NOC 7235 結構金屬和鈑金製造者及裝配工 Structural Metal And Platework Fabricators And Fitters


簡介 Intro


Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters fabricate, assemble, fit and install steel or other metal components for buildings, bridges, tanks, towers, boilers, pressure vessels and other similar structures and products. They are employed in structural steel, boiler and platework fabrication plants and by heavy machinery manufacturing and shipbuilding companies.

The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.

Some structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters may also be certified as skilled welders.

Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 金屬結構和鈑金製造者和裝配工執行部分或全部下列職責:Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters perform some or all of the following duties:
  • 研究工程圖紙和藍圖,確定所需的材料,併計劃任務的順序,最有效地切割金屬
  • Study engineering drawings and blueprints, determine the materials required, and plan the sequence of tasks to cut metal most efficiently
  • 建設模式和模板為佈局提供指南
  • Construct patterns and templates as guides for layouts
  • 根據元件的規格製定關於重金屬的參考點和圖案
  • Lay out reference points and patterns on heavy metal according to component specifications
  • 利用鑽機,起重機將材料移至儲存區域或工作場所內
  • Rig, hoist and move materials to storage areas or within worksite
  • 採用點焊,螺栓,鉚接或其他方法,組裝金屬型材和板,以形成完整的單元組或亞單元組
  • Assemble and fit metal sections and plates to form complete units or subunits using tack welding, bolting, riveting or other methods
  • 設置和操作各種重型金屬加工機床,如剎車壓力機,剪板機,切割炬,螺紋磨床,鑽孔機,包括計算機數字控制(CNC)設備,進行彎曲,剪切,成形,打孔,鑽孔,或以其他方式形成重金屬部件
  • Set up and operate various heavy-duty metal-working machines such as brake presses, shears, cutting torches, grinders and drills, including computer numerical control (CNC) equipment, to bend, cut, form, punch, drill or otherwise form heavy- metal components
  • 安裝最終產品的製作組件。
  • Install fabricated components in final product.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學學業。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 完成三到四年的學徒計劃
  • Completion of a three- to four-year apprenticeship program
  • 或者取得行業資格認真,通常需要具備在行業內超過四年的工作經驗,以及結構鋼和鈑金製造的大學或工業課程的學習。
  • A combination of over four years of work experience in the trade and some college or industry courses in structural steel and platework fabrication is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
  • 金屬加工製造者行業認證(鉗工)在所有的省份適用,可自願考取,。
  • Trade certification for metal fabricator (fitter) is available, but voluntary, in all provinces.
  • 海洋鉗工行業認證有效,但是在新斯科舍省自願考取,。
  • Trade certification for marine fitters is available, but voluntary, in Nova Scotia.
  • 船用機械技術人員和船舶維修技師行業認證有效,但在不列顛哥倫比亞省是自願考取。
  • Trade certification for marine mechanical technicians and marine repair technicians is available, but voluntary, in British Columbia.
  • 鍋爐工及相關設備的裝配工和金屬結構製造者的行業認證(非建造業)是可用的,而在魁北克省是自願考取。
  • Trade certification for boiler and related equipment assemblers and structural metal fabricators (non-construction) is available, but voluntary, in Québec.
  • 紅印章背書對於成功完成跨省紅色鋼印的考試的合格的金屬製造者(鉗工)也有效。
  • Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified metal fabricators (fitters) upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 學徒製造者鉗工,結構金屬和platework的 apprentice fabricator-fitter, structural metal and platework
  • 學徒鉗工 – 造船 apprentice fitter – shipbuilding
  • 學徒金屬製造者 apprentice metal fabricator
  • 學徒金屬造船工 apprentice metal shipwright
  • 學徒船體裝配工 apprentice shipfitter
  • 學徒船上鈑金工 apprentice ship’s plater
  • 學徒鋼結構製造者 apprentice steel fabricator
  • 學徒金屬結構和鈑金製造者 apprentice structural metal and platework fabricator
  • 學徒結構鋼和鈑金鉗工 apprentice structural steel and platework fitter
  • 學徒結構鋼製造者 apprentice structural steel fabricator
  • 橋樑鈑金工 bridge and girder plater
  • 製造者 – 金屬結構 fabricator – structural metal
  • 鈑金工和鉗工,platework fabricator and fitter, platework
  • 製造者,金屬 fabricator, metal
  • 製造者,金屬 – 結構金屬和platework的 fabricator, metal – structural metal and platework
  • 鈑金工,鈑金 platework fabricator, platework
  • 製造者,鋼鐵 fabricator, steel
  • 製造者,鋼鐵 – 金屬結構和platework fabricator, steel – structural metal and platework
  • 製造者,金屬結構 fabricator, structural metal
  • 製造者,結構鋼 fabricator, structural steel
  • 鉗工 – 金屬加工 fitter – metal fabrication
  • 鉗工 – 造船 fitter – shipbuilding
  • 鉗工 – 金屬結構製造 fitter – structural metal fabrication
  • 鉗工的徒弟,結構鋼和platework的 fitter apprentice, structural steel and platework
  • 鉗工領班 – 金屬結構和鈑金 fitter lead hand – structural metal and platework
  • 鉗工,platework fitter, platework
  • 鉗工,鋼鐵 – 金屬platework fitter, steel – metal platework
  • 鉗工,鋼鐵 – 金屬結構 fitter, steel – structural metal
  • 鉗工,金屬結構 fitter, structural metal
  • 鉗工,結構金屬和platework的 fitter, structural metal and platework
  • 鉗工,結構鋼 fitter, structural steel
  • 鉗工,結構鋼和platework的 fitter, structural steel and platework
  • 鉗工,管工 – 結構金屬製品和鈑金 fitter, tubes – structural metalwork and platework
  • 鉗工-裝配工,金屬結構 fitter-assembler, structural metal
  • 鉗工焊工,結構金屬和鈑金 fitter-welder, structural metal and platework
  • 畫樣工,開發商,金屬結構和鈑金 layer out, developer, structural metal and platework
  • 鈑金畫樣工,金屬結構和鈑金 layer out, structural metal and platework
  • 畫樣標記工,金屬結構 layout marker, structural metal
  • 領班,金屬製劑 – 金屬結構和鈑金 lead hand, metal preparation – structural metal and platework
  • 船用鋼鉗工 marine steel fitter
  • 金屬製造者 metal fabricator
  • 金屬製造者 – 金屬結構和鈑金 metal fabricator – structural metal and platework
  • 金屬製造者(鉗工) metal fabricator (fitter)
  • 金屬的製備領班 – 金屬結構和鈑金 metal preparation lead hand – structural metal and platework
  • 金屬造船工 metal shipwright
  • 板成型工,結構鋼 plate shaper, structural steel
  • 鍍金匠 plater
  • 金屬版工 – 造船 plater – shipbuilding
  • 金屬版工,橋樑和大樑 plater, bridges and girders
  • 金屬版工,金屬結構和鈑金, structural metal and platework
  • 金屬版工,焊機 plater-welder
  • 鈑金製造者 platework fabricator
  • 鈑金製造者和鉗工 platework fabricator and fitter
  • 鈑金鉗工 platework fitter
  • 成型工,結構鋼板 shaper, structural steel plates
  • 船舶鉗工 shipbuilding fitter
  • 船體裝配工 shipfitter
  • 船體裝配工學徒 shipfitter apprentice
  • 船舶的金屬版工 ship’s plater
  • 造船工,金屬 shipwright, metal
  • 鋼結構製造者 steel fabricator
  • 鋼鐵製造者 – 金屬結構和鈑金 steel fabricator – structural metal and platework
  • 鋼鉗工 – 金屬platework的 steel fitter – metal platework
  • 鋼鉗工 – 金屬結構 steel fitter – structural metal
  • 鋼板成型機 – steel plate shaper – ships
  • 結構金屬和鈑金製造者 structural metal and platework fabricator
  • 結構的金屬和鈑金製造者學徒 structural metal and platework fabricator apprentice
  • 結構金屬和鈑金鉗工 structural metal and platework fitter
  • 結構金屬和鈑金鉗工焊工 structural metal and platework fitter-welder
  • 結構的金屬和鈑金佈局開發商 structural metal and platework layout developer
  • 結構的金屬和鈑金佈局標記工 structural metal and platework layout marker
  • 結構金屬和鈑金金屬版工 structural metal and platework plater
  • 結構性金屬製造者 structural metal fabricator
  • 結構性金屬鉗工 structural metal fitter
  • 金屬結構鉗工-組裝工 structural metal fitter-assembler
  • 金屬結構佈局標記 structural metal layout marker
  • 結構性金屬工人 structural metal worker
  • 結構鋼和鈑金鉗工 structural steel and platework fitter
  • 鋼結構製造者 structural steel fabricator
  • 結構鋼鉗工 structural steel fitter
  • 結構鋼板成型工 structural steel plate shaper
  • 結構鋼結構和鈑金鉗工 structural steelwork and platework fitter
  • 管鉗工 – 金屬結構和platework的 tube fitter – structural metal and platework
  • 工人鉗工,結構鋼板 worker-fitter, structural steel plates

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 鍋爐工 Boilermakers 7234
  • 金屬加工和鍛造機運營商 Metalworking and forging machine operators 9416
  • 結構鋼的建設者(鐵工Structural steel erectors (in 7236 Ironworkers )
  • 監事(承包商和監督員,機械加工,金屬結構的金屬和platework的製造商和鉗工形成,塑造,樹立行業及相關行業Supervisors of structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters (in 7201 Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations )
  • 焊工和相關機器操作員 Welders and related machine operators 7237




項目類別 線上申請
53 天
115 天
超級簽證 97 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 12 週
畢業工簽境內申請 138 天
138 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
24 天
65 天




