentation and control engineer
  • 儀表工程師 instrumentation engineer
  • 線路施工工程師 line construction engineer
  • 低壓成套設備工程師 low voltage equipment engineer
  • 儀表工程師 meter engineer
  • 計量工程師 metrology engineer
  • 微電子工程師 microelectronics engineer
  • 架空配電工程師 overhead electrical distribution engineer
  • 規劃工程師,電能傳輸 planning engineer, electrical energy transmission
  • 規劃工程師,電氣系統 planning engineer, electrical systems
  • 過程控制工程師,電氣 process control engineer, electrical
  • 過程儀表工程師 process instrumentation engineer
  • 專業工程師,廣播 professional engineer, broadcasting
  • 保護工程師,電氣系統 protection engineer, electrical systems
  • 保護繼電器工程師 protective relay engineer
  • 雷達工程師 radar engineer
  • 電台和電視台廣播設計工程師 radio and television broadcasting design engineer
  • 廣播電視系統設計工程師 radio and television broadcasting systems design engineer
  • 無線研發工程師 radio research engineer
  • 研發工程師 – 納米電子學 research engineer – nanoelectronics
  • 道路照明設計工程師 roadway lighting design engineer
  • 農村電氣化工程師 rural electrification engineer
  • 衛星天線工程師 satellite antenna engineer
  • 衛星儀表工程師 satellite instrumentation engineer
  • 服務工程師,電力系統 service engineer, electrical power systems
  • 信號工程師 signal engineer
  • 航天器的電子工程師 spacecraft electronics engineer
  • 技術服務,電氣工程師 technical services electrical engineer
  • 電視系統工程師 television systems engineer
  • 測試工程師,電子 test engineer, electronics
  • 地下配電工程師 underground electrical distribution engineer

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 計算機和信息系統經理 Computer and information systems managers 0213
  • 電腦工程師(軟件工程師和設計師除外) Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) 2147
  • 電氣和電子工程技術人員和技術人員 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians 2241
  • 工程經理 Engineering managers 0211
  • 軟件工程師和設計師 Software engineers and designers 2173




項目類別 線上申請
53 天
115 天
超級簽證 97 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 12 週
畢業工簽境內申請 138 天
138 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
24 天
65 天




