NOC 2273 甲板人員,水上運輸 Deck Officers, Water Transport


簡介 Intro


Deck officers, water transport, operate and command ships or self-propelled vessels to transport passengers and cargo on oceans and coastal and inland waters, and supervise and co-ordinate the activities of deck crews. This unit group also includes Canadian Coast Guard deck officers . They are employed by marine transportation companies and federal government departments.

Transport Canada administers a deck officer certification program, consisting of several levels. Progression from one level of certification to the next requires additional experience, training and testing.

Mobility between employers is possible for positions requiring the same level of certification.

Progression to management positions in transportation is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 命令和操作船隻或其他自航船,如駁船或石油鑽井平台,運送乘客和貨物
  • Command and operate ships or other self-propelled vessels, such as barges or oil rigs, to transport passengers and cargo
  • 命令和操作海岸警衛隊船隻,提供破冰和搜救服務,並保持對在加拿大水域經營的船舶的管理
  • Command and operate coast guard vessels to provide ice-breaking and search and rescue services, and to maintain control over ships operating in Canadian waters
  • 登上停泊的船隻或引航艇,提醒船舶船長在引航機構下,按照軌道安全駕駛進出港口,海上航道或其他水道
  • Board vessels at berth or from pilot boats to advise ships’ captains on the course to steer for safe passage into and out of ports, seaways or other waterways under pilotage authority
  • 使用航標計劃和執行安全航行的通道
  • Plan and execute safe navigational passage using navigational aids
  • 使用導航工具,地圖和圖表確定地理位置
  • Determine geographical position using navigational instruments, maps and charts
  • 在河流,溝渠,和其他密閉或危險的水域和水道引導船隻航行
  • Guide vessels in rivers, canals, and other confined or hazardous waters and waterways
  • 維修船隻的導航儀器及設備
  • Maintain vessels’ navigational instruments and equipment
  • 指導和監督裝卸貨物
  • Direct and oversee the loading and unloading of cargo
  • 監督和協調甲板船員的活動
  • Supervise and co-ordinate the activities of deck crews
  • 在船舶的航海日誌中記錄船舶進度,船員的活動,天氣和海況。
  • Record vessel progress, crew activities, weather and sea conditions in the ship’s log.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 必需完成中學學業。
  • Completion of secondary school is required.
  • 完成授權的航海學會甲板高級船員軍校課程
  • Completion of deck officer cadet program from an approved nautical institute
  • 或者要求具有一至三年的機組人員工作經驗。
  • One to three years of experience as a member of a deck crew is required.
  • 必需持有由加拿大運輸部頒發的甲板人員合格證書。
  • A deck officer certificate of competency, issued by Transport Canada, is required.
  • 對於船舶駕駛員,必需持有船舶駕駛員執照和能力碩士證書。
  • For ship pilots, a ship pilot licence and a master certificate of competency are required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 雇主學徒 – 小水域 apprentice master – minor waters
  • 隊長 – 水上運輸 captain – water transport
  • 隊長,渡船 captain, ferryboat
  • 隊長,海上鑽井平台 captain, offshore rig
  • 隊長,客船 captain, passenger ship
  • 隊長,自航駁 captain, self-propelled barge
  • 隊長,自走式鑽機 captain, self-propelled drilling rig
  • 船長,船舶 captain, ship
  • 行政官員,海岸警衛隊船隻 chief officer, Coast Guard vessel
  • 大副,船 chief officer, ship
  • 行政人員,船舶營運 chief officer, ship operations
  • 海岸警衛船指揮官 Coast Guard vessel commanding officer
  • 海岸警衛隊船隻的第一個值班人員 Coast Guard vessel first watchkeeping officer
  • 海岸警衛隊船隻航行人員 Coast Guard vessel navigation officer
  • 海岸警衛船二副 Coast Guard vessel second officer
  • 海岸警衛隊船隻的第二值班人員 Coast Guard vessel second watchkeeping officer
  • 海岸警衛船三副 Coast Guard vessel third officer
  • 海岸警衛隊船隻的第三值班人員 Coast Guard vessel third watchkeeping officer
  • 指揮官 – 水上運輸 commanding officer – water transport
  • 指揮官,海岸警衛隊船隻 commanding officer, Coast Guard vessel
  • 指揮官,疏通 commanding officer, dredge
  • 指揮官,海上鑽井平台 commanding officer, offshore rig
  • 甲板高級船員 – 軍校 deck officer – cadet
  • 甲板高級船員 – 水上運輸 deck officer – water transport
  • 甲板人員,自航駁 deck officer, self-propelled barge
  • 甲板人員,自走式石油鑽井平台 deck officer, self-propelled oil rig
  • 疏通隊長 dredge captain
  • 疏通指揮官 dredge commanding officer
  • 疏通伴侶 dredge mate
  • 渡船船長 ferryboat captain
  • 渡船大副 ferryboat first mate
  • 渡船僱雇主 ferryboat master
  • 渡船運營商 ferryboat operator
  • 大副 – 內陸水域 first mate – inland waters
  • 大副,渡船 first mate, ferryboat
  • 大副,外資持續 first mate, foreign-going
  • 大副,國內貿易 first mate, home trade
  • 大副,海洋鑽機 first mate, offshore drilling rig
  • 大副,自走式鑽機 first mate, self-propelled drilling rig
  • 大副,船 first mate, ship
  • 第一值班人員,海岸警衛隊船隻 first watchkeeping officer, Coast Guard vessel
  • 外商大副 foreign-going first mate
  • 遠洋二副 foreign-going second mate
  • 海港試點 harbour pilot
  • 國內貿易大副 home trade first mate
  • 國內貿易僱雇主 home trade master
  • 國內貿易二副 home trade second mate
  • 氣墊船大師 hovercraft master
  • 內陸導航大副 inland navigation mate
  • 初中的大副,船舶 junior mate, ship
  • 水手 /男/女 launchman/woman
  • 雇主 – 內陸水域 master – inland waters
  • 雇主 – 小水域 master – minor waters
  • 雇主 – 水上運輸 master – water transport
  • 商船船長 master mariner
  • 雇主,疏通 master, dredge
  • 雇主,渡船 master, ferryboat
  • 雇主,氣墊船 master, hovercraft
  • 雇主,自走式鑽機 master, self-propelled drilling rig
  • 雇主,船舶 master, ship
  • 大副 – 水上運輸 mate – water transport
  • 大副,國內貿易 mate, home trade
  • 大副,內河航運 mate, inland navigation
  • 大副,商船 mate, merchant navy
  • 大副,自走式鑽機 mate, self-propelled drilling rig
  • 大副,船 mate, ship
  • 商船大副 merchant navy mate
  • 導航員 – 水上運輸 navigation officer – water transport
  • 導航官,海岸警衛隊船隻 navigation officer, Coast Guard vessel
  • 人員,甲板 officer, deck
  • 人員,甲板 – 水上運輸 officer, deck – water transport
  • 官,導航 – 水上運輸 officer, navigation – water transport
  • 海洋鑽機大副 offshore drilling rig first mate
  • 海上鑽井平台隊長 offshore rig captain
  • 海上鑽井平台的指揮官 offshore rig commanding officer
  • 客船隊長 passenger ship captain
  • 試點 – 水上運輸 pilot – water transport
  • 試點,海港 pilot, harbour
  • 試點,船舶 pilot, ship
  • 河流試點 river pilot
  • 河船隊長 riverboat captain
  • 第二甲板高級船員 second deck officer
  • 二副 second mate
  • 二副 – 內陸水域 second mate – inland waters
  • 二副,外資持續 second mate, foreign-going
  • 二副,國內貿易 second mate, home trade
  • 二副,船舶 second mate, ship
  • 二副,海岸警衛船 second officer, Coast Guard vessel
  • 第二值班人員,海岸警衛隊船隻 second watchkeeping officer, Coast Guard vessel
  • 自航駁隊長 self-propelled barge captain
  • 自航駁甲板高級船員 self-propelled barge deck officer
  • 自走式鑽機隊長 self-propelled drilling rig captain
  • 自走式鑽機大副 self-propelled drilling rig first mate
  • 自走式鑽機大副 self-propelled drilling rig mate
  • 自走式石油鑽井平台甲板高級船員 self-propelled oil rig deck officer
  • 船舶大副 ship first mate
  • 船雇主 ship master
  • 船舶試點 ship pilot
  • 船舶值班伴侶 ship watchkeeping mate
  • 船長 ship’s captain
  • 船上的大副 ship’s mate
  • 隊長,拖輪 skipper, tugboat
  • 三副,船 third mate, ship
  • 三副,海岸警衛船 third officer, Coast Guard vessel
  • 第三值班人員,海岸警衛隊船隻 third watchkeeping officer, Coast Guard vessel
  • 拖輪船長 tugboat captain
  • 拖輪雇主 tugboat master
  • 拖輪船長 tugboat skipper
  • 值班大副,船 watchkeeping mate, ship
  • 值班人員 – 水上運輸 watchkeeping officer – water transport
  • 值班人員,海岸警衛船 watchkeeping officer, Coast Guard vessel
  • 水手/男/女 waterman/woman

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 工程師人員,水路運輸, Engineer officers, water transport 2274
  • 漁船船長和高級船員 Fishing masters and officers 8261
  • 海岸船長(運輸經理) Shore captains (in 0731 Managers in transportation )
  • 水上運輸甲板和機艙船員 Water transport deck and engine room crew 7532




項目類別 線上申請
58 天
109 天
超級簽證 89 天
10 週
12 週
境內學簽續簽 89 天
畢業工簽境外申請 14 週
畢業工簽境內申請 119 天
119 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
7 个月
25 天
72 天




