NOC 2134 化學工程師 (Chemical Engineers)


簡介 Intro

化學工程師研究,設計,發展化學工藝和設備,監督工業化學,塑料,藥物,資源,紙漿和紙張,食品加工廠的使用和維護, 履行相關化學質量控制,環境保護和生物化學生物技術工程。化學工程師受僱於製作和加工業,諮詢公司,政府,研究教育機構。

Chemical engineers research, design, and develop chemical processes and equipment, oversee the operation and maintenance of industrial chemical, plastics, pharmaceutical, resource, pulp and paper, and food processing plants and perform duties related to chemical quality control, environmental protection and biochemical or biotechnical engineering. Chemical engineers are employed in a wide range of manufacturing and processing industries, consulting firms, government, research and educational institutions.

There is considerable mobility between chemical engineering specializations at the less senior levels.

Supervisory and senior positions in this unit group require experience.

Engineers often work in a multidisciplinary environment and acquire knowledge and skills through work experience that may allow them to practise in associated areas of science, engineering, sales, marketing or management.

Chemical engineers work closely with chemists and other scientists and engineers and mobility is possible between some fields of specialization.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 開展化學,石油,紙漿和紙張,食品和其他加工行業的財政和技術可行性發展
  • Conduct economic and technical feasibility studies in areas related to chemical, petroleum, pulp and paper, food or other processing industries
  • 開展關於化學工程過程,反應和材料的發展和提高
  • Conduct research into the development or improvement of chemical engineering processes, reactions and materials
  • 評估化學工藝技術和設備並提出生產技術條件
  • Evaluate chemical process technology and equipment and determine production specifications
  • 設計測試化學工藝和相關的廠房和設備
  • Design and test chemical processing and associated plants and equipment
  • 監督試驗工廠,加工單位和廠房的建設,修改,使用和維護
  • Oversee the construction, modification, operation and maintenance of pilot plants, processing units or processing plants
  • 建立並開展質量控制項目,操作程序和控制策略來保證原材料,產品,廢棄物等符合標準
  • Establish and conduct quality control programs, operating procedures and control strategies to ensure consistency and adherence to standards for raw materials, products and waste products or emissions
  • 為工業建設過程準備合同文件並評估投標
  • Prepare contract documents and evaluate tenders for the process aspects of industrial construction
  • 監督技術人員和其他的工程師
  • Supervise technicians, technologists and other engineers
  • 負責行政工作,例如處理危險化學品,環境保護相關指導規則的發展和食品,材料,消費品的標準規範
  • May work in an administrative capacity, for example, in the development of guidelines and specifications for the handling of dangerous chemicals, environmental protection, or standards for foods, materials and consumer goods.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 化學工程相關專業學士學位
  • A bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering or in a related engineering discipline is required.
  • 化學工程相關專業碩士或博士學位
  • A master’s degree or doctorate in a related engineering discipline may be required.
  • 需要有省級或者地方的專業工程師協會許可,批准工程圖紙和報告,作為專業工程師的實踐經歷
  • Licensing by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is required to approve engineering drawings and reports and to practise as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.).
  • 工程師資格通過認可的教育計劃獲得併認可,三年或四年的工程監督經驗,通過專業實踐檢驗
  • Engineers are eligible for registration following graduation from an accredited educational program, and after three or four years of supervised work experience in engineering and passing a professional practice examination.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 粘合劑工程師 adhesives engineer
  • 生化與生物技術工程師 biochemical and biotechnical engineer
  • 生化開發工程師 biochemical development engineer
  • 生化工程師 biochemical engineer
  • 生物技術工程師 biotechnical engineer
  • 生物技術工程師 biotechnology engineer
  • 化學工程師 chemical engineer
  • 化學工程師,設計和開發 chemical engineer, design and development
  • 化學工程師,環境 chemical engineer, environmental
  • 化學工程師,生產 chemical engineer, production
  • 化學工程師,研究 chemical engineer, research
  • 化工工藝工程師 chemical process engineer
  • 首席化學工程師 chief chemical engineer
  • 首席工藝工程師 chief process engineer
  • 塗料工程師,化學 coatings engineer, chemical
  • 電化學工程師 electrochemical engineer
  • 工程師,膠粘劑 engineer, adhesives
  • 工程,生物技術 engineer, biotechnology
  • 工程師,化學過程 engineer, chemical processes
  • 工程師,塗料 engineer, coatings
  • 工程師,工業衛生 engineer, industrial hygiene
  • 工程師,紙漿和造紙 engineer, pulp and paper
  • 工程師,煉油廠 engineer, refinery
  • 工程師,廢物處理; engineer, waste treatment
  • 環境化學工程師 environmental chemical engineer
  • 環境工程,化學 environmental engineer, chemical
  • 炸藥工程師 explosives engineer
  • 燃料工程師 fuels engineer
  • 工業衛生工程師 industrial hygiene engineer
  • 工業廢物處理工程師 industrial waste treatment engineer
  • 液體燃料工程師 liquid fuels engineer
  • 石化工程師 petrochemical engineer
  • 石油煉廠工藝工程師 petroleum refinery process engineer
  • 管道運輸工程師 pipeline transport engineer
  • 塑料工程師 plastics engineer
  • 聚合物工程師 polymer engineer
  • 過程控制工程師,化學 process control engineer, chemical
  • 工藝工程師,石油煉油廠 process engineer, petroleum refinery
  • 項目工程師,化學 project engineer, chemical
  • 紙漿和造紙工程師 pulp and paper engineer
  • 紙漿和紙,化學工程師 pulp and paper engineer, chemical
  • 煉油廠工程師 refinery engineer
  • 廢物處理工程師 waste treatment engineer

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 農業和生物醫學工程師Agricultural and biomedical engineers (in 2148 Other professional engineers, n.e.c. )
  • 化學家Chemists (2112)
  • 土木環境工程師Civil environmental engineers (in 2131 Civil engineers )
  • 工程經理Engineering managers (0211)
  • 冶金與材料工程師Metallurgical and materials engineers (2142)
  • 石油工程師Petroleum engineers (2145)
  • 過程控制工程師,電氣或電子專業化Process control engineers with electrical or electronic specialization (in 2133 Electrical and electronics engineers )




項目類別 線上申請
58 天
109 天
超級簽證 89 天
10 週
12 週
境內學簽續簽 89 天
畢業工簽境外申請 14 週
畢業工簽境內申請 119 天
119 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
7 个月
25 天
72 天




