NOC 4215 殘疾人的指導員 Instructors Of Persons With Disabilities


簡介 Intro


Instructors of persons with disabilities teach children and adults using a variety of techniques to facilitate communication, rehabilitation, social skills and increased independence. They are employed in rehabilitation centres, specialized educational institutes and throughout the school system.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 根據客戶的特殊需求,制定個性化的教育和乾預計劃,以促進他們實施再教育和獨立目標
  • Develop individualized education and intervention plans based on special needs of client to facilitate their readaptation and independence objectives
  • 從以下領域領域評估個人,如物理限制,定向和行動技能,認知,社會和情感上的障礙,建立客戶端康復或適應目標
  • Assess individuals in areas such as physical limitations, orientation and mobility skills, and cognitive, social and emotional barriers to establish client rehabilitation or adaptation goals
  • 協助有身體,智力,視覺和聽覺障礙或多重障礙的個人,發展生活技能,並提供在職培訓
  • Assist individuals with physical, intellectual, visual and hearing disabilities or multiple disorders to develop life skills and provide job training
  • 指導殘障人士和他們的家庭使用康復技術,假肢裝置,輪椅和其他設備,旨在最大限度地提高客戶的獨立性和潛能。
  • Instruct individuals with disabilities and their families in the use of rehabilitative techniques, prosthetic devices, wheelchairs and other equipment designed to maximize clients’ independence and potential
  • 指導有視力障礙的人讀寫盲文,以及使用專用設備或支持者,如人或動物導遊,長手杖和其他自適應移動設備
  • Instruct persons with a visual impairment in reading and writing braille and in the use of special equipment or supports such as human or animal guides, long canes and other adaptive mobility devices
  • 根據個人的通信需求,指導聽力困難或耳聾的人進行唇讀,手指拼寫和手語
  • Instruct persons who are hard of hearing or deaf in lip-reading, finger spelling and sign language according to individual communication needs
  • 指導聽力困難或耳聾的人使用助聽器和其他設備和技術形成和發展聲音講話
  • Instruct persons who are hard of hearing or deaf in the formation and development of sounds for speech using hearing aids, and other devices and techniques
  • 也專家合作,如康復輔導員,語音語言病理學家和職業治療師,為客戶的特殊需求制定方案,
  • Collaborate with specialists, such as rehabilitation counsellors, speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists, to develop programs for clients’ special needs

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 必須完成特殊教育,康復,定向移動,視力障礙,聽力障礙或智力殘疾的大學課程。
  • Completion of a college program in special education, rehabilitation, orientation and mobility, visual impairment, hearing impairment or intellectual disability is required.
  • 可能需要特殊教育或相關領域,如社會工作或心理學的大學本科學歷。
  • A bachelor’s degree in special education or a related field such as social work or psychology may be required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 盲文指導員 braille instructor
  • 盲文老師 braille teacher
  • 手指拼寫老師 finger-spelling teacher
  • 行動不便的人的導師 instructor of persons with a mobility impairment
  • 盲人教練 instructor of persons who are blind
  • 聾人指導員 instructor of persons who are deaf
  • 聽力障礙人士指導員 instructor of persons who are hard of hearing
  • 學習障礙人士教練 instructor of persons with a learning disability
  • 視力障礙人的導師 instructor of persons with a visual impairment
  • 發育性殘疾人指導員 instructor of persons with developmental disabilities
  • 殘疾人指導員 instructor of persons with disabilities
  • 智障人士指導員 instructor of persons with intellectual disabilities
  • 有特殊需要的人教練 instructor of persons with special needs
  • 指導員,盲文 instructor, braille
  • 導師,方向和移動 instructor, orientation and mobility
  • 盲人的方向和流動性的導師 instructor, orientation and mobility of persons who are blind
  • 指導員,手語 instructor, sign language
  • 指導員,為殘疾人士提供特別節目 instructor, special programs for persons with disabilities
  • 教練為殘疾人士提供就業機會 job coach for persons with disabilities
  • 唇讀教練 lip-reading instructor
  • 唇讀老師 lip-reading teacher
  • 方向和流動講師 orientation and mobility instructor
  • 有視力障礙的人士定向行走指導員 orientation and mobility instructor for persons with a visual impairment
  • 盲人定向行走老師 orientation and mobility teacher for persons who are blind
  • 有視力障礙的人的方向和流動性教師 orientation and mobility teacher of persons with a visual impairment
  • 盲人康復指導員 rehabilitation instructor for persons who are blind
  • 有視力障礙的人康復指導員 rehabilitation instructor of persons with a visual impairment
  • 康復老師 rehabilitation teacher
  • 盲人康復老師 rehabilitation teacher for persons who are blind
  • 康復老師,有視力障礙的人 rehabilitation teacher of persons with a visual impairment
  • 手語教師 sign language instructor
  • 手語老師 sign language teacher
  • 特殊教育技師 – 殘疾人 special education technician – persons with disabilities
  • 自閉症人士老師 teacher for persons with autism
  • 智障人士老師 teacher for persons with intellectual disabilities
  • 盲文的老師 teacher of braille
  • 盲人的老師 teacher of persons who are blind
  • 聾人的老師 teacher of persons who are deaf
  • 聽力障礙人士的老師 teacher of persons who are hard of hearing
  • 聽障人士老師 teacher of persons who are hearing impaired
  • 行動不便的人的老師 teacher of persons with a mobility impairment
  • 有視力障礙的人的老師 teacher of persons with a visual impairment
  • 發展殘疾人士的老師 teacher of persons with developmental disabilities
  • 老師,手指拼寫 teacher, finger spelling
  • 老師,唇讀 teacher, lip reading
  • 教師,康復 teacher, rehabilitation
  • 老師,手語 teacher, sign language

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 職業治療康復顧問(職業治療師) Occupational therapy rehabilitation consultants (in 3143 Occupational therapists )
  • 特殊教育技師 – 社會和社區服務(社會和社區服務工作者) Special education technicians – social and community services (in 4212 Social and community service workers )
  • 特殊需要教育助理(小學和中學教師助理) Special needs educational assistants (in 4413 Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants )
  • 特別需求教師 – 小學(小學和幼兒園教師) Special needs teachers – elementary school (in 4032 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers )
  • 特別需要教師 – 中學(中學教師) Special needs teachers – secondary school (in 4031 Secondary school teachers )
  • 言語和聽覺治療師(聽覺病矯治專家和語音語言病理學家) Speech and hearing therapists (in 3141 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists )




項目類別 線上申請
58 天
109 天
超級簽證 89 天
10 週
12 週
境內學簽續簽 89 天
畢業工簽境外申請 14 週
畢業工簽境內申請 119 天
119 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
7 个月
25 天
72 天




