NOC 7312 重型設備技工 Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics


簡介 Intro


Heavy-duty equipment mechanics repair, troubleshoot, adjust, overhaul and maintain mobile heavy-duty equipment used in construction, transportation, forestry, mining, oil and gas, material handling, landscaping, land clearing, farming and similar activities. They are employed by companies which own and operate heavy equipment, and by heavy equipment dealers, rental and service establishments, and railway transport companies and urban transit systems.

The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.

Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 重型設備技工執行部分或全部下列職責:Heavy-duty equipment mechanics perform some or all of the following duties:
  • 檢查推土機,起重機,平地機等重型工​​程,農業,伐木和採礦設備,確保良好性能,檢查設備,以排除故障和性能缺陷
  • Check bulldozers, cranes, graders and other heavy construction, agricultural, logging and mining equipment for proper performance and inspect equipment to detect faults and malfunctions
  • 使用電腦和其他檢測設備,進行故障診斷,以確定需要維修的程度,
  • Diagnose faults or malfunctions using computerized and other testing equipment to determine extent of repair required
  • 用手動及電動工具調整設備,維修或更換有缺陷的零件,部件或系統,
  • Adjust equipment and repair or replace defective parts, components or systems, using hand and power tools
  • 對維修後的設備進行性能測試,並確保工作符合製造商的規格
  • Test repaired equipment for proper performance and to ensure that work meets manufacturers’ specifications
  • 清潔,潤滑和執行其他日常設備維護工作
  • Clean, lubricate and perform other routine maintenance work on equipment
  • 為附件和作業工具服務,如收割和耕作設備,刀片,犁,絞車及側繁榮
  • Service attachments and working tools such as harvesting and tillage equipment, blades, ploughs, winches and side booms
  • 可以執行對重型卡車的修理工作
  • May perform repair work on heavy trucks
  • 可附加組件和調試新的農用設備。
  • May attach components and adjust new farm equipment.
  • 重型設備技工專注於特定類型的機械​​如聯合收割機或履帶式車輛,或在發動機大修,動力換檔變速箱,燃油噴射,液壓或電子產品。
  • Heavy-duty mechanics may specialize in specific types of machinery such as combines or tracked vehicles, or in engine overhaul, power shift transmissions, fuel injection, hydraulics or electronics.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學學業。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 完成三到五年的學徒計劃
  • Completion of a three- to five-year apprenticeship program
  • 或具備超過四年的行業經驗,同時完成某高中,大學或行業重型設備維修課程才能取得行業認證。
  • A combination of over four years of work experience in the trade and some high school, college or industry courses in heavy equipment repair is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
  • 重型設備技工行業認證,在魁北克省和阿爾伯塔省是強制性的,而在所有其他省份和地區是自願的。
  • Heavy-duty equipment technician trade certification is compulsory in Quebec and Alberta and available, but voluntary, in all other provinces and the territories.
  • 農業設備技術員行業認證是可用的,而在新不倫瑞克省,紐芬蘭省和拉布拉多省,新斯科舍省,愛德華王子島省,安大略省,馬尼托巴省,薩斯喀徹溫省,阿爾伯塔省和不列顛哥倫比亞省,是自願的。
  • Agricultural equipment technician trade certification is available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.
  • 紅印章背書對於通過跨省的紅色鋼印的考試的合格重型設備技術員和農業裝備技術人員也適用。
  • Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified heavy duty equipment technicians and agricultural equipment technicians upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 農業裝備技術人員 agricultural equipment technician
  • 學徒農場設備技工 apprentice farm equipment mechanic
  • 學徒農機修理工 apprentice farm machinery mechanic
  • 技工學徒,柴油發動機 apprentice mechanic, diesel engines
  • 學徒工,農場設備 apprentice mechanic, farm equipment
  • 學徒工,農機 apprentice mechanic, farm machinery
  • 挖掘技工 backhoe mechanic
  • 卡特彼勒拖拉機修理工 caterpillar tractor repairer
  • 組合機械師,重型設備 combination mechanic, heavy equipment
  • 建築設備技工 construction equipment mechanic
  • 建築設備維修工/男/女 construction equipment repairman/woman
  • 起重機修理工 crane repairer
  • 起重機維修技工 crane service technician
  • 柴油發動機機械師 diesel engine mechanic
  • 柴油機技工 – 重型設備 diesel engine mechanic – heavy equipment
  • 柴油發動機機械師學徒 diesel engine mechanic apprentice
  • 柴油機修理工/男/女 – 鐵路 diesel engine repairman/woman – railway
  • 內燃機車維修工/男/女 diesel locomotive repairman/woman
  • 柴油機械師 diesel mechanic
  • 柴油機械師 – 重型設備 diesel mechanic – heavy equipment
  • 柴油機械師學徒 diesel mechanic apprentice
  • 疏通技工 dredge mechanic
  • 疏通修理工 dredge repairer
  • 土方設備技工 earthmoving equipment mechanic
  • 挖掘設備技工 excavating equipment mechanic
  • 農場設備技工 farm equipment mechanic
  • 農機設備技術員 farm equipment technician
  • 農機修理工 farm machinery mechanic
  • 農用拖拉機修理工 farm tractor mechanic
  • 農用拖拉機修理工 farm tractor repairer
  • 砍伐設備工 felling equipment mechanic
  • 現場機械師,重型設備 field mechanic, heavy equipment
  • 燃油噴射裝置的服務人員 – 柴油 fuel injection unit servicer – diesel
  • 分級設備技工 grading equipment mechanic
  • 重型柴油發動機機械師 heavy diesel engine mechanic
  • 重型設備組合技工 heavy equipment combination mechanic
  • 重型設備領域技工 heavy equipment field mechanic
  • 重型裝備督察修理工 heavy equipment inspector-repairer
  • 重型設備機械師 heavy equipment mechanic
  • 重型設備機械師 – 柴油發動機 heavy equipment mechanic – diesel engine
  • 重型移動設備修理工 heavy mobile equipment repairer
  • 重型移動設備維修工/男/女 heavy mobile equipment repairman/woman
  • 重型移動測井設備工 heavy mobile logging equipment mechanic
  • 重型移動採礦設備工 heavy mobile mining equipment mechanic
  • 重型設備機械師 heavy-duty equipment mechanic
  • 重型設備機械師學徒 heavy-duty equipment mechanic apprentice
  • 重型設備技工 heavy-duty equipment technician
  • 重型設備技術員學徒 heavy-duty equipment technician apprentice
  • 督察修理工,重型設備 inspector-repairer, heavy equipment
  • 飄去/男/女重型設備技工 journeyman/woman heavy-duty equipment mechanic
  • 機車修理工 locomotive mechanic
  • 機車修理工/男/女,柴油 locomotive repairman/woman, diesel
  • 機械師,反鏟挖土機 mechanic, backhoe
  • 技工,建築設備 mechanic, construction equipment
  • 機械師,土方設備 mechanic, earthmoving equipment
  • 機械師,挖掘設備 mechanic, excavating equipment
  • 機械師,農具 mechanic, farm equipment
  • 修理工,農機; mechanic, farm machinery
  • 機械師,農用拖拉機 mechanic, farm tractors
  • 機械師,重型柴油發動機 mechanic, heavy diesel engines
  • 機械師,重型設備 mechanic, heavy equipment
  • 機械師,重型設備 – 柴油發動機 mechanic, heavy equipment – diesel engine
  • 機械師,機車 mechanic, locomotive
  • 機械師,移動測井設備 mechanic, mobile logging equipment
  • 技工,移動採煤設備 mechanic, mobile mining equipment
  • 機械師,修理者 mechanic, repairer
  • 機械師,sideboom mechanic, sideboom
  • 修理工,拖拉機 mechanic, tractor
  • 礦井機車修理工/男/女 mine locomotive repairman/woman
  • 手機農場設備技工 mobile farm equipment mechanic
  • 移動農機修理工 mobile farm machinery repairer
  • 設備工鋪路 paving equipment mechanic
  • 電鏟技工 power shovel mechanic
  • 修理工,農用拖拉機 repairer, farm tractors
  • 修理工/男/女,內燃機車 – 鐵路 repairman/woman, diesel locomotives – railway
  • 吊管機修理工 sideboom mechanic
  • 拖拉機修理工 tractor mechanic
  • 拖拉機修理工,農場 tractor mechanic, farm
  • 農場拖拉機修理工 tractor repairer, farm
  • 車輪製造工,農機 wheelwright, farm machinery

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 建築維修工和工業機械師 Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics 7311
  • 汽車柴油機械師(汽車維修技工,卡車和公共汽車力學和機械維修) Motor vehicle diesel engine mechanics (in 7321 Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers )
  • 重型設備技工主管(承包商及主管,機械行業)Supervisors of heavy equipment mechanics (in 7301 Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades )




項目類別 線上申請
58 天
109 天
超級簽證 89 天
10 週
12 週
境內學簽續簽 89 天
畢業工簽境外申請 14 週
畢業工簽境內申請 119 天
119 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
7 个月
25 天
72 天




