简介 Intro
評估師和估價師出於出售、購買、徵稅或資產處置的目的確定土地、企業、房地產和其他不動產的價值。 評估師也確定個人和家庭物品的價值。 企業評估師量化企業、其證券或無形資產的價值。 評估師、商業評估師和評估師受僱於政府機構、房地產公司和其他私人公司,也可能是自僱者。
Assessors and appraisers determine the value of land, businesses, estates and other real property, for purposes of sale, purchase, taxation or disposal of assets. Appraisers also determine the value of personal and household items. Business valuators quantify the value of a business, its securities or its intangible assets. Assessors, business valuators and appraisers are employed by government agencies, real estate firms and other private companies, or they may be self-employed.
- 評估師可能專門從事特定類型的評估,例如房地產評估。Appraisers may specialize in a specific type of appraisal such as real estate appraisal.
- 評估員可能專門從事特定評估領域的建議和諮詢,例如住宅、商業、工業、機構或農地。Assessors may specialize in advising and consulting in a specific field of assessment such as residential, commercial, industrial, institutional or farm lands.
- 隨著經驗的積累,可以晉升到各領域的管理職位。Progression to management positions in each field is possible with experience.
主要职责 Main Duties
該小組履行以下部分或全部職責 This group performs some or all of the following duties:
評審員 Assessors
- 出於稅收、補助金和區域規劃的目的以及在出售或購買之前評估土地、建築物、構築物、機械、設備和財產改良的價值 Assess value of land, building, structures, machinery, equipment and property improvements for purposes of taxation, grants and regional planning and prior to sale or purchase
- 審查和分析數據,例如過去的銷售、產權搜尋、工程和路線圖、土壤圖、細分計劃、供水和污水處理計劃、租賃成本數據和地役權 Review and analyze data such as past sales, title searches, engineering and alignment maps, soil maps, subdivision plans, water and sewer plans, leasing cost data and easements
- 向納稅人解釋評估流程。Explain assessment process to ratepayers.
商業評估師 Business valuators
- 收集和分析企業的財務記錄,例如財務報表、預算、預測和銷售數據,以評估其競爭力或估計其市場價值 Collect and analyze financial records of a business, such as financial statements, budgets, projections and sales data, to assess its competitiveness or to estimate its market value
- 準備遺產規劃、婚姻訴訟、保險和商業損失報告 Prepare reports for estate planning, matrimonial litigation, insurance and business losses
- 作為專家證人出現在法庭、安全監管機構和其他監管委員會和委員會面前。Appear as an expert witness before courts, security regulators and other regulatory boards and commissions.
評估師 Appraisers
- 評估財產、建築、工業和商業機械和設備以及個人和家庭物品的價值 Appraise value of property, building, industrial and commercial machinery and equipment and personal and household items
- 為貸款機構、保險公司、政府部門、法院、律師、債權人、買家或拍賣師準備評估報告。Prepare appraisal reports for lending agencies, insurance companies, government departments, courts, attorneys, creditors, buyers or auctioneers.
任职要求 Employment Requirements
- 評估員需要具有市評估的大學文憑,並獲得省市評估協會的認可。Assessors require a college diploma in municipal assessment and accreditation with the municipal assessment association of the province.
- 商業評估師通常需要會計、商業或商業方面的學士學位或大學文憑,並在成功完成其商業和證券評估計劃的基礎上獲得加拿大特許商業評估師協會的認證。Business valuators usually require a bachelor’s degree or college diploma in accounting, business or commerce and accreditation with the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators based on successful completion of its business and security valuation program.
- 評估師需要具有評估領域的大學文憑或職業培訓或在與評估領域相關的職位上有多年的經驗。Appraisers require a college diploma or vocational training in the field of appraisal or several years of experience in a position related to the field of appraisal.
- 在魁北克,必須是魁北克評估師協會 (OEAQ) 的會員才能使用特許評估師的頭銜。In Quebec, membership with l’Ordre des évaluateurs agréés du Québec (OEAQ) is required to use the title chartered appraiser.
- 房地產估價師通常需要多年作為房地產經紀人、通行權代理人或財產管理員的經驗,並且可能需要加拿大住宅估價師認證。Real estate appraisers usually require several years of experience as a real estate agent, right-of-way agent or property administrator and may require Canadian residential appraiser certification.
- 住宅、商業或工業財產的評估師需要獲得加拿大評估協會的認可。Appraisers of residential, commercial or industrial property require accreditation with the Appraisal Institute of Canada.
所有职称 All Titles
- 認可評估師 Accredited appraiser
- 鑑定技術員 Appraisal technician
- 估價師(海關除外) Appraiser (except customs)
- 評估員(稅除外) Assessor (except tax)
- 助理評估師 Assistant appraiser
- 汽車鑑定師 Automobile appraiser
- 建築估價師 Building appraiser
- 商業評估師 Business appraiser
- 企業估值官 Business valuation officer
- 商業評估師 Business valuator
- 加拿大住宅估價師(CRA) Canadian residential appraiser (CRA)
- 特許評估師 Chartered appraiser
- 特許商業評估師(CBV) Chartered business valuator (CBV)
- 漁船鑑定師 Fishing vessels appraiser
- 家具估價師 Furniture appraiser
- 保險公估師 Insurance appraiser
- 市政評估員 Municipal assessor
- 財產評估師 Property appraiser
- 財產評估員 Property assessor
- 房產估價師 Property valuator
- 房地產分析師 Real estate analyst
- 房地產估價技術員 Real estate appraisal technician
- 房地產估價師 Real estate appraiser
- 房地產評估師 Real estate assessor
- 估值顧問 Valuation consultant
- 估價師-估價師 Valuator-appraiser
不包括职称 Exclusions
- 金融與投資分析師 Financial and investment analysts (11101)
- 珠寶估價師(珠寶商、珠寶和手錶修理工及相關職業)Jewellery appraiser (in 62202 Jewellers, jewellery and watch repairers and related occupations )
- 通行權代理; 土地代理人(採購代理人和官員)Right-of-way agent; land agent (in 12102 Procurement and purchasing agents and officers)
- 市場分析師 – 非財務(業務發展官員和市場研究人員和分析師)Market analyst – non-financial (in 41402 Business development officers and market researchers and analysts)
- 財務審計師和會計師 Financial auditors and accountants (11100)
- 保險理賠員和索賠審查員 Insurance adjusters and claims examiners (12201)
- 物業管理員 Property administrators (13101)