IMM5744 Instructions and Information

Instructions of filling and signing IMM5744



ATIP Request, Access to Information and Privacy Online Request is often overlooked by applicants, but it is actually very important.

Whether it is about application rejections, or inquiring about the progress of the application, or to keep the same as the previous application information, you need to submit an ATIP request to obtain the information.

Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or residents in Canada (including international students and PR applicants) have the right to apply for ATIP.

When the ATIP request needs to be submitted via an immigration consultant in Canada, a form IMM 5744 is required to submitted. Global Visa Firm will provide the applicant with a form with the agent’s information filled in, and the applicant needs to fill in the rest. A signature of the client will be required. Please read below for the instructions for filling out the form.

Instructions for Single Applicants

If the applicant is an adult and applying for themselves only, they only needs to fill in 2. Applicant’s information. Please also fill in Family name (surname), Given name(s), and Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) electronically on your computer.

Please print out the form after filling it out, then sign and date (Date YYYY-MM-DD) in blue ink. Then please scan and send a copy to us. Please refer to the picture below for the specific format.


Instructions for Multiple Applicants

If the applicant is an adult and needs to request ATIP for multiple people, the applicant needs to complete multiple copies of IMM 5744 for each person.

For example, when couples applies for ATIP, they both need to fill out an IMM 5744 form. They will each need to fill in their own information in 2. Applicant’s information, and their spouse’s information in 2.1 Related Individual’s Information. Please make sure to fill in Family name (surname), Given name(s), and Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) in the form.

Please print out the form after filling it out, then sign and date (Date YYYY-MM-DD) in blue ink. Then please scan and send a copy to us. Please refer to the picture below for the specific format.


Instructions for Minors

For example, when couples applies for ATIP, they both need to fill out an IMM 5744 form. They will each need to fill in their own information in 2. Applicant’s information, and their spouse’s information in 2.1 Related Individual’s Information. Please make sure to fill in Family name (surname), Given name(s), and Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) in the form.

Please print out the form after filling it out, then sign and date (Date YYYY-MM-DD) in blue ink. Then please scan and send a copy to us. Please refer to the picture below for the specific format.



Q:Why do we need ATIP?

A:1. You will be able to understand the exact specific reasons for your application refusal, which is usually not included in your refusal letter. You can also see the notes added the immigration officer, including processing time, evaluations, results and the reason for the refusal, etc. All these are valuable information for you to prepare your second application in a targeted manner.
If your waiting time is longer than the normal processing time, or has received little regular updates after the application is submitted, you can submit an ATIP application for updates regarding your application.
Make sure the information you are submitting in your upcoming application is consistent with the previous application materials, if you cannot remember the information you submitted previously, in order to keep the information consistent. Otherwise it may be considered as misrepresentation.

Q: How long does it take to get the results of ATIP?

A: Normally the processing time for ATIP is 30 days or over. The results will be sent by email.

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项目类别 线上申请
48 天
117 天
超级签证 106 天
13 周
17 周
境内学签续签 131 天
毕业工签境外申请 11 周
毕业工签境内申请 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




