簡介 Intro
Police officers protect the public, detect and prevent crime and perform other activities directed at maintaining law and order. They are employed by municipal and federal governments and some provincial and regional governments. This unit group includes railway police.
Progression to commissioned police officer positions is possible with additional training and experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 巡邏制定區域,維護公共安全和秩序,執行法律和法規
- Patrol assigned areas to maintain public safety and order and to enforce laws and regulations
- 調查犯罪和事故,保護證據,採訪證人,編譯筆記和報告,並在法庭提供作證
- Investigate crimes and accidents, secure evidence, interview witnesses, compile notes and reports and provide testimony in courts of law
- 逮捕犯罪嫌疑人
- Arrest criminal suspects
- 向事故,犯罪和自然災害的受害者提供緊急援助
- Provide emergency assistance to victims of accidents, crimes and natural disasters
- 參與預防犯罪,公共信息和安全計劃
- Participate in crime prevention, public information and safety programs
- 可以監督和協調其他警務人員的工作。
- May supervise and co-ordinate the work of other police officers.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 必需完成中學學習。
- Completion of secondary school is required.
- 通常需要完成法律和安全或社會科學的大學課程或大學學位。
- Completion of a college program or university degree in law and security or in the social sciences is usually required.
- 接受三到六個月的警察培訓課程。
- A three- to six-month police training program is provided.
- 行動敏捷,力量,體能和視力要求必須達標,並可能還需要進行心理或其他測試。
- Physical agility, strength, fitness and vision requirements must be met, and psychological or other tests may also be required.
- 偵探和警長要求具有警員經驗並且完成專業課程。
- Experience as a constable and the completion of specialized courses are required for detectives and sergeants.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 保鏢 – 警察 bodyguard – police
- 軍校學員,警察 cadet, police
- 加拿大安全情報局(CSIS)研究員 Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) investigator
- 犬隊成員 – 警察 canine-team member – police
- 社區警察 community police officer
- 社區關係主任 – 警察 community relations officer – police
- 社區服務人員 – 警察 community services officer – police
- 警官 constable
- 假冒和偽造節偵探 counterfeit and forgery section detective
- 預防犯罪的警員 crime prevention constable
- 犯罪現場的技術人員 – 警察 crime scene technician – police
- CSIS(加拿大安全情報局)研究員 CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) investigator
- 台官員 – 警察 desk officer – police
- 偵探 – 警察 detective – police
- 偵探,假冒和偽造節 detective, counterfeit and forgery section
- 偵探,禁毒隊 detective, narcotics squad
- 偵探,副班長; detective, vice squad
- 潛水監督部門 – 警察 divisional diving supervisor – police
- 狗主人 – 警察 dog master – police
- 藥物研究者 – 警察 drug investigator – police
- 值班人員,總部 – 警察 duty officer, headquarters – police
- 值班人員,站 – 警察 duty officer, station – police
- 教育關係主任 – 治安 education relations officer – policing
- 民族關係人員 – 警察 ethnic relations officer – police
- 技術員證據 – 警察 evidence technician – police
- 海港警察 harbour police officer
- 港警長 harbour police sergeant
- 海港警察/男/女 harbour policeman/woman
- 總部工作人員 – 警察 headquarters duty officer – police
- 公路巡警 highway patrol officer
- 公路巡警/男/女 highway patrolman/woman
- 鑑定人員 – 警察 identification officer – police
- 研究者 – 警察 investigator – police
- 研究者,鐵路 – 警察 investigator, railway – police
- 道德官員 – 警察 morality officer – police
- 摩托車巡警/男/女 – 警察 motorcycle patrolman/woman – police
- 騎警警員 mounted police constable
- 騎警/男/女 mounted policeman/woman
- 毒品小隊偵探的 narcotics squad detective
- 人員,社區關係 – 警察 officer, community relations – police
- 人員招聘和培訓 – 警察 officer, recruitment and training – police
- 巡警 – 警察 patrol officer – police
- 巡警,交通 patrol officer, traffic
- 和平人員 peace officer
- 便衣人員 plain-clothes officer
- 少年警察 police cadet
- 警員 police constable
- 警員鐵路 police constable, railway
- 警方下士 police corporal
- 警方潛水員 police diver
- 警方潛水員 – 打撈 police diver – salvage
- 警方調查員 police investigator
- 警官 police officer
- 警長 police sergeant
- 警察/男/女 policeman/woman
- 鐵道兵 – 警察 railway guard – police
- 鐵路研究者 – 警察 railway investigator – police
- 鐵路警員 railway police constable
- 鐵路警察 railway police officer
- 鐵路專用劑 – 警察 railway special agent – police
- 加拿大皇家騎警(加拿大皇家騎警)人員 RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) officer
- 加拿大皇家騎警官員 RCMP officer
- 招聘和培訓人員 – 警察 recruitment and training officer – police
- 加拿大皇家騎警(RCMP)人員 Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer
- 安全巡邏人員 – 警察 safety patrol officer – police
- 學校聯絡官 – 警察 school liaison officer – police
- 學校安全官員 – 警察 school safety officer – police
- 水肺潛水員 – 警察 scuba diver – police
- 潛水專家 – 警察 scuba-diving specialist – police
- 秘密服務人員 secret service officer
- 安全警察 – 警察 security constable – police
- 保安人員 – 警察 security officer – police
- 上士 – 警察 staff sergeant – police
- 派出所值班人員 – 警察 station duty officer – police
- 站人員 – 警察 station officer – police
- 交通巡警 traffic patrol officer
- 副班長偵探 vice squad detective
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 通過執法及其他監管人員,NEC By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers, n.e.c. 4423
- 現役警察 Commissioned police officers 0431
- 私家偵探(安全衛士和相關的安全服務行業) Private detectives (in 6541 Security guards and related security service occupations )
- 警長和法警 Sheriffs and bailiffs 4421