NOC 7205 承包商和監事,其他建設行業,安裝工,維修工和服務商 Contractors And Supervisors, Other Construction Trades, Installers, Repairers And Servicers


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes roofing, masonry, painting and other construction trade contractors, not elsewhere classified, who own and operate their own business. Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of various tradespersons, installers, repairers and servicers classified in the following minor groups: Masonry and Plastering Trades (728), Other Construction Trades (729) and Other Installers, Repairers and Servicers (744). They are employed by a wide range of establishments; places of employment are indicated in the unit group descriptions . This unit group also includes prefabricated product installation and service contractors and proprietors of some repair and service establishments.

There is little or no mobility among supervisors in this unit group.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 監督,協調和安排從事砌磚,屋面,水泥整理,瓷磚鋪設,抹灰,石膏板安裝,玻璃,絕緣和塗漆的建築工人的活動和在住宅及商業區安裝預製產品並提供服務的工人的活動,以及修理各種各樣的產品,如樂器,運動器材,自動售貨機,自行車和相機的工人的活動。
  • Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of construction workers engaged in bricklaying, roofing, cement finishing, tilesetting, plastering, drywall installation, glazing, insulating and painting, and workers who install and service prefabricated products in residential and commercial properties, as well as workers who repair a wide variety of products, such as musical instruments, sports equipment, vending machines, bicycles and cameras
  • 制定方法,以滿足工作計劃,協調與其他分包商的工作
  • Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other subcontractors
  • 解決工作中的問題並建議可行措施,以提高生產率和產品質量
  • Resolve work problems and recommend measures to improve productivity and product quality
  • 申報材料和用品
  • Requisition materials and supplies
  • 培訓員工,了解工作職責,安全程序和公司政策
  • Train workers in job duties, safety procedures and company policies
  • 推薦人事,如僱傭和職位晉升
  • Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions
  • 準備工作進展報告
  • Prepare work progress reports
  • 亦可管理本的公司的運作
  • May manage the operations of own company
  • 也可監督,協調和調度相關的學徒,傭工和勞動者的活動。
  • May also supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of related apprentices, helpers and labourers.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要具備中學學歷。
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • 通常需要幾年的行業工作經驗,或施工現場的工作經驗。
  • Several years of experience in the trade or in the work area superviseds are usually required.
  • 某些職位需要具備熟練工種的行業認證
  • Journeyman/woman trade certification may be required for some occupations in this unit group.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 瀝青屋頂工領班/男/女 asphalt roofers foreman/woman
  • 瀝青屋面承包商 asphalt roofing contractor
  • 瀝青屋面領班/男/女 asphalt roofing foreman/woman
  • 自行車修理店主管 bicycle repair shop supervisor
  • 鍋爐和管道保溫專家領班/男/女 boiler and pipe insulation specialists foreman/woman
  • 鍋爐和管道絕緣子領班/男/女 boiler and pipe insulators foreman/woman
  • 分行主管,病蟲害防治 branch supervisor, pest control
  • 磚和石匠領班/男/女 brick and stone masons foreman/woman
  • 磚混承包商 brick masonry contractor
  • 瓦工領班/男/女 bricklayer foreman/woman
  • 瓦工導師 bricklayer supervisor
  • 瓦工商 bricklayer-contractor
  • 砌磚砌體承包商 bricklaying and masonry contractor
  • 砌磚承包商 bricklaying contractor
  • 橋畫家領班/男/女 bridge painters foreman/woman
  • 建築保溫材料安裝工長/男/女 building insulation material installation foreman/woman
  • 建築保溫專家領班/男/女 building insulation specialists foreman/woman
  • 建築絕緣子領班/男/女 building insulators foreman/woman
  • 建設維護主管 building maintenance supervisor
  • 相機維修店主管 camera repair shop supervisor
  • 水泥裝訂領班/男/女 cement finisher foreman/woman
  • 鞏固整理承包商 cement finishing contractor
  • 水泥抹光領班/男/女 cement smoother foreman/woman
  • 混凝土和水泥的選手領班/男/女 concrete and cement finishers foreman/woman
  • 混凝土和水泥整理承包商 concrete and cement finishing contractor
  • 具體的選手領班/男/女 concrete finishers foreman/woman
  • 混凝土精領班/男/女 concrete finishing foreman/woman
  • 建築油漆工領班/男/女 construction painters foreman/woman
  • 建設畫家主管 construction painters supervisor
  • 瀝青屋面承包商, contractor, asphalt roofing
  • 承包商,瓦工 contractor, bricklaying
  • 承包商,瓦工和磚石 contractor, bricklaying and masonry
  • 承包商,水泥整理 contractor, cement finishing
  • 承包商,混凝土和水泥整理 contractor, concrete and cement finishing
  • 承包商,裝飾 contractor, decorating
  • 承包商,石膏板的應用 contractor, drywall application
  • 承包商,drywalling contractor, drywalling
  • 承包商,安裝eavestrough; contractor, eavestrough installation
  • 承包商,擊劍 contractor, fencing
  • 承包商,地板覆蓋物 contractor, floor covering
  • 承包商,玻璃的安裝和維修 contractor, glass installation and repair
  • 承包商,施釉 contractor, glazing
  • 承包商,熱水器安裝 contractor, hot water heater installation
  • 承包商,絕緣 contractor, insulating
  • 承包商,絕緣 contractor, insulation
  • 承建商,環環相扣的鋪路石 contractor, interlocking paving stones
  • 承包商,大理石和水磨石設置 contractor, marble and terrazzo setting
  • 承包商,繪畫 contractor, painting
  • 承包商,油漆和牆紙 contractor, painting and wallpapering
  • 承包商,裱糊 contractor, paperhanging
  • 承包商,抹灰 contractor, plastering
  • 承包商,抹灰和石膏板應用 contractor, plastering and drywall application
  • 承包商,抹灰和drywalling contractor, plastering and drywalling
  • 承包商,屋面 contractor, roofing
  • 承包商,屋面鈑金屋頂除外 contractor, roofing (except sheet metal roofs)
  • 承包商,化糞池系統 contractor, septic systems
  • 承包人,木瓦屋頂 contractor, shingle roofing
  • 承包商,壁板 contractor, siding
  • 承包商,石匠 contractor, stonemasonry
  • 游泳池安裝承包商, contractor, swimming pool installation
  • 承包商,水磨石整理 contractor, terrazzo finishing
  • 承包商,瓷磚,水磨石,大理石設置 contractor, tile, terrazzo and marble setting
  • 承包商,tilesetting contractor, tilesetting
  • 承包商,木瓦屋頂 contractor, wood shingle roofing
  • 承包商地板防塵罩的 contractor-floor coverer
  • 承包商玻璃工 contractor-glazier
  • 承包商泥水匠 contractor-plasterer
  • 承包商拋光,水磨石 contractor-polisher, terrazzo
  • 承包商蓋屋頂除金屬屋頂 contractor-roofer (except metal roofs)
  • 客服主管 – 住房建設 customer service supervisor – housing construction
  • 裝潢承包商 decorating contractor
  • 裝修工頭/男/女 – 建設 decorating foreman/woman – construction
  • 裝飾領班/男/女 decorators foreman/woman
  • 部門主管,病蟲害防治 division supervisor, pest control
  • 石膏板應用承包商 drywall application contractor
  • 石膏板噴頭領班/男/女 drywall applicators foreman/woman
  • 石膏板承建商 drywall contractor
  • 石膏板商 drywaller-contractor
  • 簷溝承包商 eavestrough contractor
  • 剿殺服務主管 exterminating service supervisor
  • 圍欄承包商 fence contractor
  • 玻璃纖維絕緣專家領班/男/女 fibre glass insulation specialists foreman/woman
  • 光纖絕緣子領班/男/女 fibre insulators foreman/woman
  • 防火抹灰領班/男/女 fireproofing plastering foreman/woman
  • 地板和牆壁覆蓋安裝工長/男/女 floor and wall covering installers foreman/woman
  • 地板防塵罩商 floor coverer-contractor
  • 地板覆蓋承包商 floor covering contractor
  • 地板覆蓋領班/男/女 floor covering foreman/woman
  • 地板覆蓋監督員 floor covering supervisor
  • 泡沫保溫領班/男/女 foam insulation foreman/woman
  • 泡沫絕緣體領班/男/女 foam insulators foreman/woman
  • 領班/男/女,瀝青屋頂工 foreman/woman, asphalt roofers
  • 領班/男/女,鍋爐和管道保溫專家 foreman/woman, boiler and pipe insulation specialists
  • 領班/男/女,鍋爐和管道絕緣子 foreman/woman, boiler and pipe insulators
  • 領班/男/女,磚和石匠 foreman/woman, brick and stone masons
  • 領班/男/女,瓦工 foreman/woman, bricklayer
  • 領班/男/女,橋樑畫家 foreman/woman, bridge painters
  • 領班/男/女,建築保溫專家 foreman/woman, building insulation specialists
  • 領班/男/女,建築絕緣子 foreman/woman, building insulators
  • 領班/男/女,水泥選手 foreman/woman, cement finishers
  • 領班/男/女,混凝土和水泥選手 foreman/woman, concrete and cement finishers
  • 領班/男/女,混凝土選手 foreman/woman, concrete finishers
  • 領班/男/女,施工畫家 foreman/woman, construction painters
  • 領班/男/女,裝飾 foreman/woman, decorators
  • 領班/男/女,石膏板噴頭 foreman/woman, drywall applicators
  • 領班/男/女,玻璃纖維保溫專家 foreman/woman, fibre glass insulation specialists
  • 領班/男/女,纖維絕緣 foreman/woman, fibre insulation
  • 領班/男/女,光纖絕緣子 foreman/woman, fibre insulators
  • 領班/男/女,防火泥水工 foreman/woman, fireproofing plasterers
  • 領班/男/女,地板和牆壁覆蓋安裝 foreman/woman, floor and wall covering installers
  • 領班/男/女,地板革 foreman/woman, floor covering
  • 領班/男/女,泡沫絕緣體 foreman/woman, foam insulators
  • 領班/男/女,玻璃installators的 foreman/woman, glass installators
  • 領班/男/女,玻璃安裝 foreman/woman, glass installers
  • 領班/男/女,玻璃工 foreman/woman, glaziers
  • 領班/男/女,溫室安裝 foreman/woman, greenhouse installers
  • 領班/男/女,溫室安裝 foreman/woman, hothouse installers
  • 領班/男/女,保溫專家 foreman/woman, insulation specialists
  • 領班/男/女,絕緣子 foreman/woman, insulators
  • 領班/男/女,適當的泡沫 foreman/woman, lathers
  • 領班/男/女,大理石製定者 foreman/woman, marble setters
  • 領班/男/女,畫家 – 建設 foreman/woman, painters – construction
  • 領班/男/女,畫家和裝飾 foreman/woman, painters and decorators
  • 領班/男/女,paperhangers foreman/woman, paperhangers
  • 領班/男/女,泥水匠 foreman/woman, plasterers
  • 領班/男/女,耐火材料瓦工 foreman/woman, refractory bricklayers
  • 領班/男/女,製冷和空調裝支柱絕緣子 foreman/woman, refrigeration and air conditioning equipment insulators
  • 領班/男/女,屋頂工 foreman/woman, roofers
  • 領班/男/女,蓋屋頂鈑金屋頂除外 foreman/woman, roofers (except sheet metal roofs)
  • 領班/男/女,染色玻璃安裝 foreman/woman, stain glass installers
  • 領班/男/女,彩繪玻璃玻璃工 foreman/woman, stained glass glaziers
  • 石匠領班/男/女, foreman/woman, stonemasons
  • 領班/男/女,粉刷泥水工 foreman/woman, stucco plasterers
  • 領班/男/女,水磨石製定者 foreman/woman, terrazzo setters
  • 領班/男/女,tilesetters foreman/woman, tilesetters
  • 領班/男/女,waterproofers foreman/woman, waterproofers
  • 領班/男/女,木瓦屋頂工 foreman/woman, wood shingle roofers
  • 玻璃安裝和維修承包商 glass installation and repair contractor
  • 玻璃安裝工長/男/女 glass installation foreman/woman
  • 玻璃安裝工長/男/女 glass installers foreman/woman
  • 玻璃工監事 glazier supervisor
  • 玻璃工商 glazier-contractor
  • 玻璃工領班/男/女 glaziers foreman/woman
  • 玻璃承建商 glazing contractor
  • 玻璃監督員 glazing supervisor
  • 溫室安裝​​工長/男/女 greenhouse installers foreman/woman
  • 熱水器安裝承包商 hot water heater installation contractor
  • 溫室安裝​​工長/男/女 hothouse installers foreman/woman
  • 絕緣承包商 insulating contractor
  • 絕緣承建商 insulation contractor
  • 絕緣領班/男/女 insulation foreman/woman
  • 保溫專家領班/男/女 insulation specialists foreman/woman
  • 絕緣主管 insulation supervisor
  • 絕緣子領班/男/女 insulators foreman/woman
  • 環環相扣的鋪路石承包商 interlocking paving stone contractor
  • 適當的泡沫領班/男/女 lathers foreman/woman
  • 適當的泡沫導師 lathers supervisor
  • 大理石和水磨石承包商二傳手的 marble and terrazzo contractor-setter
  • 大理石和水磨石二傳手商的 marble and terrazzo setter-contractor
  • 大理石和水磨石設定承包商的 marble and terrazzo setting contractor
  • 大理石製定者領班/男/女 marble setters foreman/woman
  • 大理石設置領班/男/女 marble setting foreman/woman
  • 畫家領班/男/女 – 建設 painter foreman/woman – construction
  • 畫家和裝飾工長/男/女 painters and decorators foreman/woman
  • 畫家和裝飾監督員 painters and decorators supervisor
  • 油漆和牆紙承包 painting and wallpapering contractor
  • 繪畫承包商 painting contractor
  • 繪畫主管 – 建設 painting supervisor – construction
  • 裱糊工人領班/男/女 paperhangers foreman/woman
  • 裱糊承包商 paperhanging contractor
  • 裱糊領班/男/女 paperhanging foreman/woman
  • 病蟲害防治分行主管 pest control branch supervisor
  • 病蟲害防治部門主管 pest control division supervisor
  • 病蟲害防治主管 pest control supervisor
  • 泥水匠領班/男/女 plasterer foreman/woman
  • 泥水匠商 plasterer-contractor
  • 抹灰和石膏板應用承包商 plastering and drywall application contractor
  • 的抹灰和drywalling承包商 plastering and drywalling contractor
  • 抹灰承包商 plastering contractor
  • 抹灰主管 plastering supervisor
  • 游泳池和庭院承包商 pool and patio contractor
  • 耐火瓦工領班/男/女 refractory bricklayer foreman/woman
  • 製冷與空調裝支柱絕緣子領班/男/女 refrigeration and air conditioning equipment insulators foreman/woman
  • 屋頂牆面板主管 roof shinglers supervisor
  • 蓋屋頂承包商金屬屋頂除外 roofer-contractor (except metal roofs)
  • 屋頂工金屬板屋頂除外領班/男/女 roofers (except sheet metal roofs) foreman/woman
  • 屋頂工和牆面板主管 roofers and shinglers supervisor
  • 屋頂工領班/男/女 roofers foreman/woman
  • 屋面承包商 roofing contractor
  • 屋頂承包商鈑金屋頂除外 roofing contractor (except sheet metal roofs)
  • 屋面主管 roofing supervisor
  • 化糞池系統承建商 septic system contractor
  • 木瓦屋頂承包商 shingle roofing contractor
  • 壁板承建商 siding contractor
  • 染色玻璃安裝工長/男/女 stain glass installers foreman/woman
  • 彩色玻璃玻璃工領班/男/女 stained glass glaziers foreman/woman
  • 石匠領班/男/女 stonemason foreman/woman
  • 石匠承建商 stonemasonry contractor
  • 粉刷泥水工領班/男/女 stucco plasterers foreman/woman
  • 管理者,賽道維修 superintendent, race track maintenance
  • 監事瓦工 supervisor bricklaying
  • 主管水泥整理 supervisor cement finishing
  • 監事,自行車修理店 supervisor, bicycle repair shop
  • 監事,瓦工 supervisor, bricklayer
  • 監事,建築保溫 supervisor, building insulation
  • 監事,相機維修店 supervisor, camera repair shop
  • 監事,建設畫家 supervisor, construction painters
  • 監事,石膏板安裝 supervisor, drywall installers
  • 監事,消滅服務 supervisor, exterminating service
  • 監事,地板覆蓋物 supervisor, floor covering
  • 監事,玻璃工 supervisor, glazier
  • 監事,施釉 supervisor, glazing
  • 監事,泡沫 supervisor, latherers
  • 監事,畫家和裝飾 supervisor, painters and decorators
  • 監事,病蟲害防治 supervisor, pest control
  • 監事,抹灰 supervisor, plastering
  • 監事,屋頂疊瓦 supervisor, roof shingling
  • 監事,屋頂工和shinglers supervisor, roofers and shinglers
  • 監事,屋面 supervisor, roofing
  • 監事,磚瓦工 supervisor, tilesetters
  • 監事,磚瓦設置 supervisor, tilesetting
  • 游泳池承包商 swimming pool contractor
  • 水磨石整理承包商 terrazzo finishing contractor
  • 水磨石拋光商 terrazzo polisher-contractor
  • 水磨石拋光承包商 terrazzo polishing contractor
  • 水磨石製定者領班/男/女 terrazzo setters foreman/woman
  • 瓷磚和大理石承辦商 tile and marble contractor
  • 瓷磚,水磨石,大理石設定承包商 tile, terrazzo and marble setting contractor
  • 磚瓦工領班/男/女 tilesetters foreman/woman
  • 磚瓦工主管 tilesetters supervisor
  • 磚瓦工承包商 tilesetting contractor
  • 磚瓦工主管 tilesetting supervisor
  • 防水工領班/男/女 waterproofers foreman/woman
  • 防水領班/男/女 waterproofing foreman/woman
  • 木瓦屋頂工領班/男/女 wood shingle roofers foreman/woman
  • 木瓦屋頂承包商 wood shingle roofing contractor

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 承包商和監事,木工行業 Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades 7204
  • 承包商和監督員,管道安裝工 Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades 7203
  • 電氣電工(承包商和監督員,電力行業和電信行業的承包商和監事) Electrical contractors and supervisors of electricians (in 7202 Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations )
  • 鐵件承建商及鐵工監事(承包商和監督員,機械加工,金屬成形,塑造和樹立行業及相關行業的) Ironwork contractors and supervisors of ironworkers (in 7201 Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations )




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




