簡介 Intro
This unit group includes anthropologists, archaeologists, geographers, historians, linguists, political scientists, sociologists and other professional occupations in social science not elsewhere classified. They are employed in universities and throughout the public and private sectors.
Specialization within each occupation occurs through specialized university study or through experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 人類學家對人類社會和文化的起源、發展和運作,人類進化、不斷變化的物理特性和地理分佈進行研究。
- Anthropologists conduct studies of the origin, development and functioning of human societies and cultures and of human evolution, changing physical characteristics and geographical distribution.
- 考古學家研究文物(客體和構築物),重構過去的經濟,社會,政治生活和精神生活。
- Archaeologists study artifacts (objects and structures) to reconstruct past economic, social, political and intellectual life.
- 地理學家研究和分析物理,生物,文化和社會形態的空間分佈和相互關係。
- Geographers study and analyse the spatial distribution and interrelationship of physical, biological, cultural and social patterns.
- 歷史學家對過去人類活動的一個或多個階段或方面進行研究,解釋並記錄結果。
- Historians conduct research into one or more phases or aspects of past human activity and interpret and document findings.
- 語言學家研究語言的起源、結構和發展,應用語言學理論解決教學、翻譯和交際的問題。
- Linguists study the origin, structure and development of languages and apply linguistic theory to problems in teaching, translation and communications.
- 政治學家研究政治體制,政治運動和個人的政治行為的理論,起源,發展,相互關係和運作。
- Political scientists conduct research into the theory, origin, development, interrelationships and functioning of political institutions, political movements and individual political behaviour.
- 心理測量學家開發心理測試,規模和措施,可管理或應用和解釋這樣的測試,規模和措施。
- Psychometricians develop psychological tests, scales and measures, and may administer or apply and interpret such tests, scales and measures.
- 心理測量人員通常在註冊心理學家的監督下,執行並評閱心理測試。
- Psychometrists administer and score psychological tests, usually under the supervision of a registered psychologist.
- 社會學家研究人類社會的發展,結構,社會形態和相互關係。
- Sociologists study the development, structure, social patterns and interrelationships of human society.
- 包括在該組的其他社會科學專業人事專注於社會科學和人文學科的特定領域。這些包括犯罪學家(研究犯罪和罪犯的專家),老年學家(老化現象和問題的專家),書法分析專家(筆跡分析專家)和其他人。
- Other social science professionals included in this group specialize in particular areas of social sciences and humanities disciplines. These include criminologists (specialists in the study of crime and criminals), gerontologists (specialists in the phenomena and problems of ageing), graphoanalysts (specialists in handwriting analysis) and others.
- 這些職業通常都存在專業性。
- Specialization usually exists within each of these occupations.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要本學科碩士或博士學位。 A master’s or doctoral degree in the discipline is usually required.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 分析師,手寫 analyst, handwriting
- 人類學家 anthropologist
- 應用人類學家 applied anthropologist
- 應用地理學 applied geographer
- 應用語言學家 applied linguist
- 考古顧問 archaeological consultant
- 田野考古工作者 archaeological field worker
- 考古學家 archaeologist
- 生物地理學 biogeographer
- 生物人類學家 biological anthropologist
- 犯罪學家 criminologist
- 文化人類學家 cultural anthropologist
- 文化地理學 cultural geographer
- 外交歷史學家 diplomatic historian
- 戲劇藝術歷史學家 dramatic arts historian
- 經濟地理學 economic geographer
- 經濟史學家 economic historian
- 教育社會學家 educational sociologist
- 人種學家 ethnographer
- 民族學家 ethnologist
- 詞源 etymologist
- 地理學 geographer
- 老年病學 gerontologist
- 筆跡分析專家 graphoanalyst
- 筆跡學家 graphologist
- 筆跡分析師 handwriting analyst
- 筆跡專家 handwriting expert
- 歷史學家 historian
- 歷史地理學 historical geographer
- 工業地理學 industrial geographer
- 工業社會學家 industrial sociologist
- 語言學家 linguist
- 語言人類學家 linguistic anthropologist
- 醫學社會學家 medical sociologist
- 軍事歷史學家 military historian
- 刑罰學者 penologist
- 語言學家 philologist
- 哲學家 philosopher
- 體質人類學家 physical anthropologist
- 物理地理學 physical geographer
- 政治地理學 political geographer
- 政治歷史學家 political historian
- 政治學家 political scientist
- 政治學家 politicist
- 心理語言學家 psycholinguist
- 心理測量學家 psychometrician
- 心理測量人員 psychometrist
- 定量歷史學家 quantitative historian
- 人類學家研究 research anthropologist
- 考古學家研究 research archaeologist
- 農村社會學家 rural sociologist
- 科學專家,手寫 scientific expert, handwriting
- 科學的筆跡專家 scientific handwriting expert
- 社會和文化人類學家 social and cultural anthropologist
- 社會人類學家 social anthropologist
- 社會生態學家 social ecologist
- 社會歷史學家 social historian
- 社會科學家 social scientist
- 社會語言學家 sociolinguist
- 社會學家 sociologist
- 戲劇史家 theatre historian
- 城市地理學 urban geographer
- 城市社會學家 urban sociologist
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 學院和其他職業指導員 College and other vocational instructors 4021
- 經濟學家和經濟政策研究人員和分析師 Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts 4162
- 數學家,統計學家和精算師 Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries 2161
- 心理學家 Psychologists 4151
- 中學教師 Secondary school teachers 4031
- 社會政策研究人員,顧問和項目官員 Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers 4164
- 大學教授和講師 University professors and lecturers 4011