NOC 2261 非破壞性測試人員和檢驗技術人員 Non-Destructive Testers And Inspection Technicians


簡介 Intro


Non-destructive testers and inspection technicians operate radiographic, ultrasonic, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, eddy current and similar testing equipment to detect discontinuities in objects of various compositions and materials. They are employed by quality control, maintenance and safety departments of manufacturing, processing , transportation, energy and other companies and by private industrial inspection establishments.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 非破壞性測試人員和檢驗技術人員執行部分或全部下列職責:Non-destructive testers and inspection technicians perform some or all of the following duties:
  • 非破壞性測試設備設置和校準
  • Set up and calibrate non-destructive testing equipment
  • 進行測試,以確保質量或使用超聲波,射線,液體滲透,磁粉,渦流和其他非破壞性的測試方法檢測不連續性(缺陷)
  • Conduct tests to ensure quality or detect discontinuities (defects) using ultrasonic, radiographic, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, eddy current and other non-destructive testing methods
  • 設立對監控對象進行適當檢查的技巧,確保嚴格遵守安全法規
  • Establish techniques for proper examination of objects under inspection, ensuring strict adherence to safety regulations
  • 解讀X光片,陰極射線管(CRT)或數字讀數,電導率儀和視覺指標
  • Interpret radiographs, cathode ray tube (CRT) or digital readouts, conductivity meters and visual indicators
  • 按照適用的規範或標準應用測試標準並評估結果
  • Apply testing criteria in accordance with applicable specifications or standards and evaluate results
  • 組織和報告測試結果
  • Organize and report test results
  • 可能使用聲發射,振動分析,紅外熱成像激光剪切散斑試驗方法進行專項檢查
  • May perform specialized inspections using acoustic emission, vibration analysis, infrared thermography and laser shearography testing methods
  • 可能指導和監督學員。
  • May instruct and supervise trainees.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 必需完成中學學習。
  • Completion of secondary school is required.
  • 可能需要完成兩年的認可專科教育科學或工程項目。
  • Completion of two years of an approved post-secondary science or engineering program may be required.
  • 非破壞性測試認證要求接受其他課堂學習和在職培訓。
  • Additional classroom and on-the-job training is required for certification in non-destructive testing.
  • 由加拿大自然資源部提供的非破壞性測試認證在三個層次可用,同時雇主通常要求僱員取得該認證。
  • Non-destructive testing certification by Natural Resources Canada is available in three levels and is usually required by employers.
  • 使用放射性同位素的工業技師必須通過考試,才可以被確認為加拿大核安全委員會認證的曝光裝置操作人員。
  • Industrial radiographers using a radioactive isotope must pass an examination to be recognized as a certified exposure device operator by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.
  • 由加拿大焊接局提供焊接檢驗師認證在三個層次可用,同時雇主可能會要求僱員提供該認證。
  • Welding inspector certification by the Canadian Welding Bureau is available in three levels and may be required by employers.
  • 美國石油學會頒發的鍋爐和壓力容器,工藝管道,地上儲罐督察認證是適用的。
  • Boiler and pressure vessel, process pipeline and above-ground storage tank inspector certification is available from the American Petroleum Institute.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 聲發射技術人員 acoustic emission technician
  • 聲發射測試人員 acoustic emission tester
  • 飛機的非破壞性檢驗技師 aircraft non-destructive inspection technician
  • 黑光技術人員 – 非破壞性測試 black light technician – non-destructive testing
  • 鍋爐測試人員 boiler tester
  • 染料滲透劑技師 dye penetrant technician
  • 染料滲透劑測試人員 dye penetrant tester
  • 渦流技術人員 eddy current technician
  • 渦流檢測人員 eddy current tester
  • 熒光滲透測試人員 fluorescent penetrant testing technician
  • 透視測試人員 fluoroscope tester
  • 鍛造測試人員 forging tester
  • 水壓測試人員 hydrostatic tester
  • 工業放射技師 industrial radiographer
  • 工業技師 – 無線電話 industrial radiographer – radiotelephony
  • 紅外技術人員 infrared technician
  • 紅外測試人員 infrared tester
  • 紅外熱成像 infrared thermographer
  • 紅外熱成像技術人員 infrared thermography technician
  • 液體滲透技術人員 – 非破壞性測試 liquid penetrant technician – non-destructive testing
  • 液體滲透探傷技師 liquid penetrant testing technician
  • 磁粉技師 magnetic particle technician
  • 磁粉檢測儀 magnetic particle tester
  • 磁粉探傷技師 magnetic particle testing technician
  • 維修技師 – 非破壞性測試(NDT) maintenance technician – non-destructive testing (NDT)
  • NDT(無損檢測)的維修技師 NDT (non-destructive testing) maintenance technician
  • 非破壞性檢查技術人員 non-destructive examination technician
  • 非破壞性的考官 non-destructive examiner
  • 非破壞性檢驗技師 non-destructive inspection technician
  • 非破壞性檢查測試人員 non-destructive inspection tester
  • 非破壞性檢驗員 non-destructive inspector
  • 非破壞性測試技術員 non-destructive test technician
  • 非破壞性測試人員 non-destructive tester
  • 非破壞性的測試維護(NDT)技術人員 non-destructive testing maintenance (NDT) technician
  • 非破壞性測試實習生 non-destructive testing trainee
  • 管測試人員 – 非破壞性測試 pipe tester – non-destructive testing
  • 管道檢測技術人員 – 非破壞性測試 pipeline testing technician – non-destructive testing
  • 壓力罐測試人員 pressure tank tester
  • 壓力容器測試人員 pressure vessel tester
  • 合格的操作人員,非破壞性測試 qualified operator, non-destructive testing
  • 放射技師,工業 radiographer, industrial
  • 放射技術員 – 非破壞性測試 radiographic technician – non-destructive testing
  • X射線檢測儀 radiographic tester
  • reflectoscope測試人員 reflectoscope tester
  • 技術員,NDT(無損檢測)維修 technician, NDT (non-destructive testing) maintenance
  • 技術員,非破壞性檢查 technician, non-destructive examinations
  • 技術人員的,非破壞性的檢查 technician, non-destructive inspection
  • 測試人員,鍋爐 tester, boiler
  • 測試人員,非破壞性的檢查 tester, non-destructive inspection
  • 測試技術員,熒光滲透 testing technician, fluorescent penetrant
  • 測試技術員,紫外線 testing technician, ultraviolet light
  • 熱成像測試人員 thermographer-tester
  • 實習生,非破壞性測試 trainee, non-destructive testing
  • 超聲波浸泡測試人員 ultrasonic immersion tester
  • 超聲波技師 – 非破壞性測試 ultrasonic technician – non-destructive testing
  • 超聲波檢測人員 ultrasonic tester
  • 超聲波探傷技師 ultrasonic testing technician
  • 紫外線測試技術員 ultraviolet light testing technician
  • 振動分析技術員 – 非破壞性測試 vibration analysis technician – non-destructive testing
  • 視覺檢測技術人員 – 焊接 visual inspection technician – welding
  • 焊縫檢測人員 weld tester

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 工程督察和監管人員 Engineering inspectors and regulatory officers 2262
  • 射線或超聲波設備操作的職業醫學實驗室或醫院(醫療技師和技術員(除了牙齒健康)的X光或超聲波設備經營職業) Radiographic or ultrasonic equipment operating occupations in medical laboratories or hospitals (in 321 Medical technologists and technicians (except dental health) )




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




