簡介 Intro
Storekeepers and partspersons sort, store and issue parts and supplies for use by the establishment in which they work and for sale to the public. They are employed by manufacturing companies, warehouses, retail and wholesale establishments, mining, forestry and construction companies, repair shops , hospitals and other establishments.
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with additional training or experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 接收和分類傳入的配件及耗材
- Receive and sort incoming parts and supplies
- 在倉庫,工具室,供應室或其他地區有序地儲存物品
- Store items in an orderly and accessible manner in a warehouse, tool room, supply room or other area
- 處理傳入的申請和發布或分配內部使用的配件及耗材
- Process incoming requisitions and issue or distribute parts and supplies for internal usage
- 使用手動或電腦庫存系統,保留手頭上的零件和耗材的訂單記錄和數量,種類和存放位置
- Maintain records of orders and the amount, kind and location of parts and supplies on hand using manual or computerized inventory system
- 準備需求訂單,以補充配件及耗材
- Prepare requisition orders to replenish parts and supplies
- 以零售方式銷售機動車輛,機械和設備的備件和更換零件
- Sell spare and replacement parts for motor vehicles, machinery and equipment in a retail setting
- 向零售客戶或內部用戶推薦合適的零件,用品或材料。
- Advise retail customers or internal users on appropriateness of parts, supplies or materials requested.
- 零部件管理員專注於零部件的某特殊線路,如汽車零部件,休閒汽車零部件,船舶配件,重型機械配件,農機配件,供暖,通風及空調配件,製冷配件。
- Partspersons may specialize in a particular line of parts such as automotive parts, recreational vehicle parts, marine parts, heavy equipment parts, agricultural machinery parts, heating, ventilating and air conditioning parts or refrigeration parts.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要完成中學。
- Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- 完成為期三年的學徒計劃
- Completion of a three-year apprenticeship program
- 或完成高中專業培訓和為期一年的大學零部件管理員課程。
- Completion of specialized training in high school and a one-year college program for partspersons may be required.
- 零部件管理員行業認證全省可用,但是是自願考取。
- Trade certification for partspersons is available, but voluntary, in all provinces and territories.
- 零部件管理員可能需要相關文書職業經驗或者倉庫工人經驗。
- Experience in a related clerical occupation, or as a warehouse worker, may be required for partspersons.
- 紅印章背書對於成功完成跨省紅色鋼印考試的零部件管理員也適用。
- Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified partspersons upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 彈藥倉庫保管員 ammunition storekeeper
- 汽車零部件秘書 – 零售 auto parts clerk – retail
- 汽車零部件零售業務員 – automotive parts clerk – retail
- 汽車零部件管理員 – 零售 automotive partsperson – retail
- 汽車零部件學徒 automotive partsperson apprentice
- 航空零部件管理員 aviation partsperson
- 櫃檯的店員,零部件 counter clerk, parts
- 專櫃店員,汽車配件 – 零售 counter sales clerk, automobile parts – retail
- 鑽機店主 drilling rig storekeeper
- 爆炸物和彈藥雜誌保管員 explosives and ammunition magazine keeper
- 工業發動機和設備學徒 industrial engines and equipment apprentice
- 工業的發動機和設備零部件管理員 – 零售 industrial engines and equipment partsperson – retail
- 工業倉庫工人 industrial warehouse person
- 亞麻客房服務員 linen room attendant
- 亞麻供應店員 linen supply clerk
- 亞麻保管員 linenkeeper
- 機加工車間保管員 machine shop keeper
- 雜誌保管員 magazine keeper
- 材料保管員 material keeper
- 醫療用品的服務員 medical supply attendant
- 醫療用品業務員 medical supply clerk
- 汽車零件店員 motor vehicle parts clerk
- 汽車零件店員學徒 motor vehicle parts clerk apprentice
- 機動車零部件管理員 motor vehicle partsperson
- 部分業務員 parts clerk
- 部分櫃檯的店員 parts counter clerk
- 部分櫃檯的店員 – 零售 parts counter clerk – retail
- 部分製表人 parts lister
- 零件分揀工 parts sorter
- 零部件供應商 parts supplier
- 部分技師 parts technician
- 零部件管理員 partsperson
- 粉保管員 powder keeper
- 銷售業務員,汽車零件櫃 – 零售 sales clerk, automobile parts counter – retail
- 打撈店員 salvage clerk
- 樣品店員 – 存儲和倉儲 sample clerk – storage and warehousing
- 採樣控制店員 sample control clerk
- 船舶保管員 ship keeper
- 船舶店主 ship storekeeper
- 船舶倉庫管理員/男/女 ship storeman/woman
- 庫房店員 – 零件和設備 stock clerk – parts and equipment
- 庫存控制員 stock control clerk
- 理貨員 stock keeper
- 股票記錄員 stock records clerk
- 店主 storekeeper
- 倉庫保管員,鑽機 storekeeper, drilling rig
- 倉庫保管員,船舶 storekeeper, ship
- 倉庫管理員/男/女 storeman/woman
- 供應中心業務員 supply centre clerk
- 工具店員 tool clerk
- 工具房服務員 tool room attendant
- 工具間倉庫管理員/男/女 tool room storeman/woman
- 刀具店的店員 tool store clerk
- 地下工具搖籃服務員 underground tool crib attendant
- 倉庫檢查員 warehouse checker
- 倉庫文員 – 零件和設備 warehouse clerk – parts and equipment
- 倉庫保管 – 零配件和設備 warehouse person – parts and equipment
- 酒窖服務員 wine cellar attendant
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 零件辦事員主管(主管,供應鏈,跟踪和調度協調職業) Parts clerks supervisors (in 1215 Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations )
- 採購和庫存控制人員 Purchasing and inventory control workers 1524
- 托運人和接收人 Shippers and receivers 1521