
National Occupational Classification (NOC) Complete List – 2021

0 – Legislative and senior management occupations

NOC Code
Job TitlesNOC Code
NOC 000100LegislatorsNOC 00110
NOC 000110Senior government managers and officialsNOC 00120
NOC 000120Senior managers-financial, communications and other business servicesNOC 00130
NOC 000130Senior managers-health, education, social and community services and membership organizationsNOC 00140
NOC 000140Senior managers-trade, broadcasting and other servicesNOC 00150
NOC 000150Senior managers-construction, transportation, production and utilitiesNOC 00160

1 – Business, finance and administration occupations

NOC Code
Job TitlesNOC Code
NOC 100100Financial managersNOC 01110
NOC 100110Human resources managersNOC 01120
NOC 100120Purchasing managersNOC 01130
NOC 100190Other administrative services managersNOC 01140
NOC 100200Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managersNOC 01210
NOC 100210Banking, credit and other investment managersNOC 01220
NOC 100220Advertising, marketing and public relations managersNOC 01240
NOC 100290Other business services managersNOC 01250
NOC 100300Telecommunication carriers managersNOC 01310
NOC 111001Financial auditors and accountantsNOC 1111A
NOC 111011Financial and investment analystsNOC 1121A
NOC 111021Financial advisors
NOC 111031Securities agents, investment dealers and brokersNOC 1113A
NOC 111091Other financial officersNOC 1114A
NOC 112001Human resources professionalsNOC 1121A
NOC 112011Professional occupations in business management consultingNOC 1122A
NOC 112021Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relationsNOC 1123A
NOC 120102Supervisors, general office and administrative support workersNOC 1211B
NOC 120112Supervisors, finance and insurance office workersNOC 1212B
NOC 120122Supervisors, library, correspondence and related information workersNOC 1213B
NOC 120132Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling coordination occupationsNOC 1215B
NOC 121002Executive assistantsNOC 1222B
NOC 121012Human resources and recruitment officersNOC 1223B
NOC 121022Procurement and purchasing agents and officersNOC 1225B
NOC 121032Conference and event plannersNOC 1226B
NOC 121042Employment insurance and revenue officersNOC 1228B
NOC 121102Court reporters, medical transcriptionists and related occupationsNOC 1251B
NOC 122002Accounting technicians and bookkeepersNOC 1311B
NOC 122012Insurance adjusters and claims examinersNOC 1312B
NOC 122022Insurance underwritersNOC 1313B
NOC 122032Assessors, business valuators and appraisersNOC 1314B
NOC 131003Administrative officersNOC 1221B
NOC 131013Property administratorsNOC 1224B
NOC 131023Payroll administratorsNOC 1432C
NOC 131103Administrative assistantsNOC 1241B
NOC 132003Customs, ship and other brokersNOC 1315B
NOC 132013Production and transportation logistics coordinators
NOC 141004General office support workersNOC 1411C
NOC 141014ReceptionistsNOC 1414C
NOC 141024Personnel clerksNOC 1415C
NOC 141034Court clerks and related court services occupationsNOC 1416C
NOC 141104Survey interviewers and statistical clerksNOC 1454C
NOC 142004Accounting and related clerksNOC 1431C
NOC 142014Banking, insurance and other financial clerksNOC 1434C
NOC 142024Collection clerks
NOC 143004Library assistants and clerksNOC 1451C
NOC 143014Correspondence, publication and regulatory clerksNOC 1452C
NOC 144004Shippers and receiversNOC 1521C
NOC 144014Storekeepers and partspersonsNOC 1522C
NOC 144024Production logistics workersNOC 1523C
NOC 144034Purchasing and inventory control workersNOC 1524C
NOC 144044DispatchersNOC 1525C
NOC 144054Transportation route and crew schedulersNOC 1526C

2 – Natural and applied sciences and related occupations

NOC Code
Job TitlesNOC Code
NOC 20010Engineering managersNOC 02110
NOC 20011Architecture and science managersNOC 02120
NOC 20012Computer and information systems managersNOC 02130
NOC 21100Physicists and astronomersNOC 2111A
NOC 21101ChemistsNOC 2112A
NOC 21102Geoscientists and oceanographersNOC 2113A
NOC 21103Meteorologists and climatologistsNOC 2114A
NOC 21109Other professional occupations in physical sciencesNOC 2115A
NOC 21110Biologists and related scientistsNOC 2121A
NOC 21220Cybersecurity specialists
NOC 21230Computer systems developers and programmersNOC 2174A
NOC 21300Civil engineersNOC 2131A
NOC 21301Mechanical engineersNOC 2132A
NOC 21310Electrical and electronics engineersNOC 2133A
NOC 21320Chemical engineersNOC 2134A
NOC 21330Mining engineersNOC 2143A
NOC 21390Aerospace engineersNOC 2146A
NOC 22100Chemical technologists and techniciansNOC 2211B
NOC 22101Geological and mineral technologists and techniciansNOC 2212B
NOC 22110Biological technologists and techniciansNOC 2221B
NOC 22210Architectural technologists and techniciansNOC 2251B
NOC 22220Computer network and web techniciansNOC 2281B
NOC 22230Non-destructive testers and inspectorsNOC 2261B
NOC 22300Civil engineering technologists and techniciansNOC 2231B
NOC 22301Mechanical engineering technologists and techniciansNOC 2232B
NOC 22302Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and techniciansNOC 2233B
NOC 22303Construction estimatorsNOC 2234B
NOC 22310Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and techniciansNOC 2241B

3 – Health occupations

NOC Code
Job TitlesNOC Code
NOC 30010Managers in health careNOC 03110
NOC 31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicineNOC 3111A
NOC 31101Specialists in surgery
NOC 31102General practitioners and family physiciansNOC 3112A
NOC 31103VeterinariansNOC 3114A
NOC 31110DentistsNOC 3113A
NOC 31120PharmacistsNOC 3131A
NOC 31200PsychologistsNOC 4151A
NOC 31201ChiropractorsNOC 3122A
NOC 31202PhysiotherapistsNOC 3142A
NOC 31203Occupational therapistsNOC 3143A
NOC 31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessmentNOC 3144A
NOC 31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treatingNOC 3125A
NOC 31300Nursing coordinators and supervisorsNOC 3011A
NOC 31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nursesNOC 3012A
NOC 31302Nurse practitioners
NOC 31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionalsNOC 3124A
NOC 32100OpticiansNOC 3231B
NOC 32101Licensed practical nursesNOC 3233B
NOC 32102Paramedical occupationsNOC 3234B
NOC 32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologistsNOC 3214B
NOC 32104Animal health technologists and veterinary techniciansNOC 3213B
NOC 32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessmentNOC 3237B
NOC 32110DenturistsNOC 3221B
NOC 32120Medical laboratory technologistsNOC 3212B
NOC 32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
NOC 32201Massage therapistsNOC 3236B
NOC 32209Other practitioners of natural healingNOC 3232B
NOC 33100Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistantsNOC 3411C
NOC 33101Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupationsNOC 1243B
NOC 33102Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associatesNOC 3413C
NOC 33103Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
NOC 33109Other assisting occupations in support of health servicesNOC 3414C

4 – Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services

NOC Code
Job TitlesNOC Code
NOC 40010Government managers – health and social policy development and program administrationNOC 04110
NOC 40011Government managers – economic analysis, policy development and program administrationNOC 04120
NOC 40012Government managers – education policy development and program administrationNOC 04130
NOC 40019Other managers in public administrationNOC 04140
NOC 40020Administrators – post-secondary education and vocational trainingNOC 04210
NOC 40021School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary educationNOC 04220
NOC 40030Managers in social, community and correctional servicesNOC 04230
NOC 40040Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection servicesNOC 04310
NOC 40041Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officersNOC 04320
NOC 40042Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed ForcesNOC 04330
NOC 41100JudgesNOC 4111A
NOC 41101Lawyers and Quebec notariesNOC 4112A
NOC 41200University professors and lecturersNOC 4011A
NOC 41201Post-secondary teaching and research assistantsNOC 4012A
NOC 41210College and other vocational instructorsNOC 4021A
NOC 41220Secondary school teachersNOC 4031A
NOC 41300Social workersNOC 4152A
NOC 41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
NOC 41302Religious leaders
NOC 41310Police investigators and other investigative occupations
NOC 41320Educational counsellorsNOC 4033A
NOC 41400Natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officersNOC 4161A
NOC 41401Economists and economic policy researchers and analystsNOC 4162A
NOC 41402Business development officers and market researchers and analystsNOC 4163A
NOC 41403Social policy researchers, consultants and program officersNOC 4164A
NOC 41404Health policy researchers, consultants and program officersNOC 4165A
NOC 41405Education policy researchers, consultants and program officersNOC 4166A
NOC 41406Recreation, sports and fitness policy researchers, consultants and program officersNOC 4167A
NOC 41407Program officers unique to governmentNOC 4168A
NOC 41409Other professional occupations in social scienceNOC 4169A
NOC 42100Police officers (except commissioned)NOC 4311B
NOC 42101FirefightersNOC 4312B
NOC 42102Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
NOC 42200Paralegals and related occupationsNOC 4211B
NOC 42201Social and community service workersNOC 4212B
NOC 42202Early childhood educators and assistantsNOC 4214B
NOC 42203Instructors of persons with disabilitiesNOC 4215B
NOC 42204Religion workersNOC 4154A
NOC 43100Elementary and secondary school teacher assistantsNOC 4413C
NOC 43109Other instructorsNOC 4216B
NOC 43200Sheriffs and bailiffsNOC 4421C
NOC 43201Correctional service officersNOC 4422C
NOC 43202By-law enforcement and other regulatory officersNOC 4423C
NOC 43203Border services, customs, and immigration officers
NOC 43204Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
NOC 44100Home child care providersNOC 4411C
NOC 44101Home support workers, caregivers and related occupationsNOC 4412C
NOC 44200Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
NOC 45100Student monitors, crossing guards and related occupations

5 – Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport

NOC Code
Job TitlesNOC Code
NOC 50010Library, archive, museum and art gallery managersNOC 05110
NOC 50011Managers – publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing artsNOC 05120
NOC 50012Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directorsNOC 05130
NOC 51100LibrariansNOC 5111A
NOC 51101Conservators and curatorsNOC 5112A
NOC 51102ArchivistsNOC 5113A
NOC 51110EditorsNOC 5122A
NOC 51120Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupationsNOC 5131A
NOC 52100Library and public archive techniciansNOC 5211B
NOC 52110Film and video camera operatorsNOC 5222B
NOC 52120Graphic designers and illustratorsNOC 5241B
NOC 53100Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
NOC 53110PhotographersNOC 5221B
NOC 53120DancersNOC 5134A
NOC 53200AthletesNOC 5251B
NOC 53201CoachesNOC 5252B
NOC 53202Sports officials and refereesNOC 5253B
NOC 54100Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitnessNOC 5254B
NOC 55109Other performersNOC 5232B

6 – Sales and service occupations

NOC Code
Job TitlesNOC Code
NOC 60010Corporate sales managersNOC 06010
NOC 60020Retail and wholesale trade managersNOC 06210
NOC 60030Restaurant and food service managersNOC 06310
NOC 60031Accommodation service managersNOC 06320
NOC 60040Managers in customer and personal servicesNOC 06510
NOC 62010Retail sales supervisorsNOC 6211B
NOC 62020Food service supervisorsNOC 6311B
NOC 62021Executive housekeepersNOC 6312B
NOC 62022Accommodation, travel, tourism and related services supervisorsNOC 6313B
NOC 62023Customer and information services supervisorsNOC 6314B
NOC 62024Cleaning supervisorsNOC 6315B
NOC 62029Other services supervisorsNOC 6316B
NOC 62100Technical sales specialists – wholesale tradeNOC 6221B
NOC 62101Retail and wholesale buyersNOC 6222B
NOC 62200ChefsNOC 6321B
NOC 62201Funeral directors and embalmersNOC 6346B
NOC 62202Jewellers, jewellery and watch repairers and related occupationsNOC 6344B
NOC 63100Insurance agents and brokersNOC 6231B
NOC 63101Real estate agents and salespersonsNOC 6232B
NOC 63102Financial sales representativesNOC 6235B
NOC 63200CooksNOC 6322B
NOC 63201Butchers – retail and wholesaleNOC 6331B
NOC 63202BakersNOC 6332B
NOC 63210Hairstylists and barbersNOC 6341B
NOC 63220Shoe repairers and shoemakersNOC 6343B
NOC 64100Retail salespersons and visual merchandisersNOC 6421C
NOC 64101Sales and account representatives – wholesale trade (non-technical)NOC 6411C
NOC 64200Tailors, dressmakers, furriers and millinersNOC 6342B
NOC 64201Image, social and other personal consultantsNOC 6561C
NOC 64300Maîtres d’hôtel and hosts/hostessesNOC 6511C
NOC 64301BartendersNOC 6512C
NOC 64310Travel counsellorsNOC 6521C
NOC 64320Tour and travel guidesNOC 6531C
NOC 64400Customer services representatives – financial institutionsNOC 6551C
NOC 64401Postal services representatives
NOC 64409Other customer and information services representativesNOC 6552C
NOC 64410Security guards and related security service occupationsNOC 6541C
NOC 65100CashiersNOC 6611D
NOC 65101Service station attendantsNOC 6621D
NOC 65102Store shelf stockers, clerks and order fillersNOC 6622D
NOC 65109Other sales related occupationsNOC 6623D
NOC 65200Food and beverage serversNOC 6513C
NOC 65201Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupationsNOC 6711D
NOC 65202Meat cutters and fishmongers – retail and wholesale
NOC 65210Support occupations in accommodation, travel and facilities set-up servicesNOC 6721D
NOC 65220Pet groomers and animal care workersNOC 6563C
NOC 65310Light duty cleanersNOC 6731D
NOC 65320Dry cleaning, laundry and related occupationsNOC 6741D

7 – Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations

NOC Code
Job TitlesNOC Code
NOC 70010Construction managersNOC 07110
NOC 70011Home building and renovation managersNOC 07120
NOC 70012Facility operation and maintenance managersNOC 07140
NOC 70020Managers in transportationNOC 07310
NOC 70021Postal and courier services managersNOC 01320
NOC 72010Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupationsNOC 7201B
NOC 72011Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupationsNOC 7202B
NOC 72012Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting tradesNOC 7203B
NOC 72013Contractors and supervisors, carpentry tradesNOC 7204B
NOC 72014Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicersNOC 7205B
NOC 72020Contractors and supervisors, mechanic tradesNOC 7301B
NOC 72021Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crewsNOC 7302B
NOC 72022Supervisors, printing and related occupationsNOC 7303B
NOC 72023Supervisors, railway transport operationsNOC 7304B
NOC 72024Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operatorsNOC 7305B
NOC 72025Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations
NOC 72100Machinists and machining and tooling inspectorsNOC 7231B
NOC 72101Tool and die makersNOC 7232B
NOC 72102Sheet metal workersNOC 7233B
NOC 72103BoilermakersNOC 7234B
NOC 72104Structural metal and platework fabricators and fittersNOC 7235B
NOC 72105IronworkersNOC 7236B
NOC 72106Welders and related machine operatorsNOC 7237B
NOC 72200Electricians (except industrial and power system)NOC 7241B
NOC 72201Industrial electriciansNOC 7242B
NOC 72202Power system electriciansNOC 7243B
NOC 72203Electrical power line and cable workersNOC 7244B
NOC 72204Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairersNOC 7245B
NOC 72205Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service techniciansNOC 7246B
NOC 72300PlumbersNOC 7251B
NOC 72301Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installersNOC 7252B
NOC 72302Gas fittersNOC 7253B
NOC 72310CarpentersNOC 7271B
NOC 72320BricklayersNOC 7281B
NOC 72400Construction millwrights and industrial mechanicsNOC 7311B
NOC 72401Heavy-duty equipment mechanicsNOC 7312B
NOC 72402Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanicsNOC 7313B
NOC 72403Railway carmen/womenNOC 7314B
NOC 72404Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectorsNOC 7315B
NOC 72405Machine fittersNOC 7316B
NOC 72406Elevator constructors and mechanicsNOC 7318B
NOC 72410Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairersNOC 7321B
NOC 72420Oil and solid fuel heating mechanicsNOC 7331B
NOC 72500Crane operatorsNOC 7371B
NOC 72501Water well drillersNOC 7373B
NOC 72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructorsNOC 2271B
NOC 72601Air traffic controllers and related occupationsNOC 2272B
NOC 72602Deck officers, water transportNOC 2273B
NOC 72603Engineer officers, water transportNOC 2274B
NOC 72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulatorsNOC 2275B
NOC 73100Concrete finishersNOC 7282B
NOC 73101TilesettersNOC 7283B
NOC 73102Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathersNOC 7284B
NOC 73110Roofers and shinglersNOC 7291B
NOC 73200Residential and commercial installers and servicersNOC 7441C
NOC 73201General building maintenance workers and building superintendents
NOC 73202Pest controllers and fumigatorsNOC 7444C
NOC 73209Other repairers and servicersNOC 7445C
NOC 73300Transport truck driversNOC 7511C
NOC 73301Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operatorsNOC 7512C
NOC 73310Railway and yard locomotive engineersNOC 7361B
NOC 73400Heavy equipment operatorsNOC 7521C
NOC 73401Printing press operatorsNOC 7381B
NOC 73402Drillers and blasters – surface mining, quarrying and constructionNOC 7372B
NOC 74100Mail and parcel sorters and related occupationsNOC 1511C
NOC 74101Letter carriersNOC 1512C
NOC 74102Couriers and messengersNOC 1513C
NOC 74200Railway yard and track maintenance workersNOC 7531C
NOC 74201Water transport deck and engine room crewNOC 7532C
NOC 74202Air transport ramp attendantsNOC 7534C
NOC 74203Automotive and heavy truck and equipment parts installers and servicers
NOC 74204Utility maintenance workers
NOC 74205Public works maintenance equipment operators and related workersNOC 7522C
NOC 75100Longshore workersNOC 7451C
NOC 75101Material handlersNOC 7452C
NOC 751105Construction trades helpers and labourersNOC 7611D
NOC 75200Taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeursNOC 7513C
NOC 75201Delivery service drivers and door-to-door distributorsNOC 7514C
NOC 75210Boat and cable ferry operators and related occupationsNOC 7533C

8 – Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations

NOC Code
Job TitlesNOC Code
NOC 80010Managers in natural resources production and fishingNOC 08110
NOC 80020Managers in agricultureNOC 08210
NOC 80021Managers in horticultureNOC 08220
NOC 80022Managers in aquacultureNOC 08230
NOC 82010Supervisors, logging and forestryNOC 8211B
NOC 82020Supervisors, mining and quarryingNOC 8221B
NOC 82021Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling and servicesNOC 8222B
NOC 82030Agricultural service contractors and farm supervisorsNOC 8252B
NOC 82031Contractors and supervisors, landscaping, grounds maintenance and horticulture servicesNOC 8255B
NOC 83100Underground production and development minersNOC 8231B
NOC 83101Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workersNOC 8232B
NOC 83110Logging machinery operatorsNOC 8241B
NOC 83120Fishing masters and officersNOC 8261B
NOC 84100Underground mine service and support workersNOC 8411C
NOC 84101Oil and gas well drilling and related workers and services operatorsNOC 8412C
NOC 84110Chain saw and skidder operatorsNOC 8421C
NOC 84120Specialized livestock workers and farm machinery operators
NOC 85100Livestock labourers
NOC 85101Harvesting labourersNOC 8611D
NOC 85102Aquaculture and marine harvest labourersNOC 8613D
NOC 85103Nursery and greenhouse labourersNOC 8432C
NOC 85104Trappers and huntersNOC 8442C
NOC 85110Mine labourersNOC 8614D
NOC 85120Logging and forestry labourersNOC 8616D

9 – Occupations in manufacturing and utilities

NOC Code
Job TitlesNOC Code
NOC 90010Manufacturing managersNOC 09110
NOC 90011Utilities managersNOC 09120
NOC 92010Supervisors, mineral and metal processingNOC 9211B
NOC 92011Supervisors, petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilitiesNOC 9212B
NOC 92012Supervisors, food and beverage processingNOC 9213B
NOC 92013Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturingNOC 9214B
NOC 92014Supervisors, forest products processingNOC 9215B
NOC 92015Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturingNOC 9217B
NOC 92020Supervisors, motor vehicle assemblingNOC 9221B
NOC 92021Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturingNOC 9222B
NOC 92022Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturingNOC 9224B
NOC 92023Supervisors, other mechanical and metal products manufacturingNOC 9226B
NOC 92024Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assemblyNOC 9227B
NOC 92100Power engineers and power systems operatorsNOC 9241B
NOC 92101Water and waste treatment plant operatorsNOC 9243B
NOC 93100Central control and process operators, mineral and metal processingNOC 9231B
NOC 93101Central control and process operators, petroleum, gas and chemical processingNOC 9232B
NOC 93102Pulping, papermaking and coating control operatorsNOC 9235B
NOC 93200Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectorsNOC 9521C
NOC 94100Machine operators, mineral and metal processingNOC 9411C
NOC 94101Foundry workersNOC 9412C
NOC 94102Glass forming and finishing machine operators and glass cuttersNOC 9413C
NOC 94103Concrete, clay and stone forming operatorsNOC 9414C
NOC 94104Inspectors and testers, mineral and metal processingNOC 9415C
NOC 94105Metalworking and forging machine operatorsNOC 9416C
NOC 94106Machining tool operatorsNOC 9417C
NOC 94107Machine operators of other metal products
NOC 94110Chemical plant machine operatorsNOC 9421C
NOC 94120Sawmill machine operatorsNOC 9431C
NOC 94130Textile fibre and yarn, hide and pelt processing machine operators and workersNOC 9441C
NOC 94140Process control and machine operators, food and beverage processingNOC 9461C
NOC 94150Plateless printing equipment operatorsNOC 9471C
NOC 94200Motor vehicle assemblers, inspectors and testersNOC 9522C
NOC 94201Electronics assemblers, fabricators, inspectors and testersNOC 9523C
NOC 94202Assemblers and inspectors, electrical appliance, apparatus and equipment manufacturingNOC 9524C
NOC 94203Assemblers, fabricators and inspectors, industrial electrical motors and transformersNOC 9525C
NOC 94204Mechanical assemblers and inspectorsNOC 9526C
NOC 94205Machine operators and inspectors, electrical apparatus manufacturingNOC 9527C
NOC 94210Furniture and fixture assemblers, finishers, refinishers and inspectorsNOC 9532C
NOC 95100Labourers in mineral and metal processingNOC 9611D
NOC 95101Labourers in metal fabricationNOC 9612D
NOC 95102Labourers in chemical products processing and utilitiesNOC 9613D
NOC 95103Labourers in wood, pulp and paper processingNOC 9614D
NOC 95104Labourers in rubber and plastic products manufacturingNOC 9615D
NOC 95105Labourers in textile processing and cuttingNOC 9616D
NOC 95106Labourers in food and beverage processing
NOC 95107Labourers in fish and seafood processingNOC 9618D
NOC 95109Other labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilitiesNOC 9619D

Reference: Find Your NOC Offical Website
