NOC 9534 家具整理工和整修工 Furniture Finishers And Refinishers


簡介 Intro


Furniture finishers finish new wood or metal furniture to specified colour and finish. They are employed in furniture manufacturing plants, retail furniture stores or refinishing and repair shops. Furniture refinishers refinish repaired, used or old furniture. They are employed in furniture refinishing and repair shops or they may be self-employed.

主要職責 Main Duties

家具整理工執行部分或全部下列職責:Furniture finishers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 設置和操作整理機或手工完成家具
  • Set up and operate finishing machines or finish furniture by hand
  • 使用刷子或噴槍,用著色劑,油漆或其他材料按照指定的顏色給木頭上色或修整
  • Stain or finish wood to specified colour with stains, paints or other materials using brush or spray gun
  • 應用墨粉,亮點,釉料或著色器,以達到理想的光潔度
  • Apply toners, highlights, glazes or shaders to obtain desired finish
  • 應用漆或其他封口機
  • Apply lacquer or other sealers
  • 使用手動和電動工具,裝飾木頭表面或標記表面,創造古董或其他效果
  • Decorate wood surfaces or mark surfaces to create antique or other effects using hand and power tools
  • 清潔和拋光家具
  • Clean and polish furniture
  • 用砂紙磨光金屬家具,準備用油漆或其他材料光潔和噴霧。
  • Sand metal furniture to prepare for finish and spray with paint or other materials.

家具整修工執行部分或全部下列職責:Furniture refinishers perform some or all of the following duties:

  • 使用鋼絲絨,砂紙和溶劑,去除木材表面陳舊的光度
  • Strip old finish from wood surfaces using steel wool, sandpaper and solvents
  • 用木材填料機填平鑿痕,並用砂紙打磨木材
  • Smooth gouges with wood filler and sand wood
  • 匹配顏色來獲得原有的光潔度,對已剝離木材應用適當的光潔度。
  • Match colours to obtain original finish and apply appropriate finish to stripped wood
  • 給以修整的表面拋光和打蠟
  • Polish and wax refinished surfaces
  • 用砂紙打磨或研磨金屬表面,準備塗層,並採用靜電方法,噴槍或其他塗裝設備,漆刷金屬表面
  • Sand or grind metal surfaces to prepare for coating, and paint metal surfaces using electrostatic method, spray gun or other painting equipment
  • 進行家具的小修小補
  • Make minor repairs to furniture
  • 可能履行家具修理者的職責。
  • May perform duties of furniture finisher.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 必需具備中學教育。
  • Some secondary school education is required.
  • 可能必需完成學院,高中或家具塗飾或重新塗飾行業的課程。
  • College, high school or industry courses in furniture finishing or refinishing may be required.
  • 提供在職培訓。
  • On-the-job training is provided.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 古董收藏家 – 家具整理 antiquer – furniture finishing
  • 緩衝者,家具 – 家具整理 buffer, furniture – furniture finishing
  • 裝飾工 – 家具整理和修補 decorator – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 裝飾工,家具整理 decorator, furniture finishing
  • 整理工 – 家具整理 finisher – furniture finishing
  • 裝訂工和修理者,家具 finisher and repairer, furniture
  • 整理工,框架造型 – 家具製造業 finisher, frame mouldings – furniture manufacturing
  • 裝訂工,家具 finisher, furniture
  • 整理工,木材 – 家具整理和修補 finisher, wood – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 整理機器操作員 – 家具製造業 finishing machine operator – furniture manufacturing
  • 框架成型裝訂工 – 家具製造業 frame moulding finisher – furniture manufacturing
  • 框架成型畫家 – 家具製造業 frame moulding painter – furniture manufacturing
  • 家具緩衝者 – 家具整理 furniture buffer – furniture finishing
  • 家具裝飾工 – 家具整理和修補 furniture decorator – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 家具上釉的工匠 furniture enameller
  • 家具整理工 furniture finisher
  • 家具裝訂工和維修工 furniture finisher and repairer
  • 家具塗飾裝飾工 furniture finishing decorator
  • 家具塗飾上光工 furniture finishing varnisher
  • 家具拋光工 – 家具整理 furniture polisher – furniture finishing
  • 家具拋光工,木 – 家具整理 furniture polisher, wood – furniture finishing
  • 家具整修工 furniture refinisher
  • 家具修補上光工 furniture refinishing varnisher
  • 家具再生產者 furniture reproducer
  • 家具染色工 furniture stainer
  • 家具脫模工 furniture stripper
  • 家具上光工 furniture varnisher
  • 家具加工機器操作員 furniture-finishing machine operator
  • 畫木紋者 – 家具整理和修補 grainer – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 畫木紋者,木材 – 家具整理和修補 grainer, wood – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 匹配工 – 家具整理和修補 matcher – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 金屬家具維修工 metal furniture repairer
  • ornamenter – 家具整理和修補 ornamenter – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 畫家,框架造型 – 家具製造業 painter, frame mouldings – furniture manufacturing
  • 鋼琴和器官裝訂工 piano and organ finisher
  • 鋼琴和器官整修工 piano and organ refinisher
  • 拋光者,家具 – 家具整理 polisher, furniture – furniture finishing
  • 拋光者,木製家具 – 家具整理 polisher, wooden furniture – furniture finishing
  • 整修工,家具 refinisher, furniture
  • 維修工,金屬家具 repairer, metal furniture
  • 緞裝訂工 – 家具整理和修補 satin finisher – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 著色工 – 家具整理和修補 shader – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 蟲膠噴霧者 – 家具整理和修補 shellac sprayers – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 噴霧染色工 – 家具整理和修補 spray stainer – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 噴霧工,粗蟲膠 – 家具整理和修補 sprayer, rough shellac – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 噴霧工,蟲膠 – 家具整理和修補 sprayer, shellac – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 染色工,家具 stainer, furniture
  • 剝離者,家具 stripper, furniture
  • 觸摸人 – 家具整理 touch-up person – furniture finishing
  • 觸摸工人 – 家具整理 touch-up worker – furniture finishing
  • 修整工 – 家具整理 trimmer – furniture finishing
  • 上光工,家具 varnisher, furniture
  • 上光工,家具塗飾 varnisher, furniture finishing
  • 上光工,家具修補 varnisher, furniture refinishing
  • 洗運營商 – 家具整理 wash-off operator – furniture finishing
  • 增白者 – 家具整理和修補 whitener – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 木裝訂工 – 家具整理和修補 wood finisher – furniture finishing and refinishing
  • 木畫紋者 – 家具整理和修補 wood grainer – furniture finishing and refinishing

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 畫家和裝飾師(室內裝修除外)Painters and decorators (except interior decorators) 7294
  • 裝潢師 Upholsterers 6345




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




