NOC 3413 護士助理,護理員和患者服務專員 Nurse Aides, Orderlies And Patient Service Associates


簡介 Intro


Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates assist nurses, hospital staff and physicians in the basic care of patients. They are employed in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted care facilities for the elderly and other health care establishments.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 回答呼叫信號;供應和清理便盆;為患者洗澡,穿衣和整理服裝;提供餐盤,餵食或協助餵食患者,協助患者選擇菜單;稱重,抬起,翻轉,和安置病人;術前為病人備皮;督促患者日常鍛煉,並為患者提供休閒活動,陪病人進行戶外休閒活動,並執行其他有關病人護理和安慰職責
  • Answer call signals; supply and empty bed pans; bathe, dress and groom patients; serve meal trays, feed or assist in feeding of patients and assist patients with menu selection; weigh, lift, turn, and position patients; shave patients prior to operations ; supervise patients’ exercise routines, set up and provide leisure activities for patients, accompany patients on outside recreational activities and perform other duties related to patient care and comfort
  • 為患者測量血壓,溫度和脈搏,報告或記錄輸入和輸出液體量,觀察或監測病人狀況和在圖表上記錄了病人的護理情況,在緊急情況下執行急救救護,採集標本,如尿液,糞便或痰液,進行栓劑,結腸灌洗和灌腸工作,按照護理和醫院工作人員的指示執行其他程序
  • Take patients’ blood pressure, temperature and pulse; report or record fluid intake and output; observe or monitor patients’ status and document patient care on charts; administer first aid in emergency situations; collect specimens such as urine, faeces or sputum; administer suppositories , colonic irrigations and enemas and perform other procedures as directed by nursing and hospital staff
  • 用輪椅或擔架用送患者,使其接受治療或手術
  • Transport patients by wheelchair or stretcher for treatment or surgery
  • 在部門之間傳輸消息,報告,申請和標本
  • Carry messages, reports, requisitions and specimens between departments
  • 鋪床和維護病人的房間
  • Make beds and maintain patients’ rooms
  • 保持庫存物資
  • Maintain inventory of supplies
  • 可以執行維護任務,如協助安裝和維護牽引設備,清洗或消毒設備,維護和修理設備,組裝,安裝和操作相關工作設備
  • May perform maintenance tasks such as assisting with the set-up and maintenance of traction equipment, cleaning or sterilizing equipment, maintaining and repairing equipment, and assembling, setting-up and operating job-related equipment
  • 可以在護理設施之間運送病人。
  • May transport patients between care facilities.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 完成中學教育和在職培訓
  • Some secondary school education and on-the-job training
  • 必須完成護理助手或保健助理大專或私人機構課程,或大學護理專員課程以及監督的實際培訓。
  • A nursing aide or health care aide college or private institutional program, or a college nursing orderly program and supervised practical training are required.
  • 一些保健部門可能還要求完成專業課,如CPR(心肺復蘇術),急救及處理食物/無菌處理。
  • Some health care facilities may also require completion of specialized courses such as CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), first aid and food handling/sterile processing.
  • 醫療人員可能需要適當類別的駕駛執照
  • An appropriate class of driver’s licence may be required for medical attendants.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • (EMCA)紧急医疗护理员 (EMCA) emergency medical care attendant
  • 助手,急诊室 aide, emergency room
  • 助手,医疗保健 aide, health care
  • 助手,医院 aide, hospital
  • 助手,医院病房 aide, hospital ward
  • 助手,医疗 aide, medical
  • 助手,神经精神 aide, neuropsychiatric
  • 助手,护理 – 医院 aide, nursery – hospital
  • 助手,手术室 aide, operating room
  • 助手,病人护理 aide, patient care
  • 助手,精神病 aide, psychiatric
  • 助手,特殊护理 – 护理 aide, special care – nursing
  • 手术助手, aide, surgical
  • 医院麻醉服务员 – anesthetic attendant – hospital
  • 紧急医疗助理, assistant, emergency medical care
  • 助理,医院 attendant, hospital
  • 服务员,护理 attendant, nursing
  • 服务员,养老院 attendant, nursing home
  • 助理,个人护理 – 医疗 attendant, personal care – medical
  • 服务员,特别护理设施 attendant, special care facility
  • 持续服务助理 continuing care assistant
  • 紧急医疗助理 emergency medical care assistant
  • 紧急医疗护理员(EMCA) emergency medical care attendant (EMCA)
  • 紧急医疗响应 emergency medical responder
  • 急诊室助手 emergency room aide
  • 环保助理 – 医疗 environmental assistant – medical
  • 环境支持的人 – 医疗 environmental support person – medical
  • 急救服务员 first aid attendant
  • 急救服务员-急救 first aid attendant – emergency
  • 老年助理 geriatric aide
  • 老年健康护理员 geriatric health care attendant
  • 医疗保健助手 health care aide
  • 健康服务助理 health care assistant
  • 安宁工人 hospice worker
  • 医院助手 hospital aide
  • 护理员 hospital attendant
  • 医院专员 hospital orderly
  • 医院搬运工 hospital porter
  • 医院病房助手 hospital ward aide
  • 旅馆的服务助手 – 医疗 hostel service aide – medical
  • 体制助手 institutional aide
  • 长期护理助手 long term care aide
  • 医疗助手 medical aide
  • 诊医生 – 病人转移 medical attendant – patient transfer
  • 卫生员 medical orderly
  • 神经精神助手 neuropsychiatric aide
  • 助理护士 nurse aide
  • 苗圃助手 – 医院 nursery aide – hospital
  • 护士助理(非注册) nursing assistant (non-registered)
  • 护理服务员 nursing attendant
  • 养老院的服务员 nursing home attendant
  • 护理专员 nursing orderly
  • 护理服务助手 nursing services aide
  • 手术室助手 operating room aide
  • 专员 orderly
  • 病人护理助手 patient care aide
  • 病人护理助理 patient care assistant
  • 病人护理联营公司 patient care associate
  • 门诊服务助手 patient service aide
  • 门诊服务助理 patient service assistant
  • 门诊服务联营公司 patient service associate
  • 门诊服务的服务员 patient service attendant
  • 门诊服务工作者 patient service worker
  • 个人护理助手 – 医疗 personal care aide – medical
  • 个人护理员 – 医疗 personal care attendant – medical
  • 个人护理用品供应商 – 医疗 personal care provider – medical
  • 个人支持助手 – 医疗 personal support aide – medical
  • 精神病助手 psychiatric aide
  • 注册护理助手 registered care aide
  • 居民护理助手 – 医疗 resident care aide – medical
  • 居民的伴侣 – 医疗 resident companion – medical
  • 喘息护理助手 respite care aide
  • 助理 – 医疗服务 service assistant – medical
  • 联营公司 – 医疗服务 service associate – medical
  • 服务助理-医院 service attendant – medical
  • 特殊照顾护理助手 – special care aide – nursing
  • 特别护理设施服务员 special care facility attendant
  • 特别护理 – 医疗工作者 special care worker – medical
  • 支持服务助理 – 医疗 support services assistant – medical
  • 手术助手 surgical aide
  • 单位助手 – 医疗 unit aide – medical
  • 单位助手 – 医疗 unit assistant – medical
  • 单元支持技术人员-医院 unit support technician – medical
  • 病房助手 – 医疗 ward aide – medical

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 執業護士 Licensed practical nurses 3233
  • 支持衛生服務的其他協助職業 Other assisting occupations in support of health services 3414
  • 個人護理員 – 家庭護理(家庭支援人員,管家和相關職業) Personal care attendants – home care (in 4412 Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations )




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




