簡介 Intro
Dispatchers operate radios and other telecommunication equipment to dispatch emergency vehicles and to co-ordinate the activities of drivers and other personnel. They are employed by police, fire and health departments, other emergency service agencies, taxi, delivery and courier services, trucking and utilities companies, and other commercial and industrial establishments.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 接收緊急援助請求或服務和聯繫救護車,警察和消防部門,拖卡車和實用船員
- Receive requests for emergency assistance or service and contact ambulances, police and fire departments, tow-trucks, and utility crews
- 利用各種計算機輔助通信調度設備,處理和傳輸信息和說明,統籌車輛運營商,人員和設備的活動
- Process and transmit information and instructions to co-ordinate the activities of vehicle operators, crews and equipment using a variety of computer-aided communications and dispatching equipment
- 根據書面的時間表和工作要求,或緊急情況下調度人員
- Dispatch personnel according to written schedules and work orders, or as required by emergency situations
- 針對路線和交通問題給車輛運營商提供建議,如施工,事故,擁堵,天氣條件,重量和大小的限制和其他信息
- Advise vehicle operators of route and traffic problems such as construction, accidents, congestion, weather conditions, weight and size restrictions and other information
- 操作無線電設備,與船舶,飛機,採礦工人,海上石油鑽井平台,伐木場和其他遠程操作進行交流
- Operate radio equipment to communicate with ships, aircraft, mining crews, offshore oil rigs, logging camps and other remote operations
- 監控工人工作量和位置
- Monitor personnel workloads and locations
- 使用電腦或手動的方法,維護車輛駕駛員的工作記錄,並確保准確地完成時間和工資匯總表
- Maintain vehicle operator work records using computerized or manual methods and ensure time sheets and payroll summaries are completed accurately
- 使用計算機和手工維護有關行駛里程,燃料的使用,維修及其他開支的記錄,並生成報告。
- Maintain computer and manual records of mileage, fuel use, repairs and other expenses, and generate reports.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 必需完成中學。
- Completion of secondary school is required.
- 警方和急救調度員必須完成正式的在職培訓。其他調度通常需要一些非正式的在職培訓。
- Police and emergency dispatchers are required to complete formal on-the-job training. Other dispatchers usually undergo some informal on-the-job training.
- 警方及緊急調度員和其他無線運營商通常需要省級無線電操作員證書。
- Police and emergency dispatchers and other radio operators usually require provincial radio operator’s certificates.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 911調度員 911 dispatcher
- 航空公司報務員 airline radio operator
- 報警系統調度 alarm system dispatcher
- 報警系統操作員 alarm system operator
- 救護車調度 ambulance dispatcher
- 船調度 boat dispatcher
- 汽車指派業務員 car assignments clerk
- 汽車調度,煤礦 car dispatcher, coal mine
- 煤礦車調度 coal mine car dispatcher
- 通信專家調度 communications specialist dispatcher
- 調度員,911 dispatcher, 911
- 調度,消防部門 dispatcher, fire department
- 調度員,燃氣服務隊 dispatcher, gas service crews
- 調度員,郵件服務 dispatcher, mail service
- 調度,礦山 dispatcher, mine
- 調度,移動設備 dispatcher, mobile equipment
- 調度,機動車輛 dispatcher, motor vehicles
- 調度員,報紙 dispatcher, newspapers
- 調度員,油井服務 dispatcher, oil well services
- 調度,廠房及設備 dispatcher, plant
- 調度員,警察 dispatcher, police
- 調度員,的士 dispatcher, taxis
- 調度,拖車 dispatcher, tow trucks
- 調度員,卡車 dispatcher, trucks
- 調度員,水電維修人員 dispatcher, utilities maintenance crews
- 鑽機報務員 drilling rig radio operator
- 緊急醫療調度 emergency medical dispatcher
- 緊急服務調度員 emergency services dispatcher
- 應急車輛調度 emergency vehicle dispatcher
- 火災報警運營商 fire alarm operator
- 消防部門調度 fire department dispatcher
- 燃氣服務人員調度 gas service crew dispatcher
- 公路無線電話運營商 highway radio-telephone operator
- 入站/出站貨運統籌 inbound/outbound freight co-ordinator
- 郵件服務調度 mail service dispatcher
- 維修服務調度 maintenance services dispatcher
- 礦井調度 mine dispatcher
- 移動設備調度員 mobile equipment dispatcher
- 監測站運營商 monitoring station operator
- 機動車輛調度 motor vehicle dispatcher
- 報紙調度 newspaper dispatcher
- 油井服務調度 oil well service dispatcher
- 試點服務調度 pilot services dispatcher
- 植物調度 plant dispatcher
- 交警部門調度 police department dispatcher
- 保護信號運營商 protective signal operator
- 無線電調度 radio dispatcher
- 無線電報務員 radio operator
- 無線電操作員,鑽井平台 radio operator, drilling rig
- 無線電話運營商 radio-telephone operator
- 無線電話運營商,公路 radio-telephone operator, highways
- 服務調度 service dispatcher
- 出租車調度 taxi dispatcher
- 電信運營商 telecommunications operator
- 拖車調度 tow truck dispatcher
- 故障排除服務調度 troubleshooting services dispatcher
- 卡車調度 truck dispatcher
- 拖輪調度 tugboat dispatcher
- 水電維修人員調度 utilities maintenance crew dispatcher
- 水務調度 water service dispatcher
- 堆場業務員 yard clerk
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 空中交通管制和相關的職業 Air traffic controllers and related occupations 2272
- 公交調度員(主管,汽車運輸和其他地面交通運營) Bus dispatchers (in 7305 Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators )
- 鐵路交通管制和海上交通監管 Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators 2275
- 主管調度(主管,供應鏈,跟踪和調度協調職業) Supervisors of dispatchers (in 1215 Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations )