簡介 Intro
Bakers prepare bread, rolls, muffins, pies, pastries, cakes and cookies in retail and wholesale bakeries and dining establishments. They are employed in bakeries, supermarkets, catering companies, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, and other institutions, or they may be self -employed. Bakers who are supervisors are included in this unit group.
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 根據配方或特殊客戶的訂單,準備麵團用於製作餡餅,麵包,麵包捲和甜味品,鬆餅,餅乾,蛋糕和糖衣和糖霜
- Prepare dough for pies, bread, rolls and sweet goods, batters for muffins, cookies and cakes and icings and frostings according to recipes or special customer orders
- 操作機械
- Operate machinery
- 烘烤混合麵團和麵糊
- Bake mixed doughs and batters
- 冰凍和裝飾蛋糕等焙烤食品
- Frost and decorate cakes or other baked goods
- 確保產品質量符合既定標準
- Ensure quality of products meets established standards
- 制訂生產進度來確定要生產商品的種類和數量。
- Draw up production schedule to determine type and quantity of goods to produce
- 購買烘焙用品
- Purchase baking supplies
- 可監督銷售及營銷焙烤食品
- May oversee sales and merchandising of baked goods
- 可以聘用,培訓和監督烘烤人員和廚房工作人員。
- May hire, train and supervise baking personnel and kitchen staff.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要完成中學。
- Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- 或者完成三或四年的麵包師的學徒課程
- Completion of a three- or four-year apprenticeship program for bakers
- 通常需要完成麵包師的大學或其他課程。
- Completion of a college or other program for bakers is usually required.
- 可能提供在職培訓。
- On-the-job training may be provided.
- 在新不倫瑞克省,紐芬蘭省和拉布拉多省,新斯科舍省,愛德華王子島省,魁北克省,安大略省,阿爾伯塔省,不列顛哥倫比亞省,育空地區,西北地區和努納武特地區,行業認證是可用的,但是自願的。
- Trade certification is available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
- 紅印章背書對於通過跨省紅色鋼印考試的合格的麵包師也適用。
- Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified bakers upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 學徒麵包師 – 零售 apprentice baker – retail
- 百吉麵包師 bagel baker
- 百吉餅製造商 bagel maker
- 麵包師傅 baker
- 麵包師 – 零售 baker – retail
- 麵包師學徒 baker apprentice
- 麵包師,糕點師 baker, pâtissier
- 麵包師,特色食品 baker, specialty foods
- 麵包師,特色食品 – 零售 baker, specialty foods – retail
- 麵包店鉗工 bakery bench hand
- 麵包房主管 bakery supervisor
- 麵包店主管 – 零售 bakery supervisor – retail
- 鉗工,麵包房 bench hand, bakery
- 餅乾麵包師 biscuit baker
- 麵包麵包師 bread baker
- 麵包麵包 – 零售 bread baker – retail
- 蛋糕和糕點裝飾工 – 零售 cake and pastry decorator – retail
- 蛋糕師傅 – 零售 cake baker – retail
- 蛋糕裝飾者 cake decorator
- 蛋糕裝飾者 – 零售 cake decorator – retail
- 蛋糕冷藏工人 cake icer
- 巧克力製造商 chocolate maker
- 甜甜圈麵包師 donut baker
- 甜甜圈製造商 donut maker
- 法國的糕點麵包師 – 零售 French pastry baker – retail
- 雜貨店麵包師 grocery store baker
- 冷藏工人 – 麵包店 hand icer – bakery
- 麵包師主管 head baker
- 主管麵包師 – 零售 head baker – retail
- 醫院麵包師 hospital baker
- 酒店麵包師 hotel baker
- 冷藏工人 – 麵包店 icer, hand – bakery
- 中級麵包師 junior baker
- 鬆餅,麵包師 muffin baker
- 鬆餅製造商 muffin maker
- 糕點裝飾 pastry decorator
- 糕點裝飾 – 零售 pastry decorator – retail
- 糕點生產商 pastry maker
- 糕點師,麵包師 pâtissier, baker
- 特色食品麵包店 specialty foods baker
- 特色食品麵包師 – 零售 specialty foods baker – retail
- 婚禮蛋糕裝飾師 wedding cake decorator
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 烘焙機器操作員(過程控制和機器操作員,食品,飲料及相關產品的加工) Baking machine operators (in 9461 Process control and machine operators, food, beverage and associated products processing )
- 糕點廚師(廚師) Pastry chefs (in 6321 Chefs )