簡介 Intro
Payroll clerks collect, verify and process payroll information and determine pay and benefit entitlements for employees within a department, company or other establishment. They are employed by payroll administration companies and by establishments throughout the private and public sectors.
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.
主要職責 Main Duties
- 使用手動或電腦系統,維護員工考勤,休假和加班計算工資及福利方面的記錄
- Maintain records of employee attendance, leave and overtime to calculate pay and benefit entitlements, in Canadian and other currencies, using manual or computerized systems
- 為員工準備和驗證盈利報表,說明毛利率和淨工資以及扣除部分諸如稅收,工會會費,被扣保險和養老金計劃
- Prepare and verify statements of earnings for employees, indicating gross and net salaries and deductions such as taxes, union dues, garnishments and insurance and pension plans
- 通過支票或電子轉賬,準備僱員佣金和紅利金
- Prepare employee payments and benefit payments by cheque or electronic transfer
- 完善,檢驗和處理福利的表格和文件管理,如養老金計劃,休假,股份儲蓄,就業和醫療保險
- Complete, verify and process forms and documentation for administration of benefits such as pension plans, leaves, share savings, employment and medical insurance
- 準備T4報表及其他報表
- Prepare T4 statements and other statements
- 向員工提供給有關工資事宜,福利計劃和集體協議的規定的相關信息
- Provide information to employees on payroll matters, benefit plans and collective agreement provisions
- 編譯與支付和福利賬戶相關的統計報告,報表和摘要
- Compile statistical reports, statements, and summaries related to pay and benefits accounts
- 準備和結算期末報告,並調和發行的就業人數到銀行對賬單。
- Prepare and balance period-end reports and reconcile issued payrolls to bank statements.
任職要求 Employment Requirements
- 通常需要完成中學學業。
- Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- 完成會計,簿記或薪資管理大學或其他課程
- Completion of college or other courses in accounting, bookkeeping or payroll administration
- 或者通常需要金融職員的經驗。
- Experience as a financial clerk is usually required.
- 可能需要薪資協會認證。
- Payroll association certification may be required.
所有職稱 All Titles
- 帳戶記錄員 – 工資 account records clerk – payroll
- 助理工資出納員 assistant paymaster
- 福利及退休金計劃人員 benefits and pension plan officer
- 福利人員 benefits officer
- 支付會計文員 pay accounts clerk
- 支付顧問 pay advisor
- 薪酬和福利管理員 pay and benefits administrator
- 薪酬和福利職員 pay and benefits clerk
- 支付職員 pay clerk
- 工資驗證員 pay verifier
- 工資管理員 payroll administrator
- 工資職員 payroll clerk
- 薪資機器操作員 payroll machine operator
- 工資人員 payroll officer
- 工資管理人員 salary administration officer
- 養老金業務員 – 政府 superannuation clerk – government
- 計時員 – 工資 timekeeper – payroll
不包括職稱 Exclusions
- 人力資源和招聘人員 Human resources and recruitment officers 1223
- 人事文員 Personnel clerks 1415
- 監事薪資文員(主管,金融保險業的上班族) Supervisors of payroll clerks (in 1212 Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers )