簡介 Intro
Archivists manage, process, store and disseminate information contained in an organization’s archives. They acquire, store and research textual material, pictures, maps, architectural documents, electronic materials, films and videos, and sound recordings and multimedia materials. Archivists are employed in archives , in the public and para-public sectors and in private sector organizations.
Progression to archive management positions is possible with experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 開發管理當前檔案和半現行文件的政策和程序,特別是企業編目系統,記錄調度和處置,以及檢索工具
- Develop policies and procedures for managing current and semicurrent archives, in particular corporate cataloguing systems, records scheduling and disposal, and finding aids
- 設計方案,用以管理,傳播和存儲所有類型檔案(文件,照片,地圖,視聽材料,手稿等)
- Design programs for managing, disseminating and storing archives of all types (documents, photographs, maps, audio-visual materials, manuscripts, etc.)
- 規劃檔案計算機化管理和電子檔案的管理
- Plan the computerized management of archives and the management of electronic archives
- 評價和獲取檔案材料,建立和發展用於研究目的的檔案收藏
- Appraise and acquire archival materials to build and develop an archival collection for research purposes
- 驗證文件和記錄,研究檔案材料的起源和意義
- Authenticate documents and records, and research the origins and significance of archival materials
- 組織非現行檔案,開發編目和檢索系統,以方便獲取檔案材料
- Organize noncurrent archives and develop cataloguing and retrieval systems to allow access to archival materials
- 幫助人們進行搜索。
- Assist people with their searches.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 大學本科學歷,輔修檔案研究。
- A bachelor’s degree with a minor in archival studies
- 必需具有檔案研究認證的大學學位。
- A university degree with a certificate in archival studies is required.
- 可能必需是檔案學和信息科學,圖書館學或歷史碩士學位。
- A master’s degree in archival studies, archival studies and information science, library science or history may be required.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 檔案保管員 archivist
- 檔案館館長助理 archivist, assistant
- 檔案保管員,美術 archivist, fine arts
- 檔案保管員,視頻 archivist, videos
- 助理檔案 assistant archivist
- 館藏檔案保管員 collections archivist
- 企業檔案保管員 corporate archivist
- 美術檔案保管員 fine arts archivist
- 歷史檔案保管員 historical archivist
- 多媒體檔案保管員 multimedia archivist
- 照片檔案保管員 photo archivist
- 研究檔案保管員 research archivist
- 視頻檔案保管員 video archivist
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 存檔助理(圖書館和公共檔案技師) Archive assistants (in 5211 Library and public archive technicians )
- 圖書館 Librarians 5111
- 圖書館,檔案館,博物館和藝術畫廊的經理 Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers 0511