NOC 3125 健康診斷和治療的其他專業職業 (Other Professional Occupations In Health Diagnosing And Treating)


簡介 Intro


This unit group includes health professionals who diagnose and treat the diseases and injuries of patients and who are not elsewhere classified. This includes doctors of podiatric medicine, chiropodists and podiatrists, naturopaths, orthoptists and osteopaths. They work in private practices, clinics and hospitals.

Chiropodist and podiatrist titles are used interchangeably in some provinces, although the title podiatrist is becoming more common. The use of the podiatrist job title does not necessarily refer to doctors of podiatric medicine (D.P.M.).

Orthoptists often work as part of a medical team which includes ophthalmologists, opticians and other ophthalmic medical personnel.

Orthoptists may also be trained as ophthalmic technicians or technologists.

Osteopaths may obtain a licence as general practitioners.

Osteopaths have full scope of practice in New Brunswick, Quebec and Alberta, and limited scope of practice (to practise osteopathic manipulative medicine) in Ontario and Saskatchewan.

There are two licences in British Columbia for osteopaths – one allows the doctor of osteopathy full scope of practice rights, while the other limits practice to osteopathic manipulative medicine.

主要職責 Main Duties

  • 足科醫生是初級保健從業人員,他們診斷人體足部疾病,畸形和受傷情況,並與患者溝通診斷結果。他們使用吊帶,鑄件,盾牌,矯形器,物理療法,或處方藥為患者治療。足科醫生也可以進行前腳掌的骨頭和腳皮下軟組織的手術。
  • Doctors of podiatric medicine are primary care practitioners who diagnose diseases, deformities and injuries of the human foot and communicate diagnoses to patients. They treat patients using braces, casts, shields, orthotic devices, physical therapy, or prescribed medications. Doctors of podiatric medicine may also perform surgery on the bones of the forefoot and the subcutaneous soft tissues of the foot.
  • 足部治療師和持有學位證書或一級培訓的足病醫生診斷人體足部疾病,畸形和受傷,並使用吊帶,鑄件,盾牌,矯形器,物理療法和皮下軟組織腳部手術為患者治療。
  • Chiropodists and diploma or first-degree trained podiatrists diagnose diseases, deformities and injuries of the human foot and treat patients using braces, casts, shields, orthotic devices, physical therapy and subcutaneous soft-tissue foot surgery.
  • 自然療法診斷病人的疾病和失調,並採用自然的方法進行醫治,如針灸,推拿,脊柱推拿,按摩,水療,中藥材,生化治療,臨床營養,順勢療法和治療期間的輔導。
  • Naturopaths diagnose patients’ diseases and disorders and employ natural methods of healing such as acupuncture and acupressure, spinal manipulation, reflexology, hydrotherapy, herbal medicines, biochemical therapy, clinical nutrition, homeopathy and counselling in their treatment.
  • 視覺矯正師與眼科醫生共同工作,進行專門的視力測試來衡量和評估患者雙眼視力缺陷或異常的眼球運動,從而提供如眼保健操或修補方案等處方治療眼科疾病的診斷和治療。
  • Orthoptists work alongside ophthalmologists in the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders by performing specialized eye tests to measure and assess defective binocular vision or abnormal eye movement in patients and prescribing treatment such as eye exercises or patching regimens.
  • 整骨或骨科醫生採用推拿療法,藥物治療或手術治療,診斷肌肉,骨骼,循環系統和神經系統疾病和損傷。
  • Osteopaths or osteopathic physicians diagnose disorders and injuries of the musculo-skeletal, circulatory and nervous systems and treat patients with manipulative therapy, medications or surgery.

任職要求 Employment Requirements

足科醫生(D.P.M.) Doctors of podiatric medicine (D.P.M.)

  • 在美國和魁北克,足科醫生通常要求完成學識學位課程後,還必須完成為期四年的足病醫學博士學位課程。
  • A four-year doctoral degree program in podiatric medicine available in the United States and in Quebec, normally following completion of a bachelor’s degree program, is required.
  • 在艾伯塔省和不列顛哥倫比亞省,要求具有醫療居留權。
  • A medical residency is required in Alberta and British Columbia.
  • 在魁北克省,安大略省,阿爾伯塔省和不列顛哥倫比亞省,足病醫學(DPM)學位的醫生需要進行腳病學實踐。
  • A doctor of podiatric medicine (D.P.M.) degree is required to practise podiatry in Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.

足科醫師 Chiropodists and podiatrists

  • 在加拿大,獲得為期三年的趾甲學文憑(DCH)
  • A three-year diploma program in chiropody (DCh) obtained in Canada
  • 通常需要在國外獲得的足病醫學(D.Pod.M.)(英國)第一學位課程。
  • A first-degree program in podiatric medicine (D.Pod.M.) obtained abroad (United Kingdom) is usually required.
  • 在安大略省,魁北克省,新不倫瑞克省,馬尼托巴省,薩斯喀徹溫省,阿爾伯塔省和不列顛哥倫比亞省需要持有許可證。
  • A licence is required in New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.

自然療法 Naturopaths

  • 必需取得大學預醫學科學學位。
  • A university degree in pre-medical science is required.
  • 完成國外大學自然療法課程
  • Completion of a university program in naturopathic medicine, obtained abroad
  • 必需完成私人機構的為期四年的自然療法課程。
  • A four-year program in naturopathic medicine from a private institute is required.
  • 在安大略省,馬尼托巴省,薩斯喀徹溫省和不列顛哥倫比亞省,要求持有許可證。
  • A licence is required in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia.

視覺矯正 Orthoptists

  • 要求取得大學本科學歷,並完成一個為期兩年的視覺矯正培訓項目。
  • A bachelor’s degree and completion of a two-year accredited training program in orthoptics are required.
  • 必須取得加拿大視覺矯正委員會的認證。
  • Certification with the Canadian Orthoptic Council is required.
  • 要求開展繼續教育取得加拿大視覺矯正協會頒發的新證。
  • Continuing education is required for recertification with the Canadian Orthoptic Council.

整骨 Osteopaths

  • 必須具備大學本科學歷方可進行骨病醫生課程的學習。
  • A bachelor’s degree is required for admission to a doctor of osteopathy program.
  • 完成為期四年的骨科醫學項目才可以成為骨病學士學位醫生
  • A four-year program in osteopathic medicine leading to a doctor of osteopathy degree
  • 要求為期一年的住院醫師經驗。這些資格通常在美國獲得。
  • A one-year medical residency are required. These qualifications are usually obtained in the United States.
  • 在新不倫瑞克省,魁北克省,安大略省,薩斯喀徹溫省,阿爾伯塔省和不列顛哥倫比亞省,需要許可證。
  • A licence is required in New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.

所有職稱 All Titles

  • 首席視覺矯正師 chief orthoptist
  • 手足病醫生 chiropodist
  • 臨床視覺矯正師 clinical orthoptist
  • D.P.M. (足病醫學博士) D.P.M. (doctor of podiatric medicine)
  • 自然療法醫生 doctor of naturopathic medicine
  • 自然療法醫生 doctor of naturopathy
  • 骨科醫學博士 doctor of osteopathic medicine
  • 醫生骨病 doctor of osteopathy
  • 醫生足病藥(D.P.M.) doctor of podiatric medicine (D.P.M.)
  • 足部專家 foot specialist
  • 自然療法 naturopath
  • 自然療法醫生(ND) naturopathic doctor (ND)
  • 自然療法醫師 naturopathic physician
  • 自然療法醫生(ND) ND (naturopathic doctor)
  • 視覺矯正 orthoptist
  • 整骨 osteopath
  • 骨科醫生 osteopathic doctor
  • 骨科醫師 osteopathic physician
  • 足科醫生 podiatrist
  • 教學視覺矯正 teaching orthoptist

不包括職稱 Exclusions

  • 脊醫 Chiropractors 3122
  • 全科醫生和家庭醫生 General practitioners and family physicians 3112
  • 自然癒合執業 Practitioners of natural healing 3232
  • 專科醫師 Specialist physicians 3111




项目类别 线上申请
48 天
117 天
超级签证 106 天
13 周
17 周
境内学签续签 131 天
毕业工签境外申请 11 周
毕业工签境内申请 145 天
145 天
5 个月
12 个月
48 个月
5 个月
40 个月
13 个月
24 个月
6 个月
25 天
62 天




