NOC 4112 律師和魁北克公證員 Lawyers And Quebec Notaries)


簡介 Intro


Lawyers and Quebec notaries advise clients on legal matters, represent clients before administration boards and draw up legal documents such as contracts and wills. Lawyers also plead cases, represent clients before tribunals and conduct prosecutions in courts of law. Lawyers are employed in law firms and prosecutor’s offices. Quebec notaries are employed in notary offices. Both lawyers and Quebec notaries are employed by federal, provincial and municipal governments and various business establishments or they may be self-employed. Articling students are included in this group.

Lawyers wishing to practise in another province or territory may be required to pass examinations set by the provincial or territorial law society.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 建議客戶自己的合法權益及所有相關法律事宜
  • Advise clients of their legal rights and all matters related to law
  • 研究法律先案,並收集證據
  • Research legal precedents and gather evidence
  • 在法律法院,法庭和董事會(律師)前為客戶案例進行辯護
  • Plead clients’ cases before courts of law, tribunals and boards (lawyers only)
  • 起草房地產交易,遺囑,離婚和合同等法律文件,並準備法律意見陳述
  • Draw up legal documents such as real estate transactions, wills, divorces and contracts, and prepare statements of legal opinions
  • 協商和解民事糾紛(律師)
  • Negotiate settlements of civil disputes (lawyers only)
  • 執行與法律實踐相關的行政和管理職能
  • Perform administrative and management functions related to the practice of law
  • 可以作為和解員,調解員或仲裁員
  • May act as mediator, conciliator or arbitrator
  • 可作為房地產和家庭法律事務的執行人,受託人或監護人。
  • May act as executor, trustee or guardian in estate and family law matters.
  • 律師和魁北克公證人可以專注於法律的特定領域,如刑法(律師),公司法,合同法,稅法,行政法,國際法,商業法,房地產法,家庭和財產法,知識產權法和勞動法。
  • Lawyers and Quebec notaries may specialize in specific areas of the law such as criminal law (lawyers only), corporate law, contract law, taxation law, administrative law, international law, commercial law, real estate law, family and estate law, intellectual property law and labour law.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

律師 Lawyers

  • 兩到三年的本科學習,或者在魁北克省要求完成大專課程。
  • Two to three years of undergraduate studies or, in Quebec, completion of a college program
  • 並且取得認可的法學院的大學本科學歷
  • A bachelor’s degree from a recognized law school
  • 並且必須通過律師資格考試,並完成一段時期的實習。
  • Successful completion of the bar examination and completion of a period of articling are required.
  • 必需取得省級或地區法律協會的許可。
  • Licensing by the provincial or territorial law society is required.

公证人(魁北克)Notaries (Quebec)

  • 認可的法律學校的大學本科學歷以及公證法文憑(DDN)
  • A bachelor’s degree from a recognized law school and a Diploma of Notarial Law (D.D.N.)
  • 或者公證法專業法律碩士學位
  • A master’s degree of law with specialization in notarial law
  • 以及為期32週的職業培訓課程。
  • A 32-week vocational training program are required.
  • 必需取得公證人公司註冊。
  • Registration with the Corporation of Notaries is required.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 行政律師 administrative lawyer
  • 顧問,法律及企業事務 adviser, law and corporate affairs
  • 諮詢律師 advisory counsel
  • 倡導者,法律 advocate, legal
  • 簽約法律實習生 articling law student
  • 企業法律顧問助理 assistant corporate counsel
  • 檢察官助理 assistant Crown attorney
  • 總經理助理律師 assistant general solicitor
  • 助理法律顧問 assistant legal advisor
  • 地區律師助理 assistant regional counsel
  • 聯營公司法律顧問 associate counsel
  • 律師助理 associate lawyer
  • 副法律顧問 associate legal advisor
  • 聯營公司法律顧問 associate legal counsel
  • 律師 attorney
  • 律師 attorney-at-law
  • 律師助理首席代理 attorney’s assistant chief agent
  • 律師 barrister
  • 大法官及律師 barrister and solicitor
  • 市律師 city attorney
  • 市律師 city solicitor
  • 民事律師 civil lawyer
  • 索賠律師 claim attorney
  • 商業法律公證 commercial law notary
  • 商業律師 commercial lawyer
  • 合同律師 contract counsel
  • 企業法律顧問 corporate counsel
  • 公司公證(魁北克) corporate notary (Quebec)
  • 公司律師 corporation lawyer
  • 法律顧問 counsel
  • 輔導員在法 counsellor-at-law
  • 輔導員律師 counsellor-lawyer
  • 縣律師 county attorney
  • 刑事律師 criminal lawyer
  • 檢察官 Crown attorney
  • 冠公司律師 Crown corporation counsel
  • 檢察官 Crown counsel
  • 檢控官 Crown prosecutor
  • 辯護律師 defence counsel
  • 部門律師 departmental solicitor
  • 副市律師 deputy city solicitor
  • 家庭和遺產律師 family and estates lawyer
  • 總法律顧問 general counsel
  • 一般律師 general solicitor
  • 移民律師 immigration lawyer
  • 工業律師 industrial lawyer
  • 在內部法律顧問 in-house legal counsel
  • 保險律師 insurance lawyer
  • 知識產權律師 intellectual-property lawyer
  • 司法助理 – 最高法院 judicial assistant – Supreme Court
  • 勞動律師 labour lawyer
  • 法律及企業事務顧問 law and corporate affairs adviser
  • 法律夥伴 law partner
  • 律師 lawyer
  • 律師,法律援助 lawyer, legal aid
  • 法律顧問 legal advisor
  • 法律援助律師 legal aid lawyer
  • 法律專員 legal attaché
  • 法律顧問 legal counsel
  • 律政人員 legal officer
  • 立法顧問 legislative adviser
  • 立法顧問 legislative counsel
  • 訴訟律師 litigator
  • 市政律師 municipal solicitor
  • 公證(魁北克) notary (Quebec)
  • 魁北克省公證, notary, Quebec
  • 專利律師 patent counsel
  • 專利律師 patent lawyer
  • 專利律師 patent solicitor
  • 控方律師 prosecuting attorney
  • 原告 prosecutor
  • 魁北克省公證 Quebec notary
  • 御用大律師 Queen’s Counsel
  • 房地產律師 real estate lawyer
  • 地區律師 regional attorney
  • 地區檢察官 regional Crown prosecutor
  • 審查律師 review lawyer
  • 律師 solicitor
  • 特別檢察官 special prosecutor
  • 工作人員律師 staff counsel
  • 專職律師 staff lawyer
  • 工作人員律師 staff solicitor
  • 學生在法 student-at-law
  • 關稅律師 tariff counsel
  • 稅務律師 tax attorney
  • 稅務律師 tax lawyer
  • 標題律師 title lawyer
  • 商標律師 trademark lawyer

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 法律部門的董事(其他行政服務經理) Legal department directors (in 0114 Other administrative services managers )
  • 律師事務所經理(其他商務服務經理) Legal firm managers (in 0125 Other business services managers )
  • 公證人和商標代理人不是律師(律師助理及相關職業) Notaries public and trademark agents who are not lawyers (in 4211 Paralegal and related occupations )
  • 非律師或非魁北克公證人的專利代理人(自然和應用科學政策研究人員,顧問和項目官員) Patent agents who are not lawyers or Quebec notaries (in 4161 Natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officers )




項目類別 線上申請
48 天
117 天
超級簽證 106 天
13 週
17 週
境內學簽續簽 131 天
畢業工簽境外申請 11 週
畢業工簽境內申請 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




