
NOC 0712 家居建材和装修经理 (Home building and renovation managers)


简介 Intro


Home building managers or builders own, operate and manage companies engaged in the construction of new residential homes. Home renovation managers or renovators own, operate and manage companies engaged in the renovation of existing residential homes.

Progression to senior management positions is possible with extensive experience and training in management.

主要职责 Main Duties

本单元组经理执行部分或全部下列职责:Managers in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties:

任职要求 Employment Requirements

所有职称 All Titles

建筑商 builder
建筑商 – 装修 builder – renovation
建筑商 – 住宅 builder – residential
承包商,家居建材 contractor, home building
承包商,家居装修 contractor, home renovation
承包商,安老院 contractor, residential homes
住房建筑商 home builder
家庭建筑承包商 home building contractor
家庭装修承包商 home renovation contractor
家庭革新者 home renovator
住房修缮专家 – 建筑商 housing rehabilitation specialist – builder
住房革新者 housing renovator
低层住宅建筑商 low-rise residential home builder
修缮及装修专家 rehabilitation and renovation specialist
装修承包商 renovation contractor
住宅房屋建筑商 residential home builder
家居承建商 residential homes contractor
住宅装修承建商 residential renovation contractor

不包括职称 Exclusions
