簡介 Intro
Railway conductors co-ordinate and supervise the activities of passenger and freight train crew members. Brakemen check train brakes and other systems and equipment prior to train run, and assist railway conductors in activities en route. They are employed by railway transport companies.
With experience, brakemen/women may progress to railway conductors.
With experience, railway conductors may progress to locomotive engineers.
主要職責 Main Duties
鐵路指揮官執行部分或全部下列職責:Railway conductors perform some or all of the following duties:
- 監督和協調客運和貨運列車機組人員的活動(機車工程師除外) ,以確保列車運營與時間表,列車順序和運行規則 代碼保持一致。
- Supervise and co-ordinate the activities of passenger and freight train crew members (except locomotive engineers) to ensure train operations are in accordance with schedule, train orders and code of operating rules
- 接收列車命令,並向列車機務員/男/女,機車工程師和機組其他成員解釋命令
- Receive train orders and explain orders to brakemen/women, locomotive engineer and other crew members
- 通過無線電信號與列車乘務組成員溝通,或通過其他方式給予和接受列車運行信息
- Communicate with train crew members by radio, signals or by other means to give and receive train operation information
- 收集上車旅客的車票費用,宣布即將到達車站,並解答乘客的查詢
- Collect fares on board passenger trains, announce approaching train stops and answer passenger enquiries
- 編制列車運行報告。
- Prepare train run reports.
列車機務員/男/女執行部分或全部下列職責:Brakemen/women perform some or all of the following duties:
- 列車運行前檢查列車系統和設備,如空調和供暖系統,制動器和製動軟管
- Check train systems and equipment such as air conditioning and heating systems, brakes and brake hoses prior to train run
- 通過無線電,信號或以其他方式與列車機組人員溝通,以幫助火車的運動和操作
- Communicate with train crew members by radio, signals or by other means to aid in the movement and operation of train
- 接收交通管制員的命令,觀察信號和軌道條件並開放,和關閉軌道開關
- Receive orders from traffic controllers, observe signals and track conditions and open and close track switches
- 設置並釋放手製動器,並連接空氣製動軟管以連接和轉換客運或貨運車,按照要求對聯軸器,空氣軟管和輪轂軸承箱進行小修補
- Set and release hand brakes and connect air brake hoses to couple and switch passenger or freight cars, making minor repairs to couplings, air hoses and wheel-bearing boxes as required
- 協助收取車費,並幫助乘客上下火車。
- Assist in collecting fares and helping passengers on and off train.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要完成中學學業。
- Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- 指揮官必需具備司閘員/男/女的經驗。
- Experience as a brakeman/woman is required for conductors.
- 列車機務員/男/女通常需要鐵路工人的經驗。
- Experience as a railway worker is usually required for brakemen/women.
- 鐵路指揮官需要加拿大鐵路運營規則證書。
- Railway conductors require a Canadian Rail Operating Rules certificate.
- 司閘員需要加拿大列車機務員/男/女工作規則證書。
- Brakemen/women require a Canadian Rail Operating Rules certificate.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 制動工人 – 調車場 brake worker – switching yard
- 司閘員/男/女 brakeman/woman
- 司閘員/男/女 – 鐵路 brakeman/woman – railway
- 司閘員/男/女 – 鐵路站場 brakeman/woman – railway yard
- 司閘員/男/女 – 調車場 brakeman/woman – switching yard
- 指揮官 – 鐵路站場 conductor – railway yard
- 指揮官 – 公路貨運 conductor – road freight
- 指揮官 – 交換碼 conductor – switching yard
- 指揮官,客運列車 conductor, passenger train
- 指揮官,鐵路 conductor, railway
- 貨運列車司閘員/男/女 freight train brakeman/woman
- 貨運列車的列車長 freight train conductor
- 前端司閘員/男/女 front-end brakeman/woman
- 頭司閘員/男/女 head brakeman/woman
- 客運列車司閘員/男/女 passenger train brakeman/woman
- 客運列車的列車長 passenger train conductor
- 普爾曼指揮官 pullman conductor
- 鐵路指揮官 railway conductor
- 公路貨運司閘員/男/女 road freight brakeman/woman
- 睡車廂列車員 sleeping car conductor
- 尾部司閘員/男/女 tail-end brakeman/woman
- 火車售票員 train conductor
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 鐵路和站場機車工程師 Railway and yard locomotive engineers 7361
- 主管,鐵路運輸業務 Supervisors, railway transport operations 7304