
NOC 14301 通信,出版和管理办事员 Correspondence, publication and regulatory clerks


简介 Intro


Clerks in this unit group write correspondence, proofread material for accuracy, compile material for publication, verify, record and process forms and documents, such as applications, licences, permits, contracts, registrations and requisitions, and perform other related clerical duties in accordance with established procedures, guidelines and schedules. They are employed by newspapers, periodicals, publishing firms and by establishments throughout the private and public sectors.

Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

主要职责 Main Duties

该小组履行以下部分或全部职责 This group performs some or all of the following duties:
分类广告文员 Classified advertising clerks
信函文员 Correspondence clerks
校对员和编辑助理 Proofreaders and editorial assistants
读者和报刊剪报员 Readers and press clippers
监管文员 Regulatory clerks

任职要求 Employment Requirements

所有职称 All Titles

不包括职称 Exclusions
