NOC 0124 广告、市场营销和公共关系经理 (Advertising, Marketing And Public Relations Managers)


簡介 Intro


Advertising, marketing and public relations managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of establishments and departments involved in commercial, industrial and e-business advertising, marketing and public relations. They are employed by commercial and industrial establishments, government departments, and advertising, marketing and public relations firms or consulting businesses.

Progression to senior management positions is possible with experience.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 廣告經理計劃,指導和評估企業和部門的各項活動,該企業或部門製定和實施廣告宣傳活動,以促進產品和服務的銷售。
  • Advertising managers plan, direct and evaluate the activities of firms and departments that develop and implement advertising campaigns to promote the sales of products and services.
  • 營銷經理建立產品和服務的分銷網絡,啟動市場研究和分析研究結果,協助產品開發,指導和評估機構的營銷策略。
  • Marketing managers establish distribution networks for products and services, initiate market research studies and analyze their findings, assist in product development, and direct and evaluate the marketing strategies of establishments.
  • 公共關係經理指導和評估制定和實施媒體策略及資訊節目的機構和部門的宣傳活動和事件,並代表企業,政府和其他組織保持與媒體的關係。
  • Public relations managers direct and evaluate establishments and departments that develop and implement communication strategies and information programs, publicize activities and events, and maintain media relations on behalf of businesses, governments and other organizations.
  • 電子商務經理人計劃,組織,指揮,控制和評估網絡和網站的設計、開發和維護,保證本網站負責的某一組織的因特網的現場實施,包括公關,宣傳和商業活動。
  • E-business managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the design, development and maintenance of Internet and Intranet sites to manage an organization’s Internet presence including public relations, communications and commercial activities.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

0124 廣告和公關經理任職要求 Advertising and public relations managers:

  • 在通信,公共關係,市場營銷,新聞,或在相關領域的大學學位或大專文憑。 A university degree or college diploma in communications, public relations, marketing, journalism or in a related field
  • 具有多年在廣告,公關或通訊高級職員職位,或相關的職位工作的經驗。 Several years of experience in an advertising, public relations or communications officer position or in a related occupation are required.

0124 營銷經理任職要求 Marketing managers:

  • 工商管理或相關專業化銷售或市場領域的大學學位或大專文憑。 A university degree or college diploma in business administration or in a related field with a specialization in sales or marketing
  • 多年市場營銷或公共關係代表或相關的職業經驗是必需的。 Several years of experience as a sales, marketing or public relations representative or in a related occupation are required.

0124 電子商務經理任職要求 E-business managers

  • 與網站開發,電子商務,互聯網服務有關的領域的大學學位或大專文憑。 A university degree or college diploma in a field related to electronic commerce, Web site content development, or Internet services
  • 通常需要具備網站設計,互動媒體開發,數據管理信息系統的分析或網站內相關的經驗。 Experience in Web site design, interactive media development, data administration or information systems analysis or experience related to Web site content are usually required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 廣告管理員 advertising administrator
  • 廣告代理公司經理 advertising agency manager
  • 廣告部主任 advertising director
  • 廣告部經理 advertising manager
  • 代理營銷部經理 agency marketing department manager
  • 業務經理 – 銷售及廣告 business manager – sales and advertising
  • 競選經理 campaign manager
  • 發行經理 circulation manager
  • 商業網點發展經理 commercial network development manager
  • 通信主管 communications director
  • 通信主管 – 銷售和營銷 communications director – sales and marketing
  • 公關經理 communications manager
  • 傳訊經理 – 公共關係 communications manager – public relations
  • 互聯網通信經理, communications manager, Internet
  • 通信和公眾的查詢經理 correspondence and public inquiries manager
  • 導演,廣告 director, advertising
  • 傳訊總監 director, communications
  • 董事,外部關係 director, external relations
  • 市場總監 director, marketing
  • 主任,媒體關係 director, media relations
  • 公共事務總監 director, public affairs
  • 董事,公共信息 director, public information
  • 主任,公共關係 director, public relations
  • 董事,區域通信 director, regional communications
  • 總監,銷售代理營銷師 director, sales agency marketing division
  • 總監,銷售和營銷 director, sales and marketing
  • 電子商務(電子商務)經理 e-business (electronic business) manager
  • 電子商務經理 e-business manager
  • 電子商務(電子商務)經理 e-commerce (electronic commerce) manager
  • 電子商務經理 e-commerce manager
  • 競選經理 election campaign manager
  • 電子業務(電子商務)經理 electronic business (e-business) manager
  • 電子商務(電子商務)經理 electronic commerce (e-commerce) manager
  • 外部關係總監 external relations director
  • 籌款的競選經理 fundraising campaign manager
  • 信息和通信經理 information and communications manager
  • 信息服務經理 information service manager
  • 互聯網通信經理 Internet communications manager
  • 互聯網網站的管理員 Internet site manager
  • 經理 – 營銷服務 manager – marketing services
  • 經理,廣告 manager, advertising
  • 經理,廣告代理 manager, advertising agency
  • 代理營銷部經理, manager, agency marketing department
  • 經理,競選 manager, campaign
  • 經理,流通 manager, circulation
  • 經理,通訊 manager, communications
  • 經理,通信和公眾的查詢 manager, correspondence and public inquiries
  • 經理,電子商務 manager, e-business
  • 經理,電子商務 manager, e-commerce
  • 競選經理, manager, election campaign
  • 經理,籌款活動 manager, fundraising campaign
  • 經理,信息和通信 manager, information and communications
  • 經理,信息服務 manager, information service
  • 經理,市場營銷 manager, marketing
  • 經理,媒體廣告 manager, media advertising
  • 媒體關係經理, manager, media relations
  • 經理,促銷活動 manager, promotions
  • 經理,公共關係 manager, public relations
  • 經理,宣傳 manager, publicity
  • 經理,銷售及廣告 manager, sales and advertising
  • 經理,銷售和營銷 manager, sales and marketing
  • 經理,銷售和宣傳 manager, sales and publicity
  • 經理,銷售推廣 manager, sales promotion
  • 市場開發部經理 market development manager
  • 營銷總監 marketing director
  • 市場推廣部總監,銷售代理 marketing division director, sales agency
  • 營銷主管 marketing executive
  • 營銷經理 marketing manager
  • 營銷經理 – 網絡營銷 marketing manager – online marketing
  • 媒體廣告部經理 media advertising manager
  • 媒體關係總監 media relations director
  • 媒體關係經理 media relations manager
  • 推廣經理 promotions manager
  • 公共事務總監 public affairs director
  • 公共信息部主任 public information director
  • 公共關係總監 public relations director
  • 公關經理 public relations manager
  • 宣傳管理員 publicity administrator
  • 宣傳總監 publicity director
  • 宣傳經理 publicity manager
  • 區域通信主任 regional communications director
  • 銷售代理營銷事業部總監 sales agency marketing division director
  • 銷售及廣告經理 sales and advertising manager
  • 銷售和市場營銷總監 sales and marketing director
  • 銷售和營銷經理 sales and marketing manager
  • 銷售和宣傳經理 sales and publicity manager
  • 銷售總監 – 電腦市場發展 sales director – computer marketing development
  • 銷售推廣經理 sales promotion manager
  • Web通信經理 Web communications manager
  • 網絡營銷經理 Web marketing manager

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 企业销售经理 Corporate sales managers [0601](0601)
  • 广告,市场营销和公共关系专业职位 Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations [1123](1123)
  • 零售和批发贸易经理 Retail and wholesale trade managers [0621](0621)
  • 零售销售监事 Retail sales supervisors [6211](6211)
  • 高级管理人员 – 贸易,广播和其他业务,NEC Senior managers – trade, broadcasting and other services, n.e.c. [0015](0015)
  • 技术销售人员督导(技术销售专家 – 批发贸易) Supervisors of technical salespersons (in [6221](6221) Technical sales specialists – wholesale trade )
  • 批发贸易代表监事(销售和客户代表 – 批发业(非技术)) Wholesale trade representatives supervisors (in [6411](6411) Sales and account representatives – wholesale trade (non-technical)




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




