簡介 Intro
Audiologists diagnose, evaluate and treat individuals with peripheral and central hearing loss, tinnitus and balance problems. Speech-language pathologists diagnose, assess and treat human communication disorders including speech, fluency, language, voice and swallowing disorders. Audiologists and speech-language pathologists are employed in hospitals, community and public health centres, extended care facilities, day clinics, rehabilitation centres and educational institutions, or may work in private practice. Audiologists and speech-language pathologists who are supervisors are included in this unit group.
Progression into management positions, such as chief audiologist or director of speech-language pathology, is possible with experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
聽力學家 Audiologists 主要職責
- 利用專門的儀器和電子設備來開發並執行聽力檢測及考試,以便診斷並評估患者聽覺障礙的程度和類型;
- Develop and administer audiometric tests and examinations using specialized instruments and electronic equipment to diagnose and evaluate the degree and type of patients’ hearing impairment
- 為患者計劃並實施診治及康復項目,包括助聽器和教學演講(唇語)閱讀等設備的篩選、匹配及調整;
- Plan and implement habilitation/rehabilitation programs for patients, including selection, fitting and adjustment of amplification devices, such as hearing aids, and teaching speech (lip) reading
- 為患者及其家庭提供關於聽力缺損及治療的性質、程度、作用及影響等信息;Provide information to patients and families regarding the nature, extent, impact and implications of hearing loss and treatment
- 作為跨專業團隊的一員確立個性化的護理計劃;
- Establish personalized care plans working as a member of an interdisciplinary team
- 針對聽力及聽力障礙展開研究;
- Conduct research related to hearing and hearing disorders
- 指導並監督聽力醫生、學生機其他衛生保健人員。
- May instruct and supervise audiometric technicians, students and other health care personnel.
語言病理學家 Speech-language pathologists 主要職責
- 通過檢測測試機對患者的觀察以診斷並評估言語、語音、共振、語言、診治語言及吞嚥障礙等;
- Administer tests and examinations and observe patients to diagnose and evaluate speech, voice, resonance, language, cognitive-linguistic and swallowing disorders
- 確定、計劃並實施治療計劃來糾正以上問題;
- Develop, plan and implement remedial programs to correct speech, voice, language, resonance, cognitive-linguistic and swallowing disorders
- 作為跨團隊成員來建立團隊及個性化護理計劃;
- Establish group and personalized care plans working as a member of an interdisciplinary team
- 為患者及其家庭提供關於交流及吞嚥障礙方面的建議和指導;
- Provide advice and educational services to patients and families regarding communication and swallowing disorders
- 就言語和其他溝通障礙進行研究,並開發設計診斷程序和設備;
- Conduct research on speech and other communication disorders and on the development and design of diagnostic procedures and devices
- 指導並監督溝通障礙醫助、學生和其他衛生保健人員。
- May instruct and supervise communicative disorders assistants, students and other health care personnel.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 聽力學家需擁有聽力學碩士學位;
- Audiologists require a master’s degree in audiology.
- 語言病理學家需擁有語言病理學碩士學位;
- Speech-language pathologists require a master’s degree in speech-language pathology.
- 聽力學家及語言病理學家均需在新不倫瑞克省、魁北克省、安大略省、薩斯科徹溫省、阿爾伯塔省及大不列哥倫比亞省的管理部門註冊;
- Registration with a regulatory body is required for audiologists and speech-language pathologists in New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.
- 需是國家協會和加拿大語言病理學家及聽力學家協會的會員;
- Membership in the national association, Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, is usually required.
- 在部分轄區內,語言學家需取得發放助聽器材的執照。
- In some jurisdictions, audiologists may be required to obtain a separate licence to dispense hearing aids.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 擴增聽力學家 amplification audiologist
- 聽力學家 audiologist
- 聽力學研究學者 audiologist, research
- 臨床聽力醫師 audiology clinician
- 聽力學專家 audiology specialist
- 認證聽力學家 certified audiologist
- 認證助聽器聽力學家 certified hearing aid audiologist
- 臨床聽力學家 clinical audiologist
- 社區聽力學家 community audiologist
- 社區語言病理學家 community speech-language pathologist
- 診斷聽力學家 diagnostic audiologist
- 配藥聽力學家 dispensing audiologist
- 教育聽力學家 educational audiologist
- 教育語言病理學家 educational speech-language pathologist
- 溝通障礙專家 human communication disorders specialist
- 工業聽力學家 industrial audiologist
- 言語矯治學家 logopedist
- 言語病理學家 pathologist, speech
- 語言病理學家 pathologist, speech-language
- 兒科聽力學家 pediatric audiologist
- 聽力師 research audiologist
- 聽力學專家 specialist, audiology
- 語聽治療師 speech and hearing therapist
- 語言病理醫師 speech pathologist
- 語言治療師 speech therapist
- 言語語言病醫師 speech-language clinician
- 語言病理學家 speech-language pathologist
- 言語語言病理臨床醫生 speech-language pathologist clinician
- 言語語言病理學者 speech-language pathologist researcher
- 言語治療師 therapist, speech
- 言語及聽力治療師 therapist, speech and hearing
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 語言學及語言技術助理 Audiology and speech-language technical and assisting occupations (in 3237 Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment )
- 盲文、唇讀及授予教師 Braille, lip-reading and sign language instructors (in 4215 Instructors of persons with disabilities )
- 衛生保健經理 Managers in health care (0311)
- 語音矯正師 Phoniatricians (in 3111 Specialist physicians )