NOC 2221 生物技术专家和技术人员 Biological Technologists And Technicians


簡介 Intro


Biological technologists and technicians provide technical support and services to scientists, engineers and other professionals working in fields such as agriculture, resource management, environmental protection, plant and animal biology, microbiology, cell and molecular biology and health sciences, or may work independently in these fields. They are employed in both laboratory and field settings by governments, manufacturers of food products, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, biotechnology companies, health, research and educational institutions, environmental consulting companies, and resource and utilities companies.

There is limited mobility among occupations in this group.

Some technologists and technicians working in support of government and academic research in biology are university graduates.

主要職責 Main Duties

生物技術專家執行部分或全部下列職責:Biological technologists perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 設置和進行生物,微生物和生化試驗和實驗室分析,支持糧食生產,衛生,藥品生產,生物技術等領域的研究和質量控制
  • Set up and conduct biological, microbiological and biochemical tests and laboratory analyses in support of research and quality control in food production, sanitation, pharmaceutical production, biotechnology and other fields
  • 應用以下方法和技術,如顯微鏡,組織化學,色譜法,電泳和光譜
  • Apply methods and techniques such as microscopy, histochemistry, chromatography, electrophoresis and spectroscopy
  • 在農業,植物育種,畜牧業,生物學和生物醫學研究中執行實驗程序操作
  • Perform experimental procedures in agriculture, plant breeding, animal husbandry, biology and biomedical research
  • 進行實地調研和調查,收集水,土壤,植物和動物種群的資料和样品
  • Conduct field research and surveys to collect data and samples of water, soil, and plant and animal populations
  • 為保護漁業資源,野生動物和其他自然資源進行環境監測和遵守活動
  • Conduct environmental monitoring and compliance activities for the protection of fisheries stock, wildlife and other natural resources
  • 分析數據和編寫報告
  • Analyze data and prepare reports
  • 指導​​或監督業務方案,如魚苗孵化場,溫室和牲畜生產項目。
  • Conduct or supervise operational programs such as fish hatchery, greenhouse and livestock production programs.

生物技術人員執行部分或全部下列職責:Biological technicians perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 協助開展生物,微生物和生化試驗和實驗室分析
  • Assist in conducting biological, microbiological and biochemical tests and laboratory analyses
  • 執行有限範圍內技術職能,支持農業,種植養殖,畜牧業,生物學,生物醫學研究和環境保護
  • Perform limited range of technical functions in support of agriculture, plant breeding, animal husbandry, biology, biomedical research and environmental protection
  • 協助進行實地調研和調查,收集水,土壤,植物和動物種群的資料和样品
  • Assist in conducting field research and surveys to collect data and samples of water, soil, and plant and animal populations
  • 協助分析數據和編寫報告。
  • Assist in analysis of data and preparation of reports.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 生物技術專家通常需要完成兩到三年與農業,生物學,微生物學,野生動物資源管理相關的大專課程。
  • Completion of a two- to three-year college program in a field related to agriculture, biology, microbiology, wildlife or resource management is usually required for employment as a biological technologist.
  • 生物技術人員需要完成一到兩年的相關領域大學課程。
  • Completion of a one- to two-year college program in a related field is required for employment as a biological technician.
  • 省級協會的認證是可用的,但是自願考取的。
  • Certification with provincial associations is available, but voluntary.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 農業科學技術人員 agricultural sciences technician
  • 農業技術員 agricultural technician
  • 農業技術專家 agricultural technologist
  • 土壤學技師 agrology technician
  • 土壤學技師 agrology technologist
  • 農技師 agronomy technician
  • 農技師 agronomy technologist
  • 水產養殖技術員 aquaculture technician
  • 水生生物學技師 aquatic biology technician
  • 細菌學技師 bacteriological technician
  • 細菌學技師 bacteriological technologist
  • 生物實驗室技師 biological laboratory technologist
  • 生物技術員 biological technician
  • 生物技術專家 biological technologist
  • 生物技術技師 biotechnology technician
  • 植物園技術員 botanical technician
  • 植物技師 botanical technologist
  • 作物生產技術員 crop production technician
  • 奶製品技師 dairy products technician
  • 乳品技術專家 dairy technologist
  • 生態技師 ecological technician
  • 生態技師 ecological technologist
  • 鰻魚養殖技術員 eel culture technician
  • 昆蟲學技師 entomological technician
  • 昆蟲學技師 entomological technologist
  • 大田作物技術員 field crop technician
  • 大田作物技術專家 field crop technologist
  • 魚養殖者 fish culturist
  • 魚農場技師 fish farm technologist
  • 魚苗孵化場技術員 fish hatchery technician
  • 魚子技師 fish roe technician
  • 漁業技術員 fisheries technician
  • 漁業技術專家 fisheries technologist
  • 漁業細菌技師 fishery bacteriological technician
  • 漁業細菌學技師 fishery bacteriological technologist
  • 食品細菌技術員 food bacteriological technician
  • 食品細菌學技師的 food bacteriological technologist
  • 領班/男/女,動物園 foreman/woman, zoo
  • 取證調查員,毛髮和纖維 forensic examiner, hair and fibre
  • 法醫實驗室技師,生物 forensic laboratory technologist, biological
  • 棲息地的管理技術人員 habitat management technician
  • 魚類學技師 ichthyological technician
  • 魚類學技師 ichthyological technologist
  • 工業細菌學技師 industrial bacteriological technician
  • 工業細菌學技師 industrial bacteriological technologist
  • 生命科學的研究技術人員 life sciences research technician
  • 龍蝦養殖技術員 lobster culture technician
  • malacology技師 malacology technician
  • 哺乳動物技師 mammalogy technician
  • 哺乳動物學技師 mammalogy technologist
  • 海洋生物技術人員 marine biological technician
  • 海洋生物學技師 marine biology technician
  • 海洋生物技術專家 marine biology technologist
  • 海洋文化技師 marine culture technologist
  • 海水養殖技術員 marine farming technologist
  • 微生物技師 microbiological technician
  • 微生物學質量控制技術專家 microbiology quality control technologist
  • 微生物技術人員(醫療除外) microbiology technician (except medical)
  • 微生物技術專家(醫療除外) microbiology technologist (except medical)
  • 真菌技師 mycological technician
  • 真菌技師 mycological technologist
  • 納米生物技術技師 nanobiotechnology technician
  • 自然資源技術員 – 生物學 natural resources technician – biology
  • 鳥類技師 ornithological technician
  • 鳥類技師 ornithological technologist
  • 牡蠣養殖技術員 oyster culture technician
  • 養魚細菌技師 pisciculture bacteriological technologist
  • 植物育種技術員 plant breeding technician
  • 植物病理學技師 plant pathology technician
  • 植物病理學技師 plant pathology technologist
  • 家禽技術員 poultry technician
  • 家禽技師 poultry technologist
  • 科研技術,生命科學 research technician, life sciences
  • 海水養殖技術員 sea-farming technologist
  • 種子技師 seed technologist
  • 土壤細菌技術員 soil bacteriological technician
  • 土壤細菌學技師的 soil bacteriological technologist
  • 技術員,奶製品 technician, dairy products
  • 技術員,漁業 technician, fisheries
  • 技術員,微生物學(醫療除外) technician, microbiology (except medical)
  • 技術員,野生動物 technician, wildlife
  • 技術員,野生動物資源 technician, wildlife resources
  • 技師,漁業 technologist, fisheries
  • 技師,微生物學(醫療除外) technologist, microbiology (except medical)
  • 技術專家,野生動物 technologist, wildlife
  • 疫苗技術員 vaccine technician
  • 病毒學技師 virology technologist
  • 野生生物技術員 wildlife biology technician
  • 野生動物資源技師 wildlife resources technician
  • 野生動物技術員 wildlife technician
  • 野生動物技師 wildlife technologist
  • 動物園領班/男/女 zoo foreman/woman
  • 動物園主管 zoo supervisor
  • 動物園技術員 zoological technician
  • 動物園技師 zoological technologist

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 農業和魚類產品的檢查員 Agricultural and fish products inspectors 2222
  • 生物化學技術人員和生化實驗室技術員(化學技師和技術員) Biochemistry technologists and biochemistry laboratory technicians (in 2211 Chemical technologists and technicians )
  • 生物學家和相關的科學家 Biologists and related scientists 2121
  • 生物醫學工程技術人員(電氣和電子工程技術人員和技術人員) Biomedical engineering technologists (in 2241 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians )
  • 保護和漁政人員 Conservation and fishery officers 2224
  • 林業技術人員和技術人員 Forestry technologists and technicians 2223
  • 醫學實驗室技術人員和病理學家助理 Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists’ assistants 3212
  • 醫務化驗師 Medical laboratory technologists 3211




項目類別 線上申請
53 天
115 天
超級簽證 97 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 12 週
畢業工簽境內申請 138 天
138 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
24 天
65 天




