簡介 Intro
Opticians fit clients with prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses, assist clients in the selection of eyeglass frames, arrange for the production of eyeglasses or contact lenses and mount lenses in eyeglass frames. They are employed in optical retail outlets or other establishments with optical dispensing departments, or they may be self-employed. Student opticians and opticians who are managers of optical retail outlets are included in this unit group.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 從眼科醫生或驗光師編制的處方,或通過分析客戶的眼鏡或隱形眼鏡,或使用光學測量設備,測量客戶的眼球曲率,瞳孔距離和橋寬,從而獲得眼鏡或隱形眼鏡的規格
- Obtain specifications for eyeglasses or contact lenses from a prescription prepared by an ophthalmologist or optometrist or by analyzing the client’s eyeglasses or contact lenses and by measuring client’s eye curvature, pupillary distance and bridge width, using optical measuring devices
- 協助客戶選擇眼鏡鏡片材料,框架,色調和防反射塗層
- Assist clients in selecting eyeglasses by advising on lens materials, frames, tints and anti-reflection coating
- 對使用和護理隱形眼鏡提供建議
- Advise on use and care of contact lenses
- 安排鏡片的研磨和拋光或研磨和拋光鏡片
- Arrange for grinding and polishing of lenses or grind and polish lenses
- 切割和磨製鏡片邊緣,使鏡片適合鏡框
- Cut and edge lenses and fit lenses into frames
- 調整成品眼鏡,以適應客戶端
- Adjust finished eyeglasses to fit client
- 可以監督或管理其他學生配鏡師或配鏡師的活動。
- May supervise or manage the activities of other opticians or student opticians.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 必需完成兩年或三年制眼科調劑或光學科學大專課程。
- Completion of a two- or three-year college program in ophthalmic dispensing or optical sciences is required.
- 所有省份的配鏡師必須持有監管機構的許可執照。
- Licensing by a regulatory body for opticians is required in all provinces.
- 與調劑和隱形眼鏡認證相關的實踐和受保護頭銜的規定範圍的執照要求根據省份不同而變化。
- Licensing requirements for scope of practice and protected titles related to dispensing and contact lens certification vary by province.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 學徒配鏡 apprentice optician
- 隱形眼鏡調劑師 contact lens dispenser
- 隱形眼鏡鉗工 contact lens fitter
- 隱形眼鏡醫生 contact lens practitioner
- 隱形眼鏡技術員 contact lens technician
- 藥劑師,隱形眼鏡 dispenser, contact lens
- 藥劑師,眼科設備 dispenser, ophthalmic devices
- 藥劑師,光學器件 dispenser, optical devices
- 配藥配鏡師 dispensing optician
- 學生配藥配鏡師 dispensing optician student
- 眼鏡鉗工 eyeglasses fitter
- 眼鏡架鉗工 eyeglasses frame fitter
- 鉗工,隱形眼鏡 fitter, contact lens
- 鉗工,眼鏡 fitter, eyeglasses
- 鉗工,眼鏡架 fitter, eyeglasses frame
- 實習生配鏡 intern optician
- 發牌的隱形眼鏡醫生 licensed contact lens practitioner
- 持牌配藥配鏡 licensed dispensing optician
- 行貨配鏡師 licensed optician
- 執業許可從業師,隱形眼鏡 licensed practitioner, contact lenses
- 配鏡師管理 managing optician
- 眼科設備藥劑師 ophthalmic device dispenser
- 眼科藥劑師 ophthalmic dispenser
- 光器件藥劑師 optical device dispenser
- 光學配藥經理 optical dispensing manager
- 光幀鉗工 optical frame fitter
- 配鏡 optician
- 配鏡師,配藥 optician, dispensing
- 配鏡師,學生 optician, student
- 驗光配鏡點膠機 optometric dispenser
- 醫生,隱形眼鏡 practitioner, contact lenses
- 鏡框鉗工 spectacle frame fitter
- 學生配鏡 student optician
- 技術員,隱形眼鏡 technician, contact lenses
- 技術員,視覺ortheses的 technician, visual ortheses
- 技術員,視覺矯正裝置 technician, visual orthotic devices
- 視力矯正技術人員 visual orthesis technician
- 視覺矯形器技師 visual orthotic device technician
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 眼鏡零售網點或光學調劑部門經理,不屬於配鏡師(零售及批發貿易經理經理) Managers of optical retail outlets or of optical dispensing departments who are not opticians (in 0621 Retail and wholesale trade managers )
- 假眼製造者(其他醫療技師和技術員(除了牙齒健康)) Ocularists (in 3219 Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health) )
- 眼科醫生(專科醫師) Ophthalmologists (in 3111 Specialist physicians )
- 光學實驗室技術人員(其他協助職業衛生服務的支持) Optical lab technicians (in 3414 Other assisting occupations in support of health services )
- 視光師 Optometrists 3121