
NOC 1454 調查採訪和統計文員 Survey Interviewers And Statistical Clerks


簡介 Intro


Survey interviewers contact individuals to gather information for market research, public opinion polls or election and census enumeration. Statistical clerks code and compile interview and other data into reports, lists, directories and other documents. Workers in this unit group are employed by market research and polling firms, government departments and agencies, utility companies, contact centres and other establishments. This unit group also includes clerks who observe and record information on traffic flow.

主要職責 Main Duties

調查採訪員執行部分或全部下列職責:Survey interviewers perform some or all of the following duties:

統計文員執行部分或全部下列職責:Statistical clerks perform some or all of the following duties:

任職要求 Employment Requirements

所有職稱 All Titles

不包括職稱 Exclusions
