簡介 Intro
Correctional service officers guard offenders and detainees and maintain order in correctional institutions and other places of detention. They are employed by federal, provincial and municipal governments. Correctional service officers who are supervisors are included in this unit group.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 觀察罪犯和被拘留者的行為和態度,以防止滋事和逃逸
- Observe conduct and behaviour of offenders and detainees to prevent disturbances and escapes
- 在工作任務,餐飲和娛樂期間期間,監督罪犯
- Supervise offenders during work assignments, meals and recreation periods
- 在指定區域巡邏,發現任何問題隨時向主管報告
- Patrol assigned area and report any problems to supervisor
- 觀察罪犯的行為,並準備報告
- Observe behaviour of offenders and prepare reports
- 在運輸過程中和臨時離開期間護送被拘留者
- Escort detainees in transit and during temporary leaves
- 準備收容,程序,釋放,轉移和其他報告
- Prepare admission, program, release, transfer and other reports
- 可以監督和協調其他懲教服務人員工作。
- May supervise and co-ordinate work of other correctional service officers.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 必需完成中學學習。
- Completion of secondary school is required.
- 可能必需完成懲教服務,警察研究或犯罪的中學後教育。
- Post-secondary education in correctional services, police studies or criminology may be required.
- 由聯邦機構聘用的懲教人員新兵必須成功完成加拿大懲教服務培訓課程。
- Correctional officer recruits must successfully complete the Correctional Service of Canada training course to be employed by federal institutions.
- 省/地區機構所僱用的懲教人員新兵通常需要完成基本訓練課程。
- Correctional officer recruits are usually required to complete a basic training course to be employed by provincial/territorial institutions.
- 行動敏捷,力量和健身的要求必須達標。
- Physical agility, strength and fitness requirements must be met.
- 懲教服務監督員要求具備懲教人員的經驗。
- Correctional service supervisors require experience as a correctional service officer.
- 通常需要急救認證和CPR(心肺復蘇術)訓練。
- First aid certification and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training are usually required.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 囚犯護衛 convict guard
- 懲教設施護衛 correctional facility guard
- 懲教機構護衛 correctional institution guard
- 懲教院所女舍監 correctional institution head matron
- 懲教人員 correctional officer
- 懲教人員主管 correctional officers supervisor
- 懲教人員 correctional service officer
- 懲教服務單位主管 correctional services unit supervisor
- 獄警 corrections officer
- 拘留服務員 detention attendant
- 拘留護衛 detention guard
- 護衛,懲教設施 guard, correctional facility
- 護衛,懲教機構 guard, correctional institution
- 頭懲教人員 head correctional officer
- 頭護士長 – 懲教服務 head matron – correctional service
- 機構衛士 – 懲教服務 institution guard – correctional service
- 監獄守衛 jail guard
- 獄卒 jailer
- 女舍監 – 懲教服務 matron – correctional service
- 懲教院所護衛 penal institution guard
- 監獄護衛 penitentiary guard
- 獄警 prison guard
- 監獄官 prison officer
- 感化院警衛 reformatory guard
- 主管,懲教人員 supervisor, correctional officers
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 勞教回家的工人(社會和社區服務工作者) Detention home workers (in 4212 Social and community service workers )
- 社會,社區和懲教服務經理 Managers in social, community and correctional services 0423
- 社會工作者 Social workers 4152