簡介 Intro
Industrial designers conceptualize and produce designs for manufactured products. They are employed by manufacturing industries and private design firms or they may be self-employed.
There is mobility between positions in this unit group.
Mobility is possible to other design occupations.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 諮詢客戶,工程師或生產專家,制定產品要求
- Consult with client, engineers or production specialists to establish product requirements
- 分析產品的預期用途和用戶喜好
- Analyze the intended use of product and user preferences
- 對成本,生產材料的屬性和生產方法進行研究
- Conduct research into cost, properties of production materials and methods of production
- 準備審批的設計理念,草圖或模型
- Prepare design concepts, sketches or models for approval
- 準備製造圖紙,規格及生產指導方針,構建原型設計
- Prepare manufacturing drawings, specifications and guidelines for production and construct prototype of design
- 在生產階段與工程師和生產人員保持溝通。
- Consult with engineers and production staff during manufacturing stage.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 工業設計,建築,工程專業大學學位
- A university degree in industrial design, architecture, engineering
- 或必需取得工業設計大專文憑。
- A college diploma in industrial design is required.
- 要求具有一系列工作可以證明的創意能力。
- Creative ability, as demonstrated by a portfolio of work, is required.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 商業產品設計師 business products designer
- 消費產品設計師 consumer products designer
- 集裝箱設計師 container designer
- 設計師,家具 designer, furniture
- 設計師,工業 designer, industrial
- 工業產品設計師 designer, industrial products
- 符合人體工程學的產品設計師 ergonomic products designer
- 燈具設計師 fixture designer
- 家具設計師 furniture designer
- 工業設計顧問 industrial design consultant
- 工業設計師 industrial designer
- 工業產品設計師 industrial products designer
- 產品設計師 product designer
- 玩具設計師 – 工業設計 toy designer – industrial design
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 建築技師和技術員 Architectural technologists and technicians 2251
- 民用建築工程設計技術人員(土木工程技師和技術員) Civil engineering design technologists (in 2231 Civil engineering technologists and technicians )
- 電氣和電子設備的設計技術人員(電氣和電子工程技術人員和技術人員) Electrical and electronics design technologists (in 2241 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians )
- 工程設計和繪圖技術員及技師(起草的技術人員和技術人員) Engineering design and drafting technicians and technologists (in 2253 Drafting technologists and technicians )
- 平面設計師和插畫家 Graphic designers and illustrators 5241
- 室內設計師和室內裝飾人員 Interior designers and interior decorators 5242
- 機械工程設備設計師(機械工程技術人員和技術人員) Mechanical engineering equipment designers (in 2232 Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians )
- 劇院,時尚,展覽和其他創意設計師 Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers 5243