簡介 Intro
This unit group consists of commissioned officers of the Canadian Forces who plan, organize, command and evaluate the activities of personnel in the Canadian Forces. All ranks of commissioned officers in the Air Force, Army, and Navy are included in this unit group.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 計劃,組織和指揮的加拿大軍隊的作戰部隊,如裝甲兵,砲兵和步兵營的活動
- Plan, organize and command the activities of Canadian Forces combat units such as armour, artillery and infantry battalions
- 制定和實施基於部門功能和性能的詳細知識的軍事程序和政策
- Develop and implement military procedures and policies based on detailed knowledge of units’ capabilities and performance
- 指導下屬的培訓,按照軍事慣例,統籌和指導部門活動,
- Direct subordinates in training and co-ordinate and direct activities of units in accordance with military practices
- 負責部門的福利,士氣與紀律
- Assume responsibility for welfare, morale and discipline of units
- 審查和評估部門的性能,編寫報告,並向上級匯報
- Review and evaluate unit performance, prepare reports and provide briefings for superiors
- 指揮和牽頭部門參與國內和國際非戰爭行動的救災和人道主義和維持和平。
- May command and lead units engaged in non-combat operations for disaster relief and humanitarian and peacekeeping efforts domestically and internationally.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要大學學位。
- A university degree is usually required.
- 必需完成軍事訓練。
- Completion of military training is required.
- 具有武裝部隊非現役成員的經驗並且具有領導能力,沒有大學學位也可以。
- Experience as a non-commissioned member of the armed forces and demonstrated leadership ability may substitute for a university degree.
- 高級軍銜,如上校,要求有多年的經驗。
- Senior ranks, such as colonel, require several years of experience.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 海軍上將 admiral
- 砲兵軍官 artillery officer
- 準將 brigadier general
- 隊長 captain
- 隊長 – 空軍 captain – air force
- 隊長 – 軍 captain – army
- 隊長 – 海軍 captain – navy
- 陸軍上校 colonel
- 指揮官 commander
- 準將 commodore
- 軍事法庭法官 court martial judge
- 將軍 general
- 步兵軍官 infantry officer
- 陸軍中尉 lieutenant
- 中尉 – 空軍 lieutenant – air force
- 中尉 – 軍隊 lieutenant – army
- 海軍中尉 – lieutenant – navy
- 中校 lieutenant colonel
- 中尉指揮官 lieutenant commander
- 中將 lieutenant general
- 物流人員 logistics officer
- 主要 major
- 大將軍 major general
- 海軍軍校學生 naval cadet
- 軍校學員 officer cadet
- 海軍少將 rear admiral
- 搜索和救援隊隊長 search and rescue captain
- 少尉 second lieutenant
- 子中尉 sub-lieutenant
- 副海軍上將 vice admiral
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 加拿大部隊非現役軍銜 Non-commissioned ranks of the Canadian Forces 4313