簡介 Intro
This unit group consists of Canadian Forces personnel who are non-commissioned officers (NCOs) or members of other non-commissioned ranks. They provide collective defence measures to protect Canadian waters, land, airspace and other interests. All ranks of non-commissioned officers and members in the air force, army, and navy are included in this unit group.
Progression to commissioned officer occupations is possible with additional training and experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 操作裝甲車,火砲,手持武器和其他軍事作戰裝備和國防系統
- Operate armoured vehicles, artillery, hand-held weapons and other military combat equipment and defence systems
- 開展維和行動,執行停火協議
- Conduct peacekeeping operations and enforce cease-fire agreements
- 從事非戰爭行動,人道主義努力
- Engage in non-combat operations for humanitarian efforts
- 在緊急情況下,如內亂,自然災害和重大事故發生過程中,提供援助
- Provide assistance in emergency situations, such as civil disorder, natural disasters and major accidents
- 參加演練和其他準備維和行動、戰鬥和自然災害救助工作等訓練。
- Participate in drills and other training in preparation for peacekeeping, combat and natural disaster relief duties
- 執行行政和後衛職責。
- Perform administrative and guard duties.
- 本單元組的人員委派進行偵察,維和,搶險救災和作戰相關的具體操作。
- Personnel in this unit group are assigned to specific operations related to reconnaissance, peacekeeping, disaster relief and combat.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要完成中學。
- Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- 提供3個月的基本軍事訓練。
- Three months of basic military training are provided.
- 提供軍事裝備和系統的操作和維護的專業訓練。
- Specialized training in the operation and maintenance of military equipment and systems is provided.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 熟練水手 – 武裝部隊 able seaman – armed forces
- 裝甲防禦砲手 armour defence gunner
- 砲兵戰士 artillery soldier
- 突擊先鋒 assault pioneer
- 首席士官一流 chief petty officer first class
- 首席士官二等 chief petty officer second class
- 準尉 chief warrant officer
- 下士 corporal
- 步兵 infanteer
- 步兵 infantry soldier
- 領先的水手 leading seaman
- 主下士 master corporal
- 主水手 master seaman
- 主準尉 master warrant officer
- 迫擊砲手/男/女 mortarman/woman
- 海軍聲學運營商 naval acoustics operator
- 海軍電子技師 – 軍隊 naval electronics technician – armed forces
- 普通海員 – 武裝部隊 ordinary seaman – armed forces
- 士官一流 petty officer first class
- 士官二等 petty officer second class
- 私人 private
- 私人招募 private recruit
- 偵察巡邏 reconnaissance patrolman
- 軍士 sergeant
- 騎兵 trooper
- 準尉 warrant officer
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 加拿大部隊士官 Commissioned officers of the Canadian Forces 0433