簡介 Intro
Trappers and hunters trap and hunt wild animals for pelts or live sale. They are usually self-employed and work on a seasonal basis.
In some jurisdictions, trappers may be allocated trapping areas based on their experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
捕手執行部分或全部下列職責:Trappers perform some or all of the following duties:
- 用誘餌設置陷阱,沿著小徑設置陷阱
- Set traps with bait and position traps along trails
- 操作摩托雪橇,或步行或者穿著雪鞋或雪橇旅行巡邏設置陷阱的路線
- Operate snowmobiles or travel on foot, snowshoes or skis to patrol trapline
- 卸下漁獲物和重設陷阱和圈套
- Remove catch and reset traps and snares
- 宰殺並包皮捕獲物獲取皮毛,處理和包裝要營銷的皮毛
- Kill and skin catch for pelts, and treat and pack pelts for marketing
- 捕獲活的動物為了出售給購買者或重新安置的目的
- Trap live animals for sale to buyers or for relocation purposes
- 維護和修復捕獲設備
- Maintain and repair trapping equipment
- 維護步道和進入誘捕線路
- Maintain trails and access to trapping lines
- 給指定動物設置陷阱,以獲取賞金或其他控制方案
- Trap designated animals for bounty or other control programs
- 可以監視捕集地區的動物種群,以確保未來的可持續發展。
- May monitor animal population in the trapping regions to ensure future sustainability.
獵人執行部分或全部下列職責:Hunters perform some or all of the following duties:
- 操作船隻或摩托雪橇或徒步旅行,到達獵區
- Operate boats or snowmobiles or travel on foot to reach hunting areas
- 使用槍支或其他武器殺死野生動物
- Kill wild animals using firearms or other weapons
- 使用刀具剝皮死去的動物獲取毛皮
- Skin dead animals for pelts using knives
- 治療,包裝和運輸毛皮到加工廠或公開拍賣
- Treat, pack and transport pelts to processing plants or to public auctions
- 維護狩獵設備
- Maintain hunting equipment
- 可以監視狩獵地區的動物種群,以確保未來的可持續發展。
- May monitor animal population in the hunting regions to ensure future sustainability.
- 捕手和獵人專門誘捕或狩獵特定種類的動物。
- Trappers and hunters may specialize in trapping or hunting a particular kind of animal.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 在一些省份,可能需要完成捕捉或狩獵課程。
- Completion of trapping or hunting courses may be required in some provinces.
- 可能需要省級誘捕或狩獵許可證。
- A provincial trapping or hunting licence may be required.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 海狸捕獸者 beaver trapper
- 毛皮捕手 fur trapper
- 遊戲捕獸者 game trapper
- 獵人 hunter
- 陸基海豹獵人 land-based seal hunter
- 陸基海豹獵人 land-based sealer
- 麝鼠捕 muskrat trapper
- 海豹獵人 – 狩獵和誘捕 seal hunter – hunting and trapping
- 捕海豹獵人 sealer
- 捕海豹獵人 – 狩獵和誘捕 sealer – hunting and trapping
- 捕獸者 trapper
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 動物控制捕獸或滋擾控制的捕獸者(害蟲控制器和熏蒸) Animal control trappers or nuisance control trappers (in 7444 Pest controllers and fumigators )
- 狩獵指南(戶外運動和休閒指南) Hunting guides (in 6532 Outdoor sport and recreational guides )