标签: 加拿大
NOC 9618 鱼类和海产品加工劳动者 (Labourers in fish and seafood)
Labourers in this unit group perform clean-up, packaging, material handling and other elemental activities related to fish and seafood processing. They are employed in fish and seafood processing and packaging plants.
加拿大旅游签证(旅游,探亲,商务) / Visitor Visa
加拿大旅游签证也可称为加拿大访客签证, Canadian Travel Visa 或 Temporary Resident Visa (TRV),是指颁发给想要访问加拿大的旅客签证。访客签证包含旅游签证,探亲签证和商务访问等。办理加拿大签证一般是不需要面试的,有效期可长达10年,也可选择多次往返或单次入境。