簡介 Intro
Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers in the following unit groups: Library Assistants and Clerks 1451, Correspondence, Publication and Regulatory Clerks 1452 and Survey Interviewers and Statistical Clerks 1454. They are employed throughout the private and public sectors.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 協調,分配和審查從事下列職責的職員工作:進行問卷調查和訪談;收集和編制統計資料;執照,護照和其他規範性文件的編制和發行; 重新上架書籍和執行其他任務的圖書館;寫書信,包括電子郵件和準備翻譯和出版的材料
- Co-ordinate, assign and review the work of clerks engaged in the following duties: conducting surveys and interviews; collecting and compiling statistics; preparing and issuing licenses, passports and other regulatory documents; reshelving books and performing other tasks in libraries; writing correspondence including e-mails and preparing material for translation and publication
- 建立工作時間表和程序,並協調與其他工作單位或部門的活動
- Establish work schedules and procedures and co-ordinate activities with other work units or departments
- 解決工作相關的問題,監測由辦事員和代理商提供的服務,並準備和提交進度報告及其他報告
- Resolve work-related problems, monitor services provided by clerks and agents, and prepare and submit progress and other reports
- 培訓工作人員工作職責和公司政策
- Train workers in job duties and company policies
- 徵用物資和材料
- Requisition supplies and materials
- 保證計算機系統和設備順利進行,並安排維護和修理工作
- Ensure smooth operation of computer systems and equipment and arrange for maintenance and repair work
- 可以執行與受領導工人相同的工作。
- May perform the same duties as workers supervised.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 必需完成中學學業。
- Completion of secondary school is required.
- 可能需要完成與監管區域有關的大學課程。
- Completion of college courses related to area supervised may be required.
- 通常必需具有領監督的文職經驗。
- Experience in the clerical occupation supervised is usually required.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 廣告文員主管 advertising clerks supervisor
- 普查區域經理 census area manager
- 普查區域經理助理 census area manager assistant
- 人口普查專員 census commissioner
- 人口普查專員助理 census commissioner assistant
- 普查區經理 census district manager
- 通信員主管 communication clerks supervisor
- 版權許可主管 copyright clearance supervisor
- 對應辦事員主管 correspondence clerks supervisor
- 法庭記者主管 court reporters supervisor
- 海關文員主管 customs clerks supervisor
- 指紋分類主管 fingerprint classifier supervisor
- 法律檔案保管員主管 law archivists supervisor
- 法律服務記錄作家主管 legal services record writers supervisor
- 圖書館文員主管 library clerks supervisor
- 主管庫貸款 library loans supervisor
- 許可證文員主管 licence clerks supervisor
- 貸款主管,圖書館 loans supervisor, library
- 護照辦公室主任 passport office supervisor
- 輿論面試主管 public opinion interviewers supervisor
- 出版辦事員主管 publication clerks supervisor
- 普查區域經理 regional census manager
- 統計文員主管 statistical clerks supervisor
- 主管,廣告文員 supervisor, advertising clerks
- 主管,通信員 supervisor, communication clerks
- 主管,版權許可 supervisor, copyright clearance
- 主管,對應辦事員 supervisor, correspondence clerks
- 主管,法庭記者 supervisor, court reporters
- 主管,報關文員 supervisor, customs clerks
- 主管,指紋分類 supervisor, fingerprint classifier
- 主管,法律檔案保管員 supervisor, law archivists
- 主管,法律服務記錄作家 supervisor, legal services record writers
- 主管,圖書館職員 supervisor, library clerks
- 主管,牌照辦事員 supervisor, licence clerks
- 主管,護照辦公室 supervisor, passport office
- 主管,輿論面試 supervisor, public opinion interviewers
- 主管,出版辦事員 supervisor, publication clerks
- 主管,統計文員 supervisor, statistical clerks
- 主管,調查訪問員 supervisor, survey interviewers
- 調查面試主管 survey interviewers supervisor
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 圖書館 Librarians 5111
- 圖書館和公共的歸檔技術人員 Library and public archive technicians 5211
- 主管,郵件和消息分發的職業 Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations 1214