NOC 8232 石油和天然氣鑽井工人,服務人員,測試人員及有關人員 Oil And Gas Well Drillers, Servicers, Testers And Related Workers


簡介 Intro


Oil and gas well drillers and well servicers control the operation of drilling and hoisting equipment on drilling and service rigs, and direct the activities of the rig crew under supervision of the rig manager. Oil and gas well loggers, testers and related workers operate specialized mechanical or electronic equipment, tools or instruments to provide services in conjunction with well drilling, completion or servicing. Workers in this unit group are employed by drilling and well service contractors, petroleum producing companies and well logging or testing companies.

Mobility between jobs on drilling and service rigs is limited by the differences in the machinery, tools and operations performed, but mobility is possible especially from drilling to service rigs.

Progression to crew supervisor or manager is possible with experience and additional education and training.

主要職責 Main Duties

石油和天然氣鑽井工和鑽井服務商執行部分或全部下列職責:Oil and gas well drillers and well servicers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 指導鑽機成員設置鑽井平台和鑽井,完成或維修的石油和天然氣勘探和生產井
  • Direct rig crew in setting up rigs and drilling, completing or servicing oil and gas exploration and producing wells
  • 操作控制鑽孔機或鑽機服務和起重機械
  • Operate controls of drill or service rig drilling and hoisting machinery
  • 培訓或安排全體人員的培訓工作
  • Train or arrange for training of crew
  • 保持鑽井和維修業務記錄
  • Maintain records of drilling and servicing operations
  • 確保遵守安全程序。
  • Ensure safety procedures are followed.

石油和天然氣井採運工,測試人員和有關人員執行部分或全部下列職責:Oil and gas well loggers, testers and related workers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 推動井售後服務,駕駛有線卡車到井場
  • Drive well service or wireline truck to well site
  • 將設備,工具或錄像機組裝和附加到鑽桿或有線上,實施所需程序和測試
  • Assemble and attach equipment, tools or recorders to drill stem or wireline to conduct required procedures and tests
  • 操作或指導操作有線或單元控制元件降低,安置和檢索設備和儀器
  • Operate or direct the operation of wireline or unit controls to lower, position and retrieve equipment and instruments
  • 操作移動測試或記錄裝置重的錄像機和電腦,收集數據
  • Operate recorders and computers in mobile testing or logging unit to collect data
  • 可以執行有限的數據釋義
  • May perform limited data interpretation.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要完成中學學業。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 石油和天然氣鑽井工人及以及井服務商都需要三到六個月的正式在職培訓,學院或石油行業認可的培訓課程以及四年或以上下屬鑽機船員職位的工作經驗。
  • Oil and gas well drillers and well servicers require three to six months of formal on-the-job training, college or petroleum industry-approved training courses and four or more years of work experience in subordinate rig crew positions.
  • 鑽孔行業可能要求大專文憑。
  • A college diploma in drilling may be required.
  • 離岸工作需要在陸地上從事同等職位的多年經驗。
  • Offshore work requires several years of experience in an equivalent position on land.
  • 急救證書,氫硫化物意識,預防井噴,井控,工作場所有害物質信息系統WHMIS,危險貨物運輸TDG和特殊的油井運營商鍋爐證書是必需的。
  • Certificates in first aid, hydrogen sulphide awareness, blowout prevention, well control, workplace hazardous materials information system (WHMIS), transportation of dangerous goods (TDG) and a special oil well operator (boiler) certificate are required.
  • 石油和天然氣井採運工,測試人員和相關人員需要三到六個月的正式在職培訓和在下屬測井和測試位置或鑽機和修井鑽機多年的經驗,。
  • Oil and gas well loggers, testers and related workers require three to six months of formal on-the-job training and several years of experience in subordinate logging and testing positions or on drilling and servicing rigs.
  • 開放孔測井可能需要完成電子或工程技術大學課程。
  • Completion of a college program in electronics or engineering technology may be required for open hole well logging.
  • 井射孔服務人員需要具備省級爆破工許可,地震爆破工和油井爆破工認證。
  • A provincial blaster’s licence, and seismic blaster and oil well blaster certification are required for well perforation services.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 副鑽工 – 海洋鑽機 assistant driller – offshore drilling rig
  • 副鑽工 – 石油和天然氣鑽井 assistant driller – oil and gas well drilling
  • 鑽取操作員 – 油田服務 coring operator – oil field services
  • 定向鑽工 – 石油和天然氣鑽探 directional driller – oil and gas drilling
  • 定向鑽井運營商 directional drilling operator
  • 定向鑽井運營商 – 石油和天然氣鑽探 directional drilling operator – oil and gas drilling
  • 井下工具操作員 downhole tool operator
  • 井下工具運營商 – 石油和天然氣鑽探 downhole tool operator – oil and gas drilling
  • 鑽桿測試員 drill stem tester
  • 鑽桿測試員 – 石油和天然氣鑽探 drill stem tester – oil and gas drilling
  • 鑽工 – 海洋鑽機 driller – offshore drilling rig
  • 鑽工 – 石油和天然氣鑽探 driller – oil and gas drilling
  • 電線路運營商 electric line operator
  • 電線路運營商 – 油田服務 electric line operator – oil field services
  • 電子線路運營商 – 油田服務 e-line operator – oil field services
  • 捕魚工具運營商 – 油田服務 fishing tool operator – oil field services
  • 氣體檢測員 – 油田服務 gas tester – oil field services
  • 子彈穿孔員 – 油田服務 gun perforator – oil field services
  • 烴泥漿採運工 – 油田服務 hydrocarbon mud logger – oil field services
  • 測井和射孔運營商 logging and perforating operator
  • 測井和射孔運營商 – 油田服務 logging and perforating operator – oil field services
  • 離岸鑽工 – 石油和天然氣 offshore driller – oil and gas
  • 油井穿孔員 oil well perforator
  • 油井穿孔員 perforator, oil wells
  • 生產測試的運營商 – 石油和天然氣鑽井 production testing operator – oil and gas well drilling
  • 鑽機技術員 – 鑽 rig technician – driller
  • 服務鑽機操作員 service rig operator
  • 服務鑽機操作員 – 油田服務 service rig operator – oil field services
  • 井壁取心取樣員 – 油田服務 sidewall core sampler – oil field services
  • 鋼絲運營商 slickline operator
  • 鋼絲運營商 – 油田服務 slickline operator – oil field services
  • 修井工 – 油田服務 well puller – oil field services
  • 試井運營商 well testing operator
  • 試井運營商 – 石油和天然氣鑽探 well testing operator – oil and gas drilling
  • 有線運營商 wireline operator
  • 有線運營商 – 油田服務 wireline operator – oil field services
  • 有線運營商見習 wireline operator trainee
  • 修井機運營商 – 油田服務 workover rig operator – oil field services

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 石油和天然氣鑽井工及相關人員和服務運營商 Oil and gas well drilling and related workers and services operators 8412
  • 鑽機經理承包商和主管,石油和天然氣鑽探和服務Rig managers (in 8222 Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling and services )
  • 水井鑽工 Water well drillers 7373



項目類別 線上申請
53 天
115 天
超級簽證 97 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 12 週
畢業工簽境內申請 138 天
138 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
24 天
65 天




