簡介 Intro
Cabinetmakers use a variety of woods and laminates to construct and repair wooden cabinets, furniture, fixtures and related products. They are employed by furniture manufacturing or repair companies, construction companies and cabinetmaking contractors, or they may be self-employed.
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 研究物品的計劃,規格或圖紙,或準備規格
- Study plans, specifications or drawings of articles to be made, or prepare specifications
- 在木材上標註輪廓或部件尺寸
- Mark outlines or dimensions of parts on wood
- 操作木工機器,例如電鋸,開槽機,榫眼機和 牛頭刨床,並使用手工具切割,塑造和成型零部件
- Operate woodworking machines, such as power saws, jointers, mortisers and shapers, and use hand tools to cut, shape and form parts and components
- 修剪連接處和調試零件,並使用膠水和夾子組裝在一起,形成完整的單元,使用釘子,螺釘或其他緊固件加強連接
- Trim joints and fit parts and subassemblies together to form complete unit using glue and clamps and reinforce joints using nails, screws or other fasteners
- 用砂紙磨光木製品表面,給成品進行飾面,染色或拋光
- Sand wooden surfaces and apply veneer, stain or polish to finished products
- 修理或重新設計木製家具,裝置及相關產品
- Repair or restyle wooden furniture, fixtures and related products
- 可能估計所需材料的數量,類型和成本。
- May estimate amount, type and cost of materials required.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要完成中學學業。
- Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- 完成為期四年的學徒課程。
- Completion of a four-year apprenticeship program
- 或者通常需要有累計四年的行業內工作經驗,以及櫃子製作高中或大學課程的組合,才能取得行業認證資格。
- A combination of over four years of work experience in the trade and some high school or college courses in cabinetmaking is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
- 在所有的省份和地區行業認證都可用,但是自願的。
- Trade certification is available, but voluntary, in all provinces and territories.
- 紅印章背書對於通過跨省紅色鋼印考試的合格櫥櫃製造商也適用。
- Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified cabinetmakers upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 細木工 cabinetmaker
- 木匠學徒 cabinetmaker apprentice
- 定製書桌製造商,木 custom desk maker, wood
- 定製鏡框和鏡子安裝工 custom frame and mirror assembler
- 定製鋼琴箱子,製造商 custom piano case maker
- 定制的木家具製造商 custom wood furniture maker
- 定制木製辦公桌廠商 custom wooden desk maker
- 家具木匠 furniture cabinetmaker
- 夾具製造商 – 木製品製造 jig builder – wood products manufacturing
- 短工/男/女木匠 journeyman/woman cabinetmaker
- 佈局標記員 – 櫃子 layout marker – cabinetmaking
- 模型製作者,木 model maker, wood
- 模具製造商,木材 mouldmaker, wood
- 模式修理工/男/女 – 鑄造 pattern repairman/woman – foundry
- 打樣師,木材 patternmaker, wood
- 行業/男/女木匠 tradesman/woman cabinetmaker
- 木家具及固定裝置打樣師 wood furniture and fixtures patternmaker
- 木模製造商 wood model maker
- 木模製造商 wood mould maker
- 木模督察 wood pattern inspector
- 木紋修理工/男/女 – 鑄造 wood pattern repairman/woman – foundry
- 木打樣師 wood patternmaker
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 木匠 Carpenters 7271
- 主管櫥櫃(承包商和監督員,木工行業) Supervisors of cabinetmakers (in 7204 Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades )
- 木工機床操作員 Woodworking machine operators 9437