
NOC 12203 評估師、商業評估師和估價師 Assessors, business valuators and appraisers


简介 Intro

評估師和估價師出於出售、購買、徵稅或資產處置的目的確定土地、企業、房地產和其他不動產的價值。 評估師也確定個人和家庭物品的價值。 企業評估師量化企業、其證券或無形資產的價值。 評估師、商業評估師和評估師受僱於政府機構、房地產公司和其他私人公司,也可能是自僱者。

Assessors and appraisers determine the value of land, businesses, estates and other real property, for purposes of sale, purchase, taxation or disposal of assets. Appraisers also determine the value of personal and household items. Business valuators quantify the value of a business, its securities or its intangible assets. Assessors, business valuators and appraisers are employed by government agencies, real estate firms and other private companies, or they may be self-employed.

主要职责 Main Duties

該小組履行以下部分或全部職責 This group performs some or all of the following duties:
評審員 Assessors
商業評估師 Business valuators
評估師 Appraisers

任职要求 Employment Requirements

所有职称 All Titles

不包括职称 Exclusions
