NOC 2242 電子維修技師(家用和商用設備等)Electronic Service Technicians (Household And Business Equipment)


簡介 Intro


Electronic service technicians service and repair household and business electronic equipment such as audio and video systems, computers and peripherals, office equipment and other consumer electronic equipment and assemblies. They are employed by electronic service and retail establishments, by wholesale distributors and within service departments of electronic manufacturing companies.

Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 家庭和企業的電子設備,如電視機,收音機,錄像機,音響設備,複印機,電腦及周邊設備的安裝,維護和修復
  • Install, maintain and repair household and business electronic equipment, such as televisions, radios, video cassette recorders, stereo equipment, photocopiers, computers and peripherals
  • 檢查和測試電子設備,元器件及組件使用萬用表,電路測試儀,示波器,邏輯探頭等電子測試儀器,工具和設備
  • Inspect and test electronic equipment, components and assemblies using multimeters, circuit testers, oscilloscopes, logic probes and other electronic test instruments, tools and equipment
  • 電路,元件和設備故障的診斷和定位
  • Diagnose and locate circuit, component and equipment faults
  • 根據設備手冊和原理圖,並採用焊接工具和其他手動和電動工具進行調整,調試,更換或修理電子設備,組件和部件
  • Adjust, align, replace or repair electronic equipment, assemblies and components following equipment manuals and schematics, and using soldering tools and other hand and power tools
  • 完成工作訂單,測試和維護報告
  • Complete work orders, test and maintenance reports
  • 可以監督其他電子設備維修技師。
  • May supervise other electronic equipment service technicians.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 完成兩到三年的電子大專課程
  • Completion of a two- to three-year college program in electronics
  • 或完成為期四年的電子服務和維修學徒課程
  • Completion of a four-year apprenticeship program in electronic servicing and repair
  • 或必須完成高中學習或大學的電子課程以及在職培訓。
  • Completion of high school or college courses in electronics and on-the-job training is required.
  • 電子技術員行業認證(消費產品)是可用的,但在安大略省,不列顛哥倫比亞省和育空地區是自願的。
  • Trade certification for electronics technicians (consumer products) is available, but voluntary, in Ontario, British Columbia and the Yukon.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 報警系統技術員 alarm system technician
  • 報警系統的安裝工 alarm systems installer
  • 放大器修理工 amplifier repairer
  • 立體聲音頻技師 audio stereo technician
  • 音頻視頻維修技師 audio-video repair technician
  • 音頻視頻服務技師 audio-video service technician
  • 視聽(AV)設備安裝工和修理工 audiovisual (AV) equipment installer and repairer
  • 視聽(AV)設備維修主管 audiovisual (AV) equipment repair supervisor
  • 自動取款機(ATM)服務人員 automatic teller machine (ATM) servicer
  • 商務機服務商 business machine servicer
  • 安裝閉路電視人員 closed circuit television installer
  • 計算機設備安裝工 computer equipment installer
  • 計算機設備修理工 computer equipment repairer
  • 電腦設備技術員 – 家用和商用設備 computer equipment technician – household and business equipment
  • 計算機領域的技術服務人員 computer field service technician
  • 電腦維修技術員 computer repair technician
  • 電腦服務技師 computer service technician
  • 電子收款機服務商 electronic cash registers servicer
  • 電子設備的安裝和維修主管 electronic equipment installation and repair supervisor
  • 電子設備修理工 electronic equipment repairer
  • 電子遊戲修理工 electronic games repairer
  • 電子遊戲技術員 electronic games technician
  • 電子音樂設備安裝人員,修理工 electronic music equipment installer and repairer
  • 電子琴修理工 electronic organ repairer
  • 電子產品現場服務技術員 electronic products field service technician
  • 電子服務技術員學徒 electronic service technician apprentice
  • 電子服務技術員主管 electronic service technician supervisor
  • 電子技術員 – 消費類產品 electronics technician – consumer products
  • 電子技術員 – 家用和商用設備 electronics technician – household and business equipment
  • 電子技術員,火災報警器 electronics technician, fire alarms
  • 現場服務技術人員 – 家用和商用設備 field service technician – household and business equipment
  • 現場服務技術人員,電子產品 field service technician, electronic products
  • 火災報警電子技師 fire alarm electronics technician
  • 火災報警系統的安裝和服務商 fire alarm systems installer and servicer
  • 助聽器修理工 hearing aid repairer
  • 家用和商用設備技術員 household and business equipment technician
  • 安裝和修理工 – 家用和商用設備 installer and repairer – household and business equipment
  • 安裝和維修,電子音樂設備 installer and repairer, electronic music equipment
  • 安裝和修理工,公共廣播系統(PA) installer and repairer, public address (P.A.) systems
  • 安裝和服務機構,消防報警系統 installer and servicer, fire alarm systems
  • 安裝,安全警報 installer, security alarms
  • 辦公設備維修技師 office equipment service technician
  • 辦公室機器修理工 office machine repairer
  • 複印機修理工 photocopier repairer
  • 複印機服務商 photocopier servicer
  • 影印機技術員 photocopy machine technician
  • 光電分選機修理工 photoelectric sorting machine repairer
  • 公共廣播(PA)系統安裝和修理工 public address (P.A.) system installer and repairer
  • 廣播和電視的維修技師 radio and television service technician
  • 廣播和電視服務技術員學徒 radio and television service technician apprentice
  • 無線電通信設備的修理工 radio communication equipment repairer
  • 無線安裝和維修技術人員 radio installation and repair technician
  • 無線電維修技師 radio maintenance technician
  • 無線電維修主管 radio repair supervisor
  • 無線電修理工 radio repairer
  • 修理工,放大器 repairer, amplifiers
  • 修理工,電子設備 repairer, electronic equipment
  • 修理工,電子遊戲 repairer, electronic games
  • 修理工,電子器官 repairer, electronic organs
  • 修理工,助聽器 repairer, hearing aid
  • 修理工,複印機 repairer, photocopiers
  • 修理工,無線電通信設備 repairer, radio communication equipment
  • 修理工,收音機 repairer, radios
  • 修理工,錄像機 repairer, video cassette recorders
  • 衛星天線的服務 satellite antenna servicer
  • 安全報警器安裝 security alarms installer
  • 安全警報技師 security alarms technician
  • 維修技師 – 家用和商用設備 service technician – household and business equipment
  • 辦公設備的維修技師, service technician, office equipment
  • 維修技師主管 – 家用和商用設備 service technicians supervisor – household and business equipment
  • 服務商,電子收款機 servicer, electronic cash registers
  • 服務商,影印機 servicer, photocopy machine
  • 音響維修技師 stereo repair technician
  • 主管,電子設備的安裝和維修 supervisor, electronic equipment installation and repair
  • 主管,電子維修技師 supervisor, electronic service technician
  • 主管,無線電修理 supervisor, radio repair
  • 主管,維修技師 – 家用和商用設備 supervisor, service technicians – household and business equipment
  • 主管,電視維修 supervisor, television repair
  • 合成修理工 synthesizer repairer
  • 技術服務代表 – 家用和商用設備 technical service representative – household and business equipment
  • 技術員,報警系統 technician, alarm system
  • 技術員,電腦設備 – 家用和商用設備 technician, computer equipment – household and business equipment
  • 電腦技術員,現場服務 technician, computer field service
  • 技術員,計算機服務 technician, computer service
  • 技術員,電子遊戲 – 家用和商用設備 technician, electronic games – household and business equipment
  • 技術員,電子 – 家用和商用設備 technician, electronics – household and business equipment
  • 技術員,現場服務 – 家庭和企業設備 technician, field service – household and business equipment
  • 技術員,家用和商用設備 technician, household and business equipment
  • 技師,影印機 technician, photocopy machines
  • 技術員,無線電安裝和維修 technician, radio installation and repair
  • 技術員,無線電維修 technician, radio maintenance
  • 技術員,安全警報 technician, security alarms
  • 技師,音響維修 technician, stereo repair
  • 技術員,視頻設備的安裝和維修 – 家用和商用設備 technician, video equipment installation and repair – household and business equipment
  • 電視攝像機修理工 television camera repairer
  • 電視安裝和維修技師 television installation and repair technician
  • 電視維修主管 television repair supervisor
  • 電視修理工 television repairer
  • 電視服務商 television servicer
  • 電視演播室設備修理工 television studio equipment repairer
  • 電算系統技術員 totalizator systems technician
  • 攝像機修理工 – 家用和商用設備 video camera repairer – household and business equipment
  • 磁帶錄像機修理工 video cassette recorder repairer
  • 視頻設備的安裝和維修技師 – 家用和商用設備 video equipment installation and repair technician – household and business equipment

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 電氣和電子工程技術人員和技術人員 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians 2241
  • 電信安裝和維修工人 Telecommunications installation and repair workers 7246




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




