簡介 Intro
Boilermakers fabricate, assemble, erect, test, maintain and repair boilers, vessels, tanks, towers, heat exchangers and other heavy-metal structures. They are employed in boiler fabrication, manufacturing, shipbuilding, construction, electric power generation and similar industrial establishments.
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 閱讀藍圖或規格,計劃操作順序。
- Read blueprints or specifications to plan sequence of operation
- 鋪設萊板,鋼板或其他重金屬,用量角器,圓規和繪圖工具或模板在工件上標記彎曲和切割線。
- Lay out plate, sheet steel or other heavy metal and mark bending and cutting lines on work piece using protractors, compasses and drawing instruments or templates
- 設置和操作重金屬工作機器,如剎車片,軋輥,剪板機,火焰切割機和鑽床,來切割,塑型和成型金屬零件或部分
- Set up and operate heavy-metal working machines such as brakes, rolls, shears, flame cutters and drill presses to cut, shape and form metal into parts or sections
- 安裝和焊接金屬部件或部分在一起,用於製造鍋爐,容器,儲罐,熱交換器,管道和其他重金屬產品
- Fit and weld metal parts or sections together to fabricate boilers, vessels, tanks, heat exchangers, piping and other heavy-metal products
- 用手動及電動工具,根據規範,架設及安裝鍋爐和其他重金屬產品
- Erect and install boilers and other heavy-metal products according to specifications using hand and power tools
- 對鍋爐和其他重金屬產品進行修理和維修工作
- Repair and perform maintenance work on boilers and other heavy-metal products
- 在製造,裝配,安裝或維修過程中,指導活動絞車或起重機操作者和其他工人的活動。
- Direct activities of hoist or crane operators and other workers during fabrication, assembly, installation or repair of structures
- 使用各種方法測試完成的結構。
- Test finished structures using a variety of methods.
- 鍋爐工可能專注於本行業的索具和吊裝,準備和佈局,或焊接方面。
- Boilermakers may specialize in rigging and hoisting, preparation and layout, or welding aspects of the trade.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要完成中學。
- Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- 完成三到四年的學徒計劃
- Completion of a three- to four-year apprenticeship program
- 通常需要累計行業內四年多的工作經驗,以及高中,大學或工業鍋爐課程,才有資格取得行業認證。
- A combination of over four years of work experience in the trade and some high school, college or industry courses in boilermaking is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
- 在新斯科舍省,魁北克省和阿爾伯塔省行業認證是強制性的,但在所有其他省份是自願的。
- Trade certification is compulsory in Nova Scotia, Quebec and Alberta and available, but voluntary, in all other provinces.
- 紅印章背書對於成功完成跨省紅色鋼印考試的合格鍋爐工也適用。
- Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified boilermakers upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 鍋爐鉗工 boiler fitter
- 鍋爐安裝 boiler installer
- 鍋爐修理工 boiler repairer
- 鍋爐修理工/男/女 boiler repairman/woman
- 鍋爐車間技工 boiler shop mechanic
- 汽鍋製造商 boilermaker
- 鍋爐製造學徒 boilermaker apprentice
- 鍋爐製造商,安裝和維修 boilermaker, erection and repair
- 鍋爐製造商,維修 boilermaker, maintenance
- 鍋爐製造焊工 boilermaker-welder
- 施工汽鍋 construction boilermaker
- 工業鍋爐製造商 industrial boilermaker
- 工業建設汽鍋製造商 industrial construction boilermaker
- 工業熱交換器汽鍋製造商 industrial heat exchanger boilermaker
- 短工/男/女汽鍋製造商 journeyman/woman boilermaker
- 維修鍋爐製造商 maintenance boilermaker
- 船用鍋爐製造商 marine boilermaker
- 壓力容器鍋爐製造商 pressure vessel boilermaker
- 壓力容器製造者 pressure vessel fabricator
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 聯合衝剪工 Ironworkers 7236
- 結構金屬和板金加工的製造商和裝配工 Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters 7235
- 主管鍋爐工(承包商和監督員,機械加工,金屬成形,塑造和樹立行業及相關行業) Supervisors of boilermakers (in 7201 Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations )
- 焊工和相關機器操作員 Welders and related machine operators 7237