簡介 Intro
Geological engineers conduct geological and geotechnical studies to assess suitability of locations for civil engineering, mining and oil and gas projects; and plan, design, develop and supervise programs of geological data acquisition and analysis and the preparation of geological engineering reports and recommendations. Geological engineers are employed in consulting engineering companies, electrical utilities, mining and petroleum companies and in government and research and educational institutions.
There is considerable mobility between engineering specializations at the less senior levels.
Supervisory and senior positions in this unit group require experience.
Geological engineers work closely with geologists and other scientists and engineers, and mobility is possible between some fields of specialization.
Engineers often work in a multidisciplinary environment and acquire knowledge and skills through work experience that may allow them to practise in associated areas of science, engineering, sales, marketing or management.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 計劃,發展和協調地質技術,地質,地球物理和水文數據的獲取,分析,繪製來幫助土木工程,礦山,石油,廢物管理項目的發展
- Plan, develop and co-ordinate programs of geotechnical, geological, geophysical or geohydrological data acquisition, analysis and mapping to assist in the development of civil engineering, mining, petroleum and waste management projects or for regional development
- 分析和準備報告和提出關於土木工程基礎提高和建設的相關建議,例如岩石開採,壓力灌漿,液壓通道侵蝕控制
- Analyze and prepare recommendations and reports for construction or improvements to foundations of civil engineering projects such as rock excavation, pressure grouting and hydraulic channel erosion control
- 分析和準備報告和提出關於建築物的安置,斜坡的穩定性和填充,滑坡和地震可能產生的後果等來幫助土木工程項目的建設
- Analyze and prepare recommendations and reports on settlement of buildings, stability of slopes and fills, and probable effects of landslides and earthquakes to support construction and civil engineering projects
- 地下水流和污染進行理論和應用的研究和開發處方選址,處理及施工
- Conduct theoretical and applied study of groundwater flow and contamination and develop prescriptions for site selection, treatment and construction
- 規劃,開發,協調,並在礦山勘探,礦山採礦業相對的評估和可行性研究,進行理論和實驗研究
- Plan, develop, co-ordinate and conduct theoretical and experimental studies in mining exploration, mine evaluation and feasibility studies relative to the mining industry
- 開展關於礦床,礦石儲量計算和礦山設計的調查和研究
- Conduct surveys and studies of ore deposits, ore reserve calculations and mine design
- 開發,發展和實施關於地球物理,地球化學,地質,測繪及相關領域的計算機應用
- Design, develop and implement computer applications for geophysics, geochemistry, geology, mapping and related fields
- 監督技術人員和其他工程師和科學家
- Supervise technologists, technicians and other engineers and scientists.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 地質工程專業或相關專業學士學位
- A bachelor’s degree in geological engineering or in a related discipline is required.
- 地質相關專業碩士學位
- A master’s degree or doctorate in a related engineering discipline may be required.
- 需要有省級或者地方的專業工程師協會許可,批准工程圖紙和報告,作為專業工程師的實踐經歷
- Licensing by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is required to approve engineering drawings and reports and to practise as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.).
- 工程師資格通過認可的教育計劃獲得併認可,三年或四年的工程監督經驗,通過專業實踐檢驗
- Engineers are eligible for registration following graduation from an accredited educational program, three or four years of supervised work experience in engineering and passing a professional practice examination.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 地質工程師, engineer, geological
- 工程師,地球物理 engineer, geophysical
- 工程師,岩土 engineer, geotechnical
- 地質工程師 geological engineer
- 地球物理工程師 geophysical engineer
- 岩土工程師 geotechnical engineer
- 水文地質工程師 – 工程 hydrogeological engineer – engineering
- 水文地質工程師 – 工程 hydrogeology engineer – engineering
- 監理工程師 – 岩相學 supervising engineer – petrography
- 監理工程師 – 岩石科學 supervising engineer – rock sciences
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 土木工程師 Civil engineers (2131)
- 工程經理 Engineering managers (0211)
- 地質學家和海洋學家 Geoscientists and oceanographers (2113)
- 土地測量員 Land surveyors (2154)
- 採礦工程師 Mining engineers (2143)
- 石油工程師 Petroleum engineers (2145)