簡介 Intro
Plumbers install, repair and maintain pipes, fixtures and other plumbing equipment used for water distribution and waste water disposal in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. They are employed in maintenance departments of factories, plants and similar establishments, by plumbing contractors, or they may be self-employed.
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 閱讀藍圖,圖紙和規格,以確定管道系統,供水管網,廢物和排水系統的佈局
- Read blueprints, drawings and specifications to determine layout of plumbing system, water supply network and waste and drainage systems
- 安裝,維修和保養住宅,商業或工業管道裝置和系統
- Install, repair and maintain domestic, commercial or industrial plumbing fixtures and systems
- 在牆壁和地板上找到並標出管道連接,通孔及裝置的位置
- Locate and mark positions for pipe connections, passage holes and fixtures in walls and floors
- 在牆壁和地板上切割開槽,用以安裝管材和管件
- Cut opening in walls and floors to accommodate pipe and pipe fittings
- 手工操作或用電動工具或機器進行測量,切割,彎曲和穿透管道
- Measure, cut, bend and thread pipes using hand and power tools or machines
- 使用聯接器,夾子,螺釘,螺栓,水泥或焊接,釬焊和焊接設備連接管件
- Join pipes using couplings, clamps, screws, bolts, cement or soldering, brazing and welding equipment
- 使用空氣和水壓力表測試管道是否洩漏
- Test pipes for leaks using air and water pressure gauges
- 亦可準備成本估算。
- May prepare cost estimates.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要完成中學學業。
- Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- 完成四到五年的學徒計劃
- Completion of a four- to five-year apprenticeship program
- 或要取得行業認證通常必須具備五年以上的行業工作經驗以及在某高中,大學或行業內的管道課程的學習。
- A combination of over five years of work experience in the trade and some high school, college or industry courses in plumbing is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
- 在新不倫瑞克省,新斯科舍省,愛德華王子島省,魁北克省,安大略省,薩斯喀徹溫省和阿爾伯塔省,行業認證是強制性的,但在紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省,曼尼托巴省,不列顛哥倫比亞省,育空地區,西北地區和努納武特地區是自願的,。
- Trade certification is compulsory in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Manitoba, British Columbia, the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
- 紅印章背書對於成功完成跨省紅色鋼印的考試的合格的水管工也適用。
- Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified plumbers upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 學徒水暖工 apprentice plumber
- 熟練水暖工/男/女 journeyman/woman plumber
- 維護和維修水暖工 maintenance and repair plumber
- 維護和修理水管工,(非建造業) maintenance and repair plumber, (non-construction)
- 維修水管工 maintenance plumber
- 海洋水暖工 marine plumber
- 水管工人 plumber
- 水管工 – 管件 plumber – pipefitting
- 水暖工學徒 plumber apprentice
- 水暖工,(非建造業)的維護和維修 plumber, (non-construction) maintenance and repair
- 水暖工,保養和維修 plumber, maintenance and repair
- 水暖工,住宅建築 plumber, residential construction
- 水暖安裝員 plumbing installer
- 管道修理工 plumbing mechanic
- 散熱器水管工 radiator plumber
- 住宅建築水暖工 residential construction plumber
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 燃氣鉗工 Gas fitters 7253
- 蒸汽管道工,管道裝配和自動噴水滅火系統安裝 Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers 7252
- 水管工主管 (承包商和監督員,管道安裝工)Supervisors of plumbers (in 7203 Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades )