簡介 Intro
Purchasing and inventory control workers process purchasing transactions and maintain inventories of materials, equipment and stock. They are employed by retail and wholesale establishments, manufacturing companies, government agencies and other establishments.
- 透過額外的培訓或經驗,可以晉升到主管職位或更高階的職位,例如採購代理商或零售採購員。Progression to supervisory positions or more senior occupations such as purchasing agent or retail buyer is possible with additional training or experience.
- 在某些企業中,採購和庫存控制人員的職責可能會重疊。The duties of purchasing and inventory control workers may overlap in some establishments.
主要職責 Main Duties
採購控制工人執行部分或全部下列職責:Purchasing control workers perform some or all of the following duties:
- 查看徵用訂單的準確性,從目前的存貨驗證材料,設備和庫存不可用
- Review requisition orders for accuracy and verify that materials, equipment and stock are not available from current inventories
- 從源目錄和供應商獲取資源和報價,並準備採購訂單
- Source and obtain price quotations from catalogues and suppliers and prepare purchase orders
- 計算成本的訂單,將發票轉發或直接發送到相應的賬戶
- Calculate cost of orders and charge or forward invoices to appropriate accounts
- 採購權限內購買
- Process purchases within purchasing authority
- 聯繫供應商,安排交付和解決短缺,錯過交付和其他問題
- Contact suppliers to schedule deliveries and to resolve shortages, missed deliveries and other problems
- 準備和維護採購文件,報告和價目表。
- Prepare and maintain purchasing files, reports and price lists.
庫存控制人員執行部分或全部下列職責:Inventory control workers perform some or all of the following duties:
- 當材料,設備和庫存在機構內發行,轉讓或出售給公眾的同時,使用手冊或電腦庫存系統監控庫存水平
- Monitor inventory levels as materials, equipment and stock are issued, transferred within an establishment or sold to the public using manual or computerized inventory systems
- 用手工或電腦庫存系統編譯庫存報告,記錄手頭的材料,設備和庫存的數量,類型和價值
- Compile inventory reports, recording the quantity, type and value of materials, equipment and stock on hand, using manual or computerized inventory systems
- 準備徵用訂單來補充材料,設備和庫存
- Prepare requisition orders to replenish materials, equipment and stock
- 保持庫存周轉和處置過期的股票和帳戶
- Maintain stock rotation and dispose of and account for outdated stock
- 輸入生產調度,補充庫存/搬遷和庫存調整的數據
- Enter data for production scheduling, stock replenishment/relocation and inventory adjustments
- 調和物理存貨與電腦計數。
- Reconcile physical inventories with computer counts.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要完成中學。 Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- 採購文員可能需要學習採購管理課程。 Courses in purchasing management may be required for purchasing clerks.
- 庫存辦事員可能需要完成生產和庫存管理課程,具備操作電腦庫存系統的能力。 Courses in production and inventory management and ability to operate a computerized inventory system may be required for inventory clerks.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 設備盤點員 Equipment inventory clerk
- 食品和飲料控製文員-庫存 Food and beverage control clerk – inventory
- 食品控制器 – 庫存 Food controller – inventory
- 庫存分析師 Inventory analyst
- 庫存審核員 Inventory auditor
- 庫存文員 Inventory clerk
- 庫存控製文員 Inventory control clerk
- 庫存規劃員 Inventory planner
- 發票和採購訂單檢查器 Invoice and purchase order checker
- 發票控製文員 Invoice control clerk
- 酒量控制器-庫存 Liquor controller – inventory
- 常駐庫存文員 Permanent inventory clerk
- 印版訂單文員 Printing plates order clerk
- 採購文員 Procurement clerk
- 採購訂單文員 Purchase order clerk
- 採購文員 Purchasing clerk
- 採購文員助理 Purchasing clerk assistant
- 採購控管文員 Purchasing control clerk
- 船舶供應文員 Ship supply clerk
- 供應文員 Supply clerk
- 供應技術員 – 加拿大武裝部隊 Supply technician – Canadian armed forces
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 採購及採購代理及官員 Procurement and purchasing agents and officers (12102)
- 零售和批發買家 Retail and wholesale buyers (62101)
- 店主和零件人員 Storekeepers and partspersons (14401)
- 庫存文員主管(12013主管,供應鏈,追蹤和調度協調職業) Inventory clerks supervisor (in 12013 Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling coordination occupations )