NOC 6552 其他客戶和信息服務代表 Other Customer And Information Services Representatives


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes customer and information services representatives who answer enquiries and provide information regarding an establishment’s goods, services and policies and who provide customer services such as receiving payments and processing requests for services. They are employed by retail establishments, contact centres, insurance, telephone and utility companies and other establishments throughout the private and public sectors.

Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 零售場所的客戶服務代表當面或電話回答客戶查詢,並調查有關機構的商品,服務和政策投訴; 安排退回商品的退稅,外彙和信貸事宜; 接收帳戶支付; 接收信貸和就業應用。
  • Customer service representatives in retail establishments answer, in person or on the phone, enquiries from customers and investigate complaints regarding the establishment’s goods, services and policies; arrange for refunds, exchange and credit for returned merchandise; receive account payments; and receive credit and employment applications.
  • 聯絡中心代理接受客戶的商品或服務訂單,促進商品或服務,對查詢和緊急情況作出反應,調查投訴和更新帳戶。
  • Contact centre agents take customer orders for goods or services; promote goods or services; respond to enquiries and emergencies; investigate complaints and update accounts.
  • 保險,電話,公用事業和類似的公司客戶服務代表解釋提供服務的類型和成本,訂購服務,提供有關索賠或賬戶信息; 更新賬戶; 開始計費和處理賠付; 接收服務費用。
  • Customer service representatives in insurance, telephone, utility and similar companies explain the type and cost of services offered; order services; provide information about claims or accounts; update accounts; initiate billing and process claim payments; and receive payment for services.
  • 信息服務代表通過回應電話和親自查詢,給客戶和公眾提供有關貨物,服務,計劃,價格,法規和政策的信息。
  • Information services representatives provide information to customers and the public concerning goods, services, schedules, rates, regulations and policies in response to telephone and in-person enquiries.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學學業。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 可能需要完成一些大學或其他中專課程。
  • Completion of some college or other post-secondary programs may be required.
  • 可能必需具備文員或銷售經驗。
  • Clerical or sales experience may be required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 賬戶信息店員 accounts information clerk
  • 調整店員 adjustment clerk
  • 服務員,旅遊展台 attendant, tourist booth
  • 服務員,旅遊信息辦公室 attendant, tourist information office
  • 汽車經銷服務代表 automobile dealerships service representative
  • 法案投訴調查員 bill complaints investigator
  • 公交信息員 bus information clerk
  • 公交站牌信息店員 bus schedule information clerk
  • 公交服務信息員 bus service information clerk
  • 商務辦公服務代表 – 電信 business office service representative – telecommunications
  • 呼叫中心代理 – 客戶服務 call centre agent – customer service
  • 索賠文員,丟失或損壞的貨物 claim clerk, lost or damaged goods
  • 文員,客戶服務 clerk, customer service
  • 店員,維修服務 clerk, maintenance service
  • 客戶服務店員 client service clerk
  • 補償劑 compensation agent
  • 投訴調節員 complaints adjuster
  • 投訴業務員 – 客戶服務 complaints clerk – customer service
  • 投訴業務員 – 電話系統 complaints clerk – telephone system
  • 投訴專員 – 客戶服務 complaints specialist – customer service
  • 聯絡中心代理 – 客戶服務 contact centre agent – customer service
  • 櫃位查詢店員 counter enquiries clerk
  • 禮貌前台服務員 courtesy desk clerk
  • 客戶信息服務的店員 – 保險 customer information service clerk – insurance
  • 客戶信息服務代表 – 零售 customer information service representative – retail
  • 客戶關係店員 customer relations clerk
  • 顧客滿意代表 customer satisfaction representative
  • 客戶服務顧問 customer service adviser
  • 客戶服務代理 customer service agent
  • 客戶服務助理 customer service assistant
  • 客戶服務店員 customer service clerk
  • 客戶服務監督員 – 電話系統 customer service monitor – telephone system
  • 客戶服務運營商 – 電話系統 customer service operator – telephone system
  • 客戶服務代表 – 呼叫中心 customer service representative – call centre
  • 客戶服務代表 – 保險 customer service representative – insurance
  • 百貨信息店員 department store information clerk
  • 查詢業務員 enquiries clerk
  • 快遞和貨運信息員 express and freight information clerk
  • 醫院信息員 hospital information clerk
  • 酒店信息員 – 聯絡中心 hotel information clerk – contact centre
  • 呼入客戶服務代表 – 聯絡中心 inbound customer service representative – contact centre
  • 信息秘書 – 客戶服務 information clerk – customer service
  • 研究者,賬單投訴 investigator, bill complaints
  • 亭信息員 kiosk information clerk
  • 失去索賠店員 lost claims clerk
  • 丟失或損壞的貨物要求店員 lost or damaged goods claim clerk
  • 失物招領處辦事員 lost-and-found clerk
  • 失物招領處的前台服務員 lost-and-found desk clerk
  • 維修服務店員 maintenance service clerk
  • 商品交換店員 merchandise exchange clerk
  • 為了業務員 – 客戶服務 order clerk – customer services
  • 訂貨處代理 order desk agent
  • 出站的客戶服務代表 – 聯絡中心 outbound customer service representative – contact centre
  • 價格信息員 price information clerk
  • 公共關係店員 public relations clerk
  • 公路運輸終端服務員 road transport terminal attendant
  • 路由供水和回水店員 route supply and return clerk
  • 服務顧問 service adviser
  • 服務顧問 – 汽車維修 service advisor – auto repair
  • 服務顧問 – 汽車維修 service consultant – auto repair
  • 服務代表,商務辦公 – 電信 service representative, business office – telecommunications
  • 服務作家 – 汽車維修 service writer – auto repair
  • 供應和返回店員 supply and return clerk
  • 電話查詢業務員 telephone enquiries clerk
  • 旅遊解說員 tourist booth attendant
  • 旅遊信息員 tourist information clerk
  • 旅遊信息辦公室服務員 tourist information office attendant
  • 旅遊信息官 tourist information officer

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 客戶和信息服務,主管 Customer and information services supervisors 6314
  • 在銀行及其他金融機構的客戶服務代表(客戶服務代表 – 金融機構) Customer service representatives in banks and other financial institutions (in 6551 Customer services representatives – financial institutions )
  • 普通票和信息代理(機票和服務代理) General ticket and information agents (in 6523 Airline ticket and service agents )
  • 接待員 Receptionists 1414
  • 零售售貨員 Retail salespersons 6421
  • 票務信息員(除航空)(地面和水上運輸票務代理,貨運服務代表及相關文員) Ticket and information clerks (except airline) (in 6524 Ground and water transport ticket agents, cargo service representatives and related clerks )




項目類別 線上申請
58 天
109 天
超級簽證 89 天
10 週
12 週
境內學簽續簽 89 天
畢業工簽境外申請 14 週
畢業工簽境內申請 119 天
119 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
7 个月
25 天
72 天




