簡介 Intro
Mechanics in this unit group test, repair and service motorcycles, motor scooters, snowmobiles, forklifts and all-terrain vehicles. They are employed by service shops of motorcycle dealers and retailers and by independent service establishments.
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.
There is mobility among some occupations in this unit group.
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 檢查工作訂單並與主管討論要執行的工作
- Review work orders and discuss work to be performed with supervisor
- 使用測試設備檢查和測試發動機和其他機械部件,以診斷和隔離故障
- Inspect and test engine and other mechanical components using test devices to diagnose and isolate faults
- 使用手工工具和設備調整,修理或更換機械或電氣系統零部件
- Adjust, repair or replace mechanical or electrical system parts and components using hand tools and equipment
- 測試和調整修復系統,確保適當的性能
- Test and adjust repaired systems for proper performance
- 執行計劃的設備維護服務
- Perform scheduled maintenance service on equipment
- 告知客戶執行的工作和設備的一般狀況
- Advise customers on work performed and general condition of equipment
- 確定維修費用的估算價格
- Determine estimates of repair cost
- 可以修復和重建工業卡車和叉車的起昇機構和其他各種機械系統。
- May repair and rebuild hoisting mechanism and other mechanical systems on industrial trucks and forklifts.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要完成中學學業。
- Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- 對於摩托車技師,要求完成三到四年的學徒課程
- For motorcycle mechanics, completion of a three- to four-year apprenticeship program
- 或者通常需要超過三年的行業內工作經驗,和的高中或摩托車修理大學課程的組合,才有資格獲得行業認證。
- A combination of over three years of work experience in the trade and some high school or college courses in motorcycle repair is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
- 摩托車修理工行業認證在安大略省和阿爾伯塔省是強制性的,而在紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省,新斯科舍省,愛德華王子島,新不倫瑞克省和不列顛哥倫比亞省是自願的。
- Motorcycle mechanic trade certification is compulsory in Ontario and Alberta and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and British Columbia.
- 本單元組的其他技師可能需要幾年的在職培訓。
- Other mechanics in this unit group may require several years of on-the-job training.
- 紅印章背書對於成功完成跨省紅色鋼印考試後合格的摩托車技師也適用。
- Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified motorcycle mechanics upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 全地形車的維修工 all-terrain vehicle repairer
- 技工學徒,舷外馬達 apprentice mechanic, outboard motors
- 舷外馬達技工學徒 apprentice outboard motor mechanic
- 叉車修理工 forklift mechanic
- 卡丁車維修工 go-kart repairer
- 內側,外側的機械師 inboard-outboard mechanic
- 工業卡車修理工 industrial truck mechanic
- 工業卡車的維修工 industrial truck repairer
- 抬起卡車修理工 lift truck mechanic
- 機械師,內側舷外馬達 mechanic, inboard-outboard motors
- 機械師,摩托艇 mechanic, motor boats
- 機械師,舷外馬達 mechanic, outboard motors
- 摩托艇技工 motor boat mechanic
- 摩托車維修工 motor scooter repairer
- 摩托車修理工 motorcycle mechanic
- 摩托車修理工學徒 motorcycle mechanic apprentice
- 摩托車維修工 motorcycle repairer
- 摩托車修理工/男/女 motorcycle repairman/woman
- 舷外馬達技工 outboard motor mechanic
- 雪地車的維修工 snowmobile repairer
- 雪上汽車修理工/男/女 snowmobile repairman/woman
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 其他小型發動機和小型設備維修工 Other small engine and small equipment repairers 7335
- 主管摩托車及相關設備的力學(承包商及主管,機械行業) Supervisors of motorcycle and related equipment mechanics (in 7301 Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades )