NOC 10020 保險,房地產和金融經紀經理 (Insurance, Real Estate And Financial Brokerage Managers)


簡介 Intro


Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of departments or establishments that provide insurance, mortgage, real estate and investment services. They are generally responsible for business development and must ensure that their group reaches performance levels related to established objectives. They are employed by insurance companies, real estate firms, stockbrokers, investment dealers, mortgage brokers and security and commodity exchanges.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 保險經理人計劃,組織,指揮,控制和評估提供汽車,消防,生命,財產或其他類型的保險服務的機構或部門的運作。
  • Insurance managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of an establishment or department that provides automobile, fire, life, property or other types of insurance services.
  • 房地產服務經理計劃,組織,指導,控制和評估機構或部門的運作,該機構或部門負責為客戶購買,出售和租賃住宅及商業財產。
  • Real estate service managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of an establishment or department that buys, sells and leases residential and commercial property for clients.
  • 按揭經紀經理計劃,組織,指揮,控制和評估機構或部門的業務,其代表尋求抵押貸款的客戶尋找貸款人或貸款機構。
  • Mortgage broker managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of an establishment or department that finds lenders or lending institutions on behalf of clients seeking a mortgage.
  • 證券經理人計劃,組織,指導,控制和評估代表個人或機構客戶買賣投資股票、債券和其他形式投資的機構或部門的運作;管理自己的客戶的投資。
  • Securities managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operation of an establishment or department that buys and sells stocks, bonds and other forms of investments on behalf of individual or institutional clients; manage the investments of their own clients.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

  • 通常需要工商管理,經濟學或其他相關領域的大學學位或大專文憑
  • A university degree or college diploma in business administration, economics or other related field is usually required.
  • 通常需要多年在適當行業的工作經驗
  • Several years of experience within the appropriate industry are usually required.
  • 需要持有在適當的服務領域,如房地產,按揭,證券或保險等行業的營業執照。
  • Licensure appropriate to the service sold, such as real estate, mortgage, securities or insurance, may be required.
  • 保險業中公認的專業資格證。
  • In the insurance industry, a recognized professional designation is usually required.
  • 在保險業,通常需要公認的專業資格。
  • In the insurance industry, a recognized professional designation is usually required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 債券銷售經理 Bond sales manager
  • 保險分公司經理 Branch manager – insurance
  • 經紀經理-投資 Brokerage manager – investments
  • 業務發展經理 – 損害保險 Business development manager – damage insurance
  • 商業線客戶經理 Commercial lines account manager
  • 佣金經紀經理 – 投資 Commission brokers manager – investments
  • 大宗商品交易經理 Commodities trading manager
  • 金融經紀經理 Financial brokerage manager
  • 期貨研究經理 Futures research manager
  • 期貨研究服務經理 Futures research services manager
  • 糧食貿易經理 Grain trading manager
  • 保險福利執行董事 Insurance benefits executive director
  • 保險理賠服務經理 Insurance claims service manager
  • 保險經理 Insurance manager
  • 保險董事總經理 Insurance managing director
  • 保險區域經理 Insurance regional manager
  • 保險銷售大區經理 Insurance sales district manager
  • 保險銷售經理 Insurance sales manager
  • 投資總監-金融經紀 Investment director – financial brokerage
  • 投資經理 Investment manager
  • 投資經理-金融經紀 Investment manager – financial brokerage
  • 租賃經理 – 房地產 Leasing manager – real estate
  • 負債交易經理 Liability trading manager
  • 抵押貸款經紀人經理 Mortgage broker manager
  • 共同基金經理人 – 金融經紀 Mutual funds manager – financial brokerage
  • 石油研究經理-證券 Petroleum research manager – securities
  • 房地產經紀人主管 Real estate agents managing supervisor
  • 房地產分公司經理 Real estate branch manager
  • 纖維手 Real estate broker
  • 房地產開發商 Real estate developer
  • 房地產全國銷售經理 Real estate national sales manager
  • 房地產辦公室經理 Real estate office manager
  • 房地產銷售大區經理 Real estate sales district manager
  • 房地產銷售經理 Real estate sales manager
  • 房地產銷售總經理 Real estate sales managing director
  • 物業服務經理 Real estate service manager
  • 證券及投資經理 Securities and investment manager
  • 證券經理 Securities manager
  • 證券研究總監 Securities research director
  • 證券研究經理 Securities research manager
  • 證券銷售總監 Securities sales director
  • 交易大廳經理 Trading floor manager
  • 承保部經理 Underwriting department manager

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 高級管理人員 – 財務,通信和其他商業服務 Senior managers – financial, communications and other business services [00012]
  • 財務經理 Financial managers [10010]
  • 廣告,市場營銷和公共關係經理 Advertising, marketing and public relations managers [10022]
  • 銀行,信貸和其他投資經理 Banking, credit and other investment managers [10021]
  • 其他商務服務經理 Other business services managers [10029]



項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




